Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speaker Dual 5.25in Carbon Fiber Surround 2-way Vari-Angled (single)
Product # 13687
UPC # 889028017357
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Will these fit in a standard wall with 2x4s? It appears the depth is 6", but not sure.
Merrick M
on Dec 14, 2016
BEST ANSWER: No, the extra depth will require larger wall clearance than standard 2x4s.
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- Dave L Staff on Feb 7, 2017
BEST ANSWER: No, the extra depth will require larger wall clearance than standard 2x4s.
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- Dave L Staff on Feb 7, 2017
no they will not, they are too deep to fit in a normal wall cavity that is framed with 2x4s. I have a rear wall with 2x4 framing and drywall on each side. I believe the mounting depth is 5.5" from what I recall. I used 1X4s to create a picture frame around each speaker, basically a rectangle of 1x4 mounted over another rectangle of 1x4 to mount these. A 1x4 is .75" deep, so doubled up it added 1.5" to an existing 3.5" cavity taken up by the 2x4 giving 5" plus the thickness of drywall so I had plenty of depth to mount them. If you are planing on cutting a hole in the drywall and mounting these they will not work but if you can build a simple frame and attach it to studs then allow the speaker to mount to the frame it will.
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- Kevin K on Feb 8, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 21, 2016
No, they will not fit into a standard 2x4 wall. You could box out the wall to get the required depth. If you are in a basement, the exterior wall may have space between the stud wall and the foundation. These speakers sound great!
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- K G on Feb 7, 2017
- Purchased on Aug 24, 2016
These do have a pretty big backend(roughly about 6-7"").....i installed these up into my ceiling so i didn't run into any clearance issues but i think you may have an issue trying to install into a standard wall
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- Deandre S on Feb 8, 2017
- Purchased on Oct 20, 2016
No they will not fit. The housing is deeper even of you do not have the speaker angled. It is better for a deep wall alcove or ceiling application.
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- John on Feb 8, 2017
- Purchased on Jun 3, 2016
I nstalled one of these as a center speaker in the ceiling above my screen. It is too deep for 2x4 walls.
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- Jeff W on Feb 8, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 20, 2016
Ignore my answer. These are what I used in my ceiling. They work well there but would not fit a 2x4 wall.
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- Rob S on Feb 7, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 8, 2016
Unfortunately you need at least 6" clear. So even a 2x6 stud wall is pushing it.
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- STEVE P on Feb 8, 2017
- Purchased on Dec 23, 2016
i don't think it will fit, even when it is flat
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- Armin M on Mar 7, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 18, 2016
These did require around 6" of clearance so, no
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- Ben in Michigan on Feb 7, 2017
- Purchased on May 31, 2016
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Would these angle enough
to be used as a side rear surround?
to be used as a side rear surround?
A shopper
on Apr 8, 2020
BEST ANSWER: I'm using them as my rear surrounds and they work great, though even at the minimum angle you have to make sure you have the right distance for them to focus properly on where you're sitting. I think mine aren't quite far back enough, so are focused slightly in front of my prime sitting location, but it hasn't been enough to be a distraction, and I think the angle is still much better than if I'd just had flat speakers in the wall behind me.
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- David P on Apr 8, 2020
- Purchased on Nov 25, 2019
BEST ANSWER: I'm using them as my rear surrounds and they work great, though even at the minimum angle you have to make sure you have the right distance for them to focus properly on where you're sitting. I think mine aren't quite far back enough, so are focused slightly in front of my prime sitting location, but it hasn't been enough to be a distraction, and I think the angle is still much better than if I'd just had flat speakers in the wall behind me.
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- David P on Apr 8, 2020
- Purchased on Nov 25, 2019
Yes, they should. If installed on a parallel wall to the seating position, it can be angled towards the listening area if mounted behind the listener’s head. If installed on a wall behind the listener’s head, it can be angled towards the listening area. I think the speakers will angle at about 45 degrees
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- Adrian B on Apr 8, 2020
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2019
This depends on what angle you're listening position is at. Get a digital angle finder. 45 degrees is massive, same with 70 degrees. These are likely far "too much" angle. For me, I only needed 12 degrees off the wall.
