Monoprice Digital to Analog Audio Converter
Product # 6884
UPC # 844660068846
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Is there any delay in the converted audio or still in synch with the TV video?
A shopper
on Apr 7, 2019
BEST ANSWER: I had problems setting it up with a late model digital Sony TV and an old analog Bose 321 unit. I attribute it to pilot error, not the converter. I never noticed any delay, but the the connection was intermittent and now I'm just using the TV audio until I have the time to mess with it further or update to a receiver with native digital support.
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- Diogenes on Apr 7, 2019
- Purchased on Apr 27, 2018
BEST ANSWER: I had problems setting it up with a late model digital Sony TV and an old analog Bose 321 unit. I attribute it to pilot error, not the converter. I never noticed any delay, but the the connection was intermittent and now I'm just using the TV audio until I have the time to mess with it further or update to a receiver with native digital support.
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- Diogenes on Apr 7, 2019
- Purchased on Apr 27, 2018
Hello: Unfortunately, I never could get mine to work. I think it is due to my Blu Player. It may have an issue. I tried all of my back connections on my Receiver, but I could never hear any sound. Yes, I was rather disappointed, but I only wanted this for if I wanted to use headphones through my Receiver.
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- Mark B on Apr 8, 2019
- Purchased on Oct 23, 2018
I haven't noticed any delay between my projector video and the audio. Given the frequency of the Blu-ray PWM output, and the speed of modern D:A's, that wasn't unexpected.
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- Kevin M on Apr 7, 2019
- Purchased on Oct 14, 2018
I experienced no delay but, to be fair, the sound quality is what you can reasonably expect from a twenty dollar device.
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- W D on Apr 7, 2019
- Purchased on May 6, 2018
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Is there a 3mm headphone jack on the output side?
Jeff S
on Jan 7, 2021
BEST ANSWER: No, there is not a 3mm headphone jack. The output is Right and Left RCA jacks.
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- Bruce F on Jan 8, 2021
- Purchased on Aug 23, 2020
BEST ANSWER: No, there is not a 3mm headphone jack. The output is Right and Left RCA jacks.
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- Bruce F on Jan 8, 2021
- Purchased on Aug 23, 2020
No, there is only an RCA left/right output on the converter.
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- Steve Bishop B on Jan 7, 2021
- Purchased on Dec 12, 2020
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does it come with optical cable and power cable?
A shopper
on Apr 28, 2020
BEST ANSWER: Comes with power supply.
Does not come with audio cable.
See user manual on website.
Does not come with audio cable.
See user manual on website.
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- Alex A on Apr 28, 2020
- Purchased on Dec 8, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Comes with power supply.
Does not come with audio cable.
See user manual on website.
Does not come with audio cable.
See user manual on website.
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- Alex A on Apr 28, 2020
- Purchased on Dec 8, 2019
Optical Cable: No
Power Cable: Yes
I also purchased the following cables.
Power Cable: Yes
I also purchased the following cables.

