Monoprice 6-Outlet Rotating Wall Tap Surge Protector, 2160 Joules, Clamping Voltage 500V
Product # 15876
UPC # 889028039854
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Will this surge protector work with a GFCI outlet? (I realize that the anchor screw won't work -- mostly curious if it will stay in place.)
Ben S
on Sep 24, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Yes. I just tried it in one of mine and it worked fine.. As long as the outlet is in good shape and still tight, it should stay in place.
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- Gary H on Sep 24, 2019
- Purchased on Dec 10, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Yes. I just tried it in one of mine and it worked fine.. As long as the outlet is in good shape and still tight, it should stay in place.
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- Gary H on Sep 24, 2019
- Purchased on Dec 10, 2018
I would think it is all about the "grip" the surge protector blades receive from the GFCI receptacle. Positioning of the surge protector also would come into play, i.e., not cantilevered or upside down, but downward against the wall/cabinet.
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- Harry M L on Sep 24, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 7, 2018
The device will work with the outlet and for he most part stay plugged in. One thing to watch that it does not interfere with the operation of the GCFI outlet buttons.
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- D Lamar O on Sep 24, 2019
- Purchased on May 2, 2019
I think so you might have to cut off the little plastic tab in the backEnter an answer to this question.
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- Joel on Sep 24, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 19, 2018
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If the outlet is wired "cross phase" i.e. The top plug is one circuit, and the bottom plug is another, meaning that hot to hot they are (potentially up to) 240 volts, will this device function? I'm hoping that each row of three is from the individual circuits.
Robert C
on Mar 5, 2017
BEST ANSWER: No because the device is only rated for 120V. Additionally, power for the six outlets is provided by a single outlet (what would be the "top one"), despite blocking both outlets on a standard two plug wall plate.
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- Aaron D K on Mar 7, 2017
- Purchased on Oct 4, 2016
BEST ANSWER: No because the device is only rated for 120V. Additionally, power for the six outlets is provided by a single outlet (what would be the "top one"), despite blocking both outlets on a standard two plug wall plate.
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- Aaron D K on Mar 7, 2017
- Purchased on Oct 4, 2016
There is only one 3 prong plug therefore what you are looking for is not possible with this.
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- Adrian G on Mar 5, 2017
- Purchased on Sep 16, 2016
I was confused to. Grounded LED lit up RED. So usually red is no good but in this case red means grounded?
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- Thanh T on Jul 4, 2019
- Purchased on Jul 1, 2019
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What does the IIIP on the face stand for?
A shopper
on Apr 12, 2017
BEST ANSWER: That's Monoprice's logo.
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- Jordan L on May 25, 2017
- Purchased on May 25, 2017
BEST ANSWER: That's Monoprice's logo.
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- Jordan L on May 25, 2017
- Purchased on May 25, 2017
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1. Does this device block the other outlet? 2. If you plug into top outlet can you rotate it upwards, so the bottom plug is still available?
Rajmund R
on Jul 17, 2020
BEST ANSWER: 1. Yes, if in bottom outlet only an ungrounded plug has room to fit in the top outlet. 2. You cannot rotate it in the socket. The receptacles on the protector rotate outward to allow room for easy access.
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- Catricia M on Jul 14, 2021
- Purchased on Mar 23, 2021
BEST ANSWER: 1. Yes, if in bottom outlet only an ungrounded plug has room to fit in the top outlet. 2. You cannot rotate it in the socket. The receptacles on the protector rotate outward to allow room for easy access.
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- Catricia M on Jul 14, 2021
- Purchased on Mar 23, 2021
1. Yes, it blocks the other outlet unless you have a very skinny cord/plug-in.
2. No, you cannot rotate it upward (nor can you rotate the unit itself since it is three-pronged).
2. No, you cannot rotate it upward (nor can you rotate the unit itself since it is three-pronged).
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- John H on Jul 14, 2021
- Purchased on Jan 25, 2021
1. Yes it blocks 2. No, you cant rotate its fixed.
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- J G on Jul 14, 2021
- Purchased on Apr 12, 2021
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If the surge protector is tripped how do you reset it?
on Aug 20, 2020
BEST ANSWER: There is no exterior reset button, so im assuming it resets itself internally, which means it probably has an x number of available internal resets. I calculate the watts of the devices connected to it so as to not exceed the capacity of the surge protector, it has not tripped so far & I believe I've owned them for about a year now.