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- Joshua W on Feb 4, 2023
Yes I think so, I’m using it as a single rear surround in a 6.1 setup. Sounds great
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- Michael J on Apr 9, 2020
- Purchased on Dec 2, 2019
Hard to say without seeing the location, they do have a decent level of adjustment.
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- lawrence R on Apr 8, 2020
- Purchased on Jan 26, 2020
It would depend on how wide, but I would think so.
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- Adam C. S on Apr 8, 2020
- Purchased on May 7, 2019
My basement is kind of narrow. It worked
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- Baburaj P on Apr 9, 2020
- Purchased on Mar 13, 2020
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can I install these on the side wall, and face to towards the back? so they can be used as my front speakers.
New User U
on Jan 15, 2021
BEST ANSWER: The cones sit at a roughly 45 degree angle, so you’d want to draw that out and see how your sound maps. I don’t see anything in the speaker that would prevent the installation you describe, it is just more a matter of the sound profile. Is there a particular reason not to put your front speakers on the front wall?
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- Scott B on Jan 15, 2021
- Purchased on Nov 27, 2020
There are windows on both side of the tv and the tv is too big for me to install the speakers next to it.
- Reply
- New User U on Jan 15, 2021
BEST ANSWER: The cones sit at a roughly 45 degree angle, so you’d want to draw that out and see how your sound maps. I don’t see anything in the speaker that would prevent the installation you describe, it is just more a matter of the sound profile. Is there a particular reason not to put your front speakers on the front wall?
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- Scott B on Jan 15, 2021
- Purchased on Nov 27, 2020
There are windows on both side of the tv and the tv is too big for me to install the speakers next to it.
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- New User U on Jan 15, 2021
These CAN be used like that but these speakers need 2x6 walls of open hollow walls behind drywall because of the depth of the swivel mechanism. When swiveled fully tilted they are their deepest. So u can use them for any type of application as long as u have the depth behind the drywall
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- Jp E on Jan 15, 2021
- Purchased on Dec 28, 2019
You should be able to,, i have them as ceiling rears and they sound amazing. Much better than I thought they would. You can change the angle a little bit to make the L and R.
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- steve s on Jan 15, 2021
- Purchased on Sep 26, 2020
Cant see why not. Speakers will be tilted towards you. I actually installed one in the ceiling above my TV as the center channel and it works fine.
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- Mohsen H on Jan 15, 2021
- Purchased on Nov 13, 2020
They could be installed in that fashion assuming your wall is deep enough. Check the depth specs first.
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- Donald P on Jan 15, 2021
- Purchased on Sep 20, 2020
Yes, the speakers are adjustable to point at the location you need them.
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- Daniel K on Jan 19, 2021
- Purchased on Mar 10, 2020
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Do these speakers include an enclosure, or do I need to provide one?
peter t
on Apr 3, 2017
BEST ANSWER: They do not do not come with any sort of enclosure. Monoprice sells a two different types of enclosures if you would like one, but I actually don't know if they will fit this model speaker due to size. I would research the reviews o of the enclosures or confirm with Monoprice before buying the enclosures for certain speakers, as I recall in some reviews that they don't fit all speaker models although the sizes seem compatible.
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- Truong D on Apr 3, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 11, 2016
BEST ANSWER: They do not do not come with any sort of enclosure. Monoprice sells a two different types of enclosures if you would like one, but I actually don't know if they will fit this model speaker due to size. I would research the reviews o of the enclosures or confirm with Monoprice before buying the enclosures for certain speakers, as I recall in some reviews that they don't fit all speaker models although the sizes seem compatible.
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- Truong D on Apr 3, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 11, 2016
Most in wall speakers do not require an enclosure. They are made for free air movement no box behind the sheet rock. The speakers would do well to put a cover of some sort of them only to keep insulation basically blown in out of the speaker. I do not have any closure of mine and it sounds phenomenal I hope this helps
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- Schaunn M on Apr 3, 2017
- Purchased on Jan 10, 2017
These speakers are for in-wall installation and don't require enclosures. That said, be aware that your wall cavity need to be at least 6-1/2" deep.
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- STEVE P on Apr 3, 2017
- Purchased on Dec 23, 2016
no enclosure. had them for three months now, and works perfectly. Using it as a central speaker
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- Armin M on Apr 6, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 18, 2016
The ceiling cavity can serve as the enclosure. The speaker does not come with one.