Monoprice Premium S/PDIF (Toslink) Digital Optical Audio Cable, 3ft

Monoprice 3ft Premium 2 RCA Plug/2 RCA Plug M/M 22AWG Cable, Black
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- DAVID H on Apr 29, 2020
- Purchased on Nov 1, 2019
The unit I purchased came with a 5V power supply. No optical cable.
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- Stephen S on Apr 28, 2020
- Purchased on Aug 6, 2019
no it doesnt come with optical cable, it does come with power supply
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- Guest on Apr 28, 2020
- Purchased on Sep 17, 2019
Power cable yes optical cable no
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- Brooks B on Apr 28, 2020
- Purchased on Jun 20, 2019
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Can I connect external powered speakers via the digital audio out with the converter and will I be able to control the speaker volume with the tv remote?
A shopper
on Jan 2, 2017
BEST ANSWER: If your TV has analog outs AND the speaker settings have the VARIABLE option, connect the amplified speakers (such as computer speakers) to an RCA male to 3.5 mm male stereo Y adaptor which you can get on Monoprice and set the TV speakers to OFF. That way the TV remote will control the volume of the external speakers. The digital to analog converter is not needed useless in this case.
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- Leo H on Nov 23, 2017
- Purchased on Oct 29, 2017
BEST ANSWER: If your TV has analog outs AND the speaker settings have the VARIABLE option, connect the amplified speakers (such as computer speakers) to an RCA male to 3.5 mm male stereo Y adaptor which you can get on Monoprice and set the TV speakers to OFF. That way the TV remote will control the volume of the external speakers. The digital to analog converter is not needed useless in this case.
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- Leo H on Nov 23, 2017
- Purchased on Oct 29, 2017
What goes in will come out volume wise. Unless the analog audio source has a volume control or is controlled by its own wireless remote you will not have volume control with this device alone.
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- Ira W on Aug 3, 2018
I have mine connected to my bose system and I can control the volume with the units remote or Tv remote
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- Darnell C on Jan 3, 2017
- Purchased on May 19, 2016
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What is the Toslink to Analog L/R conversion delay?
New User U
on Feb 6, 2017
BEST ANSWER: I haven't notice any latency. I use it to convert the audio from my Apple TV. I tested it: the sound send via HDMI to the TV is in sync with the sound coming from my stereo system that use the converter.
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- Jacques B on Mar 9, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 28, 2016
BEST ANSWER: I haven't notice any latency. I use it to convert the audio from my Apple TV. I tested it: the sound send via HDMI to the TV is in sync with the sound coming from my stereo system that use the converter.
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- Jacques B on Mar 9, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 28, 2016
I have no specifically measured delays. But any delays it has are not significant enough to affect audio playback
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- Shannon R on Apr 18, 2017
Didn't measure it but it appears to be imperceptable. RCA analog to Toslink or coaxial S/PDIF.
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- Ira W on Aug 3, 2018
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Do you use standard rca cable on both sides?
Corey B
on Apr 13, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Yes. The output side has standard L/R analog audio out(RCA). The input side has both RCA(Coaxial) and Toslink(Optical) inputs. And of course there's a power jack & LED. Example Monoprice cables listed below. AC power adapter is included. You can also hook it up to USB for power(Not included, or sold by Monoprice as far as I know). Power demands are low (500mA) so it will power from any USB on TV or AV Receiver.
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- Jeremy G on Apr 13, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017

Monoprice 3ft High-quality Coaxial Audio/Video RCA CL2 Rated Cable M/M RG6U 75ohm Gold connector (for S/PDIF, Digital Coax, Subwoofer & Composite Video)

Monoprice Premium S/PDIF (Toslink) Digital Optical Audio Cable, 3ft

Monoprice 3ft Premium 2 RCA Plug/2 RCA Plug M/M 22AWG Cable, Black
BEST ANSWER: Yes. The output side has standard L/R analog audio out(RCA). The input side has both RCA(Coaxial) and Toslink(Optical) inputs. And of course there's a power jack & LED. Example Monoprice cables listed below. AC power adapter is included. You can also hook it up to USB for power(Not included, or sold by Monoprice as far as I know). Power demands are low (500mA) so it will power from any USB on TV or AV Receiver.
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- Jeremy G on Apr 13, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017

Monoprice 3ft High-quality Coaxial Audio/Video RCA CL2 Rated Cable M/M RG6U 75ohm Gold connector (for S/PDIF, Digital Coax, Subwoofer & Composite Video)