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- Frederick a on Aug 20, 2020
- Purchased on Jan 28, 2020
BEST ANSWER: There is no exterior reset button, so im assuming it resets itself internally, which means it probably has an x number of available internal resets. I calculate the watts of the devices connected to it so as to not exceed the capacity of the surge protector, it has not tripped so far & I believe I've owned them for about a year now.
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- Frederick a on Aug 20, 2020
- Purchased on Jan 28, 2020
If it needs to be reset or is blown completely it just saved you thousands of dollars for whatever electronics you had plugged into it, Smile and buy another one!
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- New User U on Apr 4, 2021
P.S. This surge protector can handle 2160 watts per second.
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- Frederick a on Aug 20, 2020
- Purchased on Jan 28, 2020
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is there a breakdown on the Diagnostic LEDs for this product? there was no manual included in the box for product 15876. How to tell if the AC outlet the product is plugged into is properly grounded or not?
Marc C
on Feb 7, 2018
BEST ANSWER: I haven't plugged it into an improperly grounded outlet to see how it responds. But if you have concerns about a particular outlet, remove the face plate and use a flashlight if necessary to see if it is connected to a grounding wire. Old houses were occasionally improperly wired; if you are in an old structure you should check this out in any case. Anything built within the last fifty years or so should be up to code. Likewise you should check the amperage rating of the circuit to be suer it can support the devices you intend to plug into it through this multi-plug.
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- B. Jefferson L on Feb 7, 2018
- Purchased on May 28, 2017
I'm not certain as to how old the house is actually. I inherited this house from my mother when she passed away so not certain on age of house. You did give a technical response..I'm not one to tinker inside wall plating personally. I am just interested if there are specific LED lighting codes for the product..atm I only see 1 Green and 1 Red, and I am interested to know if there are other LED specific display codes other users of this device should be aware of since there is no manual (at least I did not receive one with mine).
BEST ANSWER: I haven't plugged it into an improperly grounded outlet to see how it responds. But if you have concerns about a particular outlet, remove the face plate and use a flashlight if necessary to see if it is connected to a grounding wire. Old houses were occasionally improperly wired; if you are in an old structure you should check this out in any case. Anything built within the last fifty years or so should be up to code. Likewise you should check the amperage rating of the circuit to be suer it can support the devices you intend to plug into it through this multi-plug.
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- B. Jefferson L on Feb 7, 2018
- Purchased on May 28, 2017
I'm not certain as to how old the house is actually. I inherited this house from my mother when she passed away so not certain on age of house. You did give a technical response..I'm not one to tinker inside wall plating personally. I am just interested if there are specific LED lighting codes for the product..atm I only see 1 Green and 1 Red, and I am interested to know if there are other LED specific display codes other users of this device should be aware of since there is no manual (at least I did not receive one with mine).
If the lights illuminate, you're in good shape. If not, you have a problem with your wiring.
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- Paul H on Sep 1, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 21, 2018
Not as helpful, but thanks. was hoping for a response from Monoprice staff..since I am still curious to know if there are any specific LED codes other users should be aware of using this product. Since all that I see usually from the product is 1 Green lit LED and 1 Red lit LED. Since there was no manual included with mine, I wished to know if the LEDs display any other combinations of red and green and if they have meaning. Kinda like a warning.
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When the red "grounded" light is on, does that mean the unit is properly grounded or does it mean there is a problem with grounding (since red light is normally a warning signal)? I am a little concerned that the lights are always on all four units I purchased. If it is supposed to be on all the time, I wish it was green instead of warning red.
on Aug 11, 2019
BEST ANSWER: I have three of these and all have both LEDs on. It appears that the red light being on means that the unit is grounded properly. I hope I'm right, otherwise, it'd mean that my home's wiring is wrong :)
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- Fabricio M on Aug 11, 2019
- Purchased on Apr 22, 2018
BEST ANSWER: I have three of these and all have both LEDs on. It appears that the red light being on means that the unit is grounded properly. I hope I'm right, otherwise, it'd mean that my home's wiring is wrong :)
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- Fabricio M on Aug 11, 2019
- Purchased on Apr 22, 2018
My outlet is new and properly grounded. Both leds are lit on my unit when it was plugged in.