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- Jeff W on Apr 3, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 20, 2016
They did not come with an enclosure.
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- Tyler D on Apr 4, 2017
- Purchased on Aug 15, 2016
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What is the minimum width between joists if installing these in the ceiling (on their long edge)? In other words, what is the width of the black part of the enclosure that extends up into the ceiling? I see a cutout dimension of 13.77" x 9.75" x 6.00"... Is is safe to assume I need 14" clear between joists, and 6" of height?
Owen B
on Feb 6, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Yes. Most ceilings have 16-24" separation on center. the 13.77" width of these speaker just barely clears the 16" joists.
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- Dave L Staff on Feb 20, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Yes. Most ceilings have 16-24" separation on center. the 13.77" width of these speaker just barely clears the 16" joists.
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- Dave L Staff on Feb 20, 2018
Your assumption is correct. you will need 14" between joists and 6" of height. Please note that the clamps that hold the speaker to the drywall are located on the long ends of the speaker, so make sure you do not but the speaker up to a stud or joist on the long side as you will not be able to engage the clamp to tighten the speaker to the drywall.
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- Nathan B on Feb 20, 2018
- Purchased on Feb 5, 2018
This speaker is really designed to go between studs that are 16" O.C.. What I found is that the cutout dimensions are pretty accurate and you will need some clearance around the cutout for the retaining parts to do their job. On the back are a number of plastic arms that swing out to captivate the speaker in the wall/ceiling. they need some space as well so you would not want to have the cutout right next to a stud. As for height/depth, yes you will need all of it.
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- Larry F on Feb 21, 2018
- Purchased on Jan 13, 2018
The ceilings joists are 14" 7/16 apart. which is 16" on center. This is average spacing for 16 on center layout. 24" on center would be 22" 7/16 in between joists.
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- Renron on May 5, 2023
Yes depending which direction you install them but I would hope you have at least 12” depth for sound issues
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- tracy u on Feb 20, 2018
- Purchased on Nov 16, 2017
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Can these be used as angled in ceiling Atmos speakers?
Alec S
on Mar 16, 2022
BEST ANSWER: Definitely could.. I use two as in-ceiling Center Channels in an array.
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- Jeffrey N on Mar 17, 2022
- Purchased on May 6, 2020
BEST ANSWER: Definitely could.. I use two as in-ceiling Center Channels in an array.
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- Jeffrey N on Mar 17, 2022
- Purchased on May 6, 2020
The speaker housing cannot be installed at an angle.. they are flush mounted to the ceiling.. You can however, adjust the firing angle of the speaker itself.
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- New User U on Mar 17, 2022
- Purchased on Aug 27, 2021
Yes. They are made with an adjustable angle and i believe they are made for the ceiling. At least that's where mine is.
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- Irene J on Mar 17, 2022
- Purchased on Jun 15, 2021
Yes they can. I am running a pair in my ceiling and they work great!
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- Brian O on Mar 16, 2022
- Purchased on Sep 8, 2021
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can you install this speaker in the ceiling?
A shopper
on Nov 27, 2016
BEST ANSWER: Hello, thank you for your question. You may install this item in the ceiling!
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- Jericho L Staff on Dec 6, 2016
BEST ANSWER: Hello, thank you for your question. You may install this item in the ceiling!
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- Jericho L Staff on Dec 6, 2016
Exactly where I installed mine and I couldn't be happier with my center channel. Much easier installing in the ceiling than in the wall.
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- KANE D on Jun 1, 2017
- Purchased on May 8, 2017
yes and use it as a central speaker! works great
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- Armin M on Jan 26, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 18, 2016
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Looking at these for rear surrounds in the ceiling, I have a drop ceiling so would I need to building bracing for these? Also rating the sound quality would the be suitable rear surrounds??
A shopper
on Sep 23, 2018
BEST ANSWER: I do have suspended ceiling w/ 2ft squares, however, it isn't really a drop. It is attached directly the the bottom of the joist. So my biggest issue was fitting these into the cavity between the joists, so mine are attached to the joists, not the suspended ceiling. However, in your case, I think they are light enough it may be possible to use 2ftx2ftx3/8in plywood (painted white). However, that might cause too much vibration of they aren't better supported. I would attach the plywood with 2x4 to the joist.