Monoprice Premium S/PDIF (Toslink) Digital Optical Audio Cable, 3ft

Monoprice 3ft Premium 2 RCA Plug/2 RCA Plug M/M 22AWG Cable, Black
Standard RCA on the output and either an optical cable or digital RCA on the input. The Digital RCA is usually Orange.
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- rick a on Apr 13, 2018
- Purchased on Jun 27, 2017
From the TV to the converter, I used fiber and from the converter to the receiver I used standard RCA.
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- Lisa M on Apr 13, 2018
- Purchased on May 21, 2017
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Can this be used to connect toslink or coaxial digital output on a DVD player to provide stereo analog inputs to a pre amp when listening to CD's?
Steven O
on Dec 25, 2020
BEST ANSWER: I would think it would work. In my application I used it to convert toslink digital output from a TV to stereo analog input to a stereo receiver.
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- Lonnie S on Dec 25, 2020
- Purchased on Jan 3, 2020
BEST ANSWER: I would think it would work. In my application I used it to convert toslink digital output from a TV to stereo analog input to a stereo receiver.
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- Lonnie S on Dec 25, 2020
- Purchased on Jan 3, 2020
Yes, it will work perfectly for that. We use it to connect our TV's digital output to a mixing board.
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- Bryn H on Dec 29, 2020
- Purchased on Jan 18, 2020
Yes, it will work perfect for that application.
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- Craig on Dec 25, 2020
- Purchased on Mar 13, 2020
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Does this go both ways? Can the Audio Out from a TV go through this to digital input at another location??
Pierce M
on Dec 11, 2017
BEST ANSWER: No. Digital side is input only and analog is only an output. You would need an analog to digital converter to do what you want.
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- Shea W on Dec 12, 2017
- Purchased on Dec 21, 2016
BEST ANSWER: No. Digital side is input only and analog is only an output. You would need an analog to digital converter to do what you want.
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- Shea W on Dec 12, 2017
- Purchased on Dec 21, 2016
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Do you know if this will work with Directv Gennie divices??
Luis V
on May 3, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Hi Luis, Our set-up is Xfinity X1 platform and it worked. I think the main thing is to have the right connections/cable ends. I am NOT an expert, but I would expect Monoprice's gizmo is meant to work with a variety of systems, as long as you have the right cables. Good Luck and I hope this helps.
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- Jane C on May 3, 2019
- Purchased on Jan 13, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Hi Luis, Our set-up is Xfinity X1 platform and it worked. I think the main thing is to have the right connections/cable ends. I am NOT an expert, but I would expect Monoprice's gizmo is meant to work with a variety of systems, as long as you have the right cables. Good Luck and I hope this helps.
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- Jane C on May 3, 2019
- Purchased on Jan 13, 2019
As long as you connect the proper inputs to the proper outputs it works fine. That's how I have it working. There is a possibility that you will experience a delay.
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- Todd C on May 3, 2019
- Purchased on Jan 21, 2019
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I mistakenly threw out the charger cord. Can I order a replacement or buy one locally?
A shopper
on Apr 12, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
Yes, so long as it is a 5V 1A power supply it would power this converter.
Yes, so long as it is a 5V 1A power supply it would power this converter.
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- Tyler C Staff on Feb 14, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
Yes, so long as it is a 5V 1A power supply it would power this converter.
Yes, so long as it is a 5V 1A power supply it would power this converter.
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- Tyler C Staff on Feb 14, 2019
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What is the output voltage of the RCAs?
Brian T
on May 18, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Zero volts. The RCA's are inputs! That said, they are looking for consumer audio levels around .5 to .7 volts typically but can be driven a little harder without clipping distortion.
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- Ira W on Aug 3, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Zero volts. The RCA's are inputs! That said, they are looking for consumer audio levels around .5 to .7 volts typically but can be driven a little harder without clipping distortion.
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- Ira W on Aug 3, 2018
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Will this improve the sound from an iphone to stereo? I would like a DAC to improve the sound quality of mp3 music files from my phone and pump it out my 2 channel stereo.
A shopper
on Jan 20, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
This would not improve audio quality, you would only experience a change in the type of audio you get out of the converter.
This would not improve audio quality, you would only experience a change in the type of audio you get out of the converter.
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- Tyler C Staff on Aug 19, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
This would not improve audio quality, you would only experience a change in the type of audio you get out of the converter.
This would not improve audio quality, you would only experience a change in the type of audio you get out of the converter.
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- Tyler C Staff on Aug 19, 2019
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What resolution does it have? 16 bits?
A shopper
on Apr 20, 2024
BEST ANSWER: Not exactly sure what the analog resolution on the output is, but it's a moot point as I can't get it to work, might be my TV digital output.
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- George F on Apr 20, 2024
- Purchased on Sep 13, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Not exactly sure what the analog resolution on the output is, but it's a moot point as I can't get it to work, might be my TV digital output.
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- George F on Apr 20, 2024
- Purchased on Sep 13, 2023
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Will this work with the orange output jack on the back of a directv box? It has this one audio output jack - I want to run some amplified speakers off of this jack to play audio. Please explain what type of converter I need if it is not this one. Thanks
on Mar 25, 2018
I see there's no on/off switch, according to the manual. So if I leave it plugged into the electric outlet even when the TV is off, will the converter still be drawing power from the electric outlet? And if so, how much electricity would I be passively wasting?
A shopper
on Nov 25, 2018
Can I purchase the power supply adapter for this product?
A shopper
on May 16, 2020
I just received this converter in the mail.
I have optical out via Toslink to the converter. RCA out to a Bluetooth device. Attempting to pair my Bluetooth speaker. It’s currently working when I use the 3.5mm cable into the speaker. No success via Bluetooth. Any help is appreciated?
I have optical out via Toslink to the converter. RCA out to a Bluetooth device. Attempting to pair my Bluetooth speaker. It’s currently working when I use the 3.5mm cable into the speaker. No success via Bluetooth. Any help is appreciated?
Paul P
on Jul 13, 2020
I have the Monoprice SB-200SW Premium Slim Soundbar, but I want more punch from the bass. Can I use this sub with a Digital Optical Audio Cable split to feed the soundbar and the sub with a Monoprice S/PDIF (Toslink) Digital Optical Audio Splitter and a conversion from digital to analog for the RCA cable connection to the sub?
James C
on Nov 22, 2022