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- Hon L on Aug 4, 2020
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Does the back plug rotate 90 degrees for sideways mounted wall outlets?
Brian R
on Aug 8, 2020
BEST ANSWER: The 6 plug in outlets rotate 90 degrees. The back plug (where you insert the unit into a wall plug) does not rotate. I really like this item.
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- Gary De Y on Jul 5, 2021
- Purchased on Dec 20, 2020
BEST ANSWER: The 6 plug in outlets rotate 90 degrees. The back plug (where you insert the unit into a wall plug) does not rotate. I really like this item.
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- Gary De Y on Jul 5, 2021
- Purchased on Dec 20, 2020
No. The plug is rigid with the ground plug at the bottom.
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- Jeffrey K on Jul 5, 2021
- Purchased on Apr 30, 2017
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Where is this device made?
A shopper
on Mar 2, 2019
BEST ANSWER: On the bottom it says it's made in China
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- Fabricio M on Mar 2, 2019
- Purchased on Apr 22, 2018
BEST ANSWER: On the bottom it says it's made in China
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- Fabricio M on Mar 2, 2019
- Purchased on Apr 22, 2018
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Does this product have a EMI/RFI filter? More expensive protectors include it and disclose it in their product description, making me think its NOT a standard feature and part of this IIIP product. Anyone know for sure?
jack r
on May 29, 2018
Is this provide 3 line AC (H-N, H-G and N-G) protection?
Jani J
on Aug 21, 2020
Hi Folks, does this unit offer any EMI rejection?
Paul H
on Jun 23, 2021
does it come in white?
A shopper
on Dec 20, 2021
On your 15876, that 500V Clamping voltage seems pretty high, particularly when compared to the 400V clamping voltage spec on many other surge protectors you sell. On surge protectors, is there some relationship between increasing joule ratings & increasing clamping voltage?
D Paul D
on Nov 3, 2022
Has anyone tested this to see if the joule rating is accurate? I understand the surge protection industry is rife with false claims -- even with "reputable" brands. And, a higher price isn't telling.
Philip C
on Jun 2, 2023

Monoprice 6-Outlet Rotating Wall Tap Surge Protector, 2160 Joules, Clamping Voltage 500V

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Monoprice 8-Outlet Rotating Surge Protector Power Strip - 2160 Joules, Clamping Voltage 330V L‑N, 400V L‑G, 400V N‑G
Clamping Voltage is 500V. What is typical for a surge protector?
Michael D
on Feb 23, 2024
4.8 / 5.0
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Rated 5 out of 5
Serve the purpose. Very convenient.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Perfect for behind furniture
I got this to provide power from a duplex receptacle located immediately behind a nightstand. With all of the electronics we currently use to charge devices or provide power, this allows me to keep the nightstand a nice distance from the wall and to keep the chargers/power supplies neat.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Good job!
I liked that my order went through in a timely manor and I received my order on time.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Useful surge protector
It works as needed! The rotating outlets are helpful in case you want to keep cords out of the way, or if a cord is juuust a little short. Cool, useful idea.
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Rated 2 out of 5
Unstable Design
I initially purchased because of the high joules rating, and the plugs swiveled.
Upon use though I found the device became more unstable as you plugged in more devices. As each plug was added, the combined weight of the plugs would begin pulling the device from the wall plug. I found it necessary to hold the device into the wall when adding or removing a plug. I found this action a tad unsafe needing to hold the device in place when adding or removing plugs. This device should have the center plate screw which would make this a fantastic device. Unfortunately, I would not recommend this product with its current design.
Upon use though I found the device became more unstable as you plugged in more devices. As each plug was added, the combined weight of the plugs would begin pulling the device from the wall plug. I found it necessary to hold the device into the wall when adding or removing a plug. I found this action a tad unsafe needing to hold the device in place when adding or removing plugs. This device should have the center plate screw which would make this a fantastic device. Unfortunately, I would not recommend this product with its current design.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Increased Functionality
I installed this on a wall outlet where both vertical and horizontal power cables are run. It was perfect for this application.
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Rated 5 out of 5
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Rated 5 out of 5
Excellent Outlet
Works great! Flexible positioning is wonderful.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Helpful device.
I like this. It?s exactly what I expected, and really helpful.
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