Also because mine were in a tighter space, I had to experiment with the how tightly packed the soundproof insulation (rockwool) was around the speaker to find a balance between sound quality downstairs and not hearing them through the floor upstairs. Sorry I can't directly answer your question because my situation isn't exactly the same. I would by one and experiment before buying the rest. Also, I got all of mine with a 40% coupon.
Also because mine were in a tighter space, I had to experiment with the how tightly packed the soundproof insulation (rockwool) was around the speaker to find a balance between sound quality downstairs and not hearing them through the floor upstairs. Sorry I can't directly answer your question because my situation isn't exactly the same. I would by one and experiment before buying the rest. Also, I got all of mine with a 40% coupon.
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- Michael B on Sep 23, 2018
- Purchased on Mar 19, 2018
BEST ANSWER: I do have suspended ceiling w/ 2ft squares, however, it isn't really a drop. It is attached directly the the bottom of the joist. So my biggest issue was fitting these into the cavity between the joists, so mine are attached to the joists, not the suspended ceiling. However, in your case, I think they are light enough it may be possible to use 2ftx2ftx3/8in plywood (painted white). However, that might cause too much vibration of they aren't better supported. I would attach the plywood with 2x4 to the joist.
Also because mine were in a tighter space, I had to experiment with the how tightly packed the soundproof insulation (rockwool) was around the speaker to find a balance between sound quality downstairs and not hearing them through the floor upstairs. Sorry I can't directly answer your question because my situation isn't exactly the same. I would by one and experiment before buying the rest. Also, I got all of mine with a 40% coupon.
Also because mine were in a tighter space, I had to experiment with the how tightly packed the soundproof insulation (rockwool) was around the speaker to find a balance between sound quality downstairs and not hearing them through the floor upstairs. Sorry I can't directly answer your question because my situation isn't exactly the same. I would by one and experiment before buying the rest. Also, I got all of mine with a 40% coupon.
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- Michael B on Sep 23, 2018
- Purchased on Mar 19, 2018
I am using these as rear channel surround on a 7.1 setup and they sound great. I don’t know how well that’s ceiling tile would hold up to the weight of the speaker... I feel like your on the right path with bracing.
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- Jesse C on Sep 23, 2018
- Purchased on Nov 24, 2017
I put these in the wall but I suspect they are a little too heavy to put into drop ceiling panels without some kind of support. I find the sound quality excellent for rear speakers.
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- William C on Sep 23, 2018
- Purchased on Feb 23, 2018
Sound for front or rear is great if you have the fiberglass drop ceiling tiles yes i would suggest a stronger support
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- tracy u on Sep 23, 2018
- Purchased on Nov 16, 2017
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I know not ideal but my wife is balking at allowing me to install speakers in the front wall so I was thinking of using these in the ceiling for all 5 lcr and surround. I know it won't be perfect but a theater in the box is adequate for me. Would these suffice and then add a sub?
Adam L
on Nov 11, 2018
BEST ANSWER: I have the same (ceiling) set-up and it works fine for me. You definitely need the sub, as they speakers do not do well under 100 hz, nor will you get movie quality reasonable volume bass due to limited cone excursion.
Angled properly, the speakers sound good, though you do hear some of the plastic box.
I used car sound dampener on the enclosure to reduce the plastic box sound. I will also be inserting a box behind the speaker (in the ceiling) to improve the response and low frequency response (the speaker parameters suggest a significant improvement if you make a 1 cubic foot ported enclosure.
Good luck! The speakers are a great value, and can be made even better with slight improvements.
Angled properly, the speakers sound good, though you do hear some of the plastic box.
I used car sound dampener on the enclosure to reduce the plastic box sound. I will also be inserting a box behind the speaker (in the ceiling) to improve the response and low frequency response (the speaker parameters suggest a significant improvement if you make a 1 cubic foot ported enclosure.
Good luck! The speakers are a great value, and can be made even better with slight improvements.
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- Wrenchhead on Nov 12, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 28, 2018
Hi Kenneth - A couple questions for you. Where did you apply the sound dampener material to the enclosure? I noticed a similar speaker design that utilized foam on the inside and was wondering if it was for sound dampening.
Did you end up building an enclosure and if so, did you notice any improvements? Thank you.
Did you end up building an enclosure and if so, did you notice any improvements? Thank you.
BEST ANSWER: I have the same (ceiling) set-up and it works fine for me. You definitely need the sub, as they speakers do not do well under 100 hz, nor will you get movie quality reasonable volume bass due to limited cone excursion.
Angled properly, the speakers sound good, though you do hear some of the plastic box.
I used car sound dampener on the enclosure to reduce the plastic box sound. I will also be inserting a box behind the speaker (in the ceiling) to improve the response and low frequency response (the speaker parameters suggest a significant improvement if you make a 1 cubic foot ported enclosure.
Good luck! The speakers are a great value, and can be made even better with slight improvements.
Angled properly, the speakers sound good, though you do hear some of the plastic box.
I used car sound dampener on the enclosure to reduce the plastic box sound. I will also be inserting a box behind the speaker (in the ceiling) to improve the response and low frequency response (the speaker parameters suggest a significant improvement if you make a 1 cubic foot ported enclosure.
Good luck! The speakers are a great value, and can be made even better with slight improvements.
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- Wrenchhead on Nov 12, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 28, 2018
Hi Kenneth - A couple questions for you. Where did you apply the sound dampener material to the enclosure? I noticed a similar speaker design that utilized foam on the inside and was wondering if it was for sound dampening.
Did you end up building an enclosure and if so, did you notice any improvements? Thank you.
Did you end up building an enclosure and if so, did you notice any improvements? Thank you.
Yes indeed. I did the same for the front & center speakers. Just make sure your have 1/2" or thicker drywall in the ceiling and that the rafters are 16" on center. These speakers have some weight on them, so if you apply them in the ceiling with thinner drywall or wider rafter space they may sag your ceiling over time.
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- Odell H on Nov 11, 2018
- Purchased on Oct 5, 2018
Ideally, you want larger speakers for the front left, right and center since that’s where the majority of sound comes from but these will work alright!
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- Jason T on Nov 11, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 19, 2018
Ib use them for my surrounds and they work great. There's no reason using them for the LCR would be a problem.
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- Branden K on Nov 11, 2018
- Purchased on Sep 2, 2018
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Can I use this as my center channel in conjunction with the Monoprice Alpha Carbon Angled Speakers as my Left and Right channels? My thought process being, the angle of all of the speakers can be pointed toward the listening area as all of these will be installed in-ceiling. I feel this speaker may help strike a great balance with dialogue in the Center while the Left and Right Angled Alphas handle the majority of everything else.
New User U
on Mar 29, 2019

Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speaker Dual 5.25in Carbon Fiber Surround 2-way Vari-Angled (single)

Monoprice Alpha In-Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-Way with 15 degree Angled Drivers (pair)
BEST ANSWER: Any of the mentioned speakers will do well for your LCR set-up. I would do all 3 with the dual 5.25". Will keep your tonality the same and allow you to adjust where the sweet spot is.
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- Dave L Staff on Mar 29, 2019
Thank you for the answer. Would you recommend the Dual 5.25 over the 8" Alpha's for LCR? If the 8" Alpha is best, do you all sell it in just a single speaker? Also, what is the max angle of the Dual 5.25 speaker?
- Reply (1)
- New User U on Mar 29, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Any of the mentioned speakers will do well for your LCR set-up. I would do all 3 with the dual 5.25". Will keep your tonality the same and allow you to adjust where the sweet spot is.
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- Dave L Staff on Mar 29, 2019
Thank you for the answer. Would you recommend the Dual 5.25 over the 8" Alpha's for LCR? If the 8" Alpha is best, do you all sell it in just a single speaker? Also, what is the max angle of the Dual 5.25 speaker?
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- New User U on Mar 29, 2019
I would recommend that you use all 6.5 drivers for all your channels. I also recommend that you use audyssey on your AV receiver to auto calibrate your speaker placement and frequency.
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- Lincoln W on Mar 30, 2019
Certainly, as long as speaker projection is centered on room or audience, It should work great and look great as well.
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- Richard O on Mar 29, 2019
- Purchased on Oct 9, 2018
Yes, I done the same thing. Awesome setup!
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- Odell H on Mar 30, 2019
- Purchased on Oct 5, 2018
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You can , but you will not get the best quality sound .
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- Shannon T on Nov 30, 2022
- Purchased on Oct 30, 2022
That’s what I used. It worked great.
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- ERIK S on Dec 1, 2022
- Purchased on Oct 23, 2022
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I plan on using Monolith THX speakers for LRC (Left/Right), Surround, and back speakers. My center channel speaker is going to need to be in the ceiling at a 7' 8" height and this ceiling speaker is the only Monoprice speaker that is angled. Will this work as I have read extensively that all 3 LRC speakers should be the same if all possible?
Nathan S
on Mar 5, 2023
BEST ANSWER: My FL and FR are the same 5.25 in angled speakers and FC is a larger flat mount speaker. This works great in 8 foot ceilings area. The 4 rear mount speakers are also flat mounted (going all the way into our kitchen area). The angled FR and FL can be heard nicely 30ft back into the kitchen.
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- William C on Mar 6, 2023
- Purchased on Nov 23, 2020
BEST ANSWER: My FL and FR are the same 5.25 in angled speakers and FC is a larger flat mount speaker. This works great in 8 foot ceilings area. The 4 rear mount speakers are also flat mounted (going all the way into our kitchen area). The angled FR and FL can be heard nicely 30ft back into the kitchen.
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- William C on Mar 6, 2023
- Purchased on Nov 23, 2020
I think it's the least worst speaker that can drive center for the money.
My lrc don't match. LR are.
Center is different.
My AVR balanced them and I don't hear much differences.
My lrc don't match. LR are.
Center is different.
My AVR balanced them and I don't hear much differences.
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- nicholas-karl C on Mar 6, 2023
- Purchased on Jun 6, 2022
This is not an in ceiling speaker. It needs more than 5 inches clearance. I think that's what audio guy said. Very expensive to ship back.
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- Mary C on Mar 6, 2023
- Purchased on Nov 26, 2022
I used this for my center front middle in the ceiling-used round 8” in ceiling for the other four speakers.
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- Dan S on Mar 6, 2023
- Purchased on Aug 20, 2022
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Is this good to use for Left, Center, and Right?
Andrew K
on Feb 19, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Hey Andrew...I bought this same speaker to use only for my center. The reason I chose this speaker for my center is due to the limited room that I had under or above my 70" TV. The only option I had was to go with a ceiling mount speaker above the TV. The best option this speaker offers is the way it can adjust 24 degrees in order to find the sweet spot in the main listening position. I would highly recommend this speaker for a center option if you're limited on mounting options. As far as the left and right goes, you could possibly use this speaker for a Dolby Atmos set up and aim the speakers toward the ceiling so that the sound seems to give you that raining down effect that Atmos seems to create. Other than that, i would look at other options for your left and right speakers...depending on your mounting capabilities. Hope this helps ya...
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- Chris R on Feb 20, 2017
- Purchased on Jan 30, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Hey Andrew...I bought this same speaker to use only for my center. The reason I chose this speaker for my center is due to the limited room that I had under or above my 70" TV. The only option I had was to go with a ceiling mount speaker above the TV. The best option this speaker offers is the way it can adjust 24 degrees in order to find the sweet spot in the main listening position. I would highly recommend this speaker for a center option if you're limited on mounting options. As far as the left and right goes, you could possibly use this speaker for a Dolby Atmos set up and aim the speakers toward the ceiling so that the sound seems to give you that raining down effect that Atmos seems to create. Other than that, i would look at other options for your left and right speakers...depending on your mounting capabilities. Hope this helps ya...
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- Chris R on Feb 20, 2017
- Purchased on Jan 30, 2017
This product would not be a normal design for an LCR speaker. Definitely not a center and probably not a L/R unless the mounting positions are severely off center requiring pointing the speaker to compensate. Best use would be for a surround speaker where the required mounting locations are not directly to the side (for 5.1 surround) or back (for 7.1 sound) so the speaker can be pointed to the listening position.
- Reply
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- brian s on Feb 19, 2017
- Purchased on Jan 20, 2017
Left and right. They make a center channel that sounds great. Those speakers come in pairs.
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- jeffrey h on Feb 20, 2017
- Purchased on Dec 28, 2016
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Are the grills on this speaker magnetic? Some reviews say they are not despite speaker description saying that they are magnetic.
Joe H
on Dec 11, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Not magnetic