Monoprice Digital to Analog Audio Converter

Monoprice S/PDIF (Toslink) Digital Optical Audio Splitter

Monoprice S/PDIF (Toslink) Digital Optical Audio Cable, 35ft

Monoprice 12in 150-Watt Powered Subwoofer, Black

Monolith by Monoprice 9ft RCA Cable
4.6 / 5.0
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Rated 4 out of 5
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Rated 5 out of 5
The device does just what I wanted . I take an optical cable from TV to my receiver to play sound through receiver .
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Rated 5 out of 5
It worked to resolve a connection problem with our new TV.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Digital to Analog Audio Converter allowed me to add streaming input to my vintage audio receiver
The Monoprice Digital to Analog is the perfect component allowing me to use an older streaming Apple TV (digital audio out) as a streaming input to my vintage Kenwood Receiver (RCA stereo Analog inputs). Easy to set up, reliable to use. Thanks for another great product!
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Rated 5 out of 5
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Rated 2 out of 5
It Does what it?s supposed to do, BUT?
It does what it?s supposed to do, but if you don?t have a remote to your studio monitors then you can?t adjust the volume which is annoying. If anything you should get a dac or premamp with a remote if your speakers don?t have one.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Works great to send sound from tv through to my 1985 Pioneer stereo's 12" speakers.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Digital to analog converter
I received the converter and coaxial cables (ordered separately/cables do NOT come with the converter). The quality of the product is instantly visually obvious. Instruction were extremely clear. I connected the unit and instantly had fantastic, clean crisp, audio from the speakers I had connected to my receiver. I was very excited because I had been trying, for a long time, to get audio through my receiver but could not because the receiver only had analog inputs. This converter made it happen! I highly recommend this converter and Monoprice, they are an outstanding company.
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Rated 4 out of 5
Great product, great price, quick delivery I will be buying from Monoprice again.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Not the first one i have bought, just the right size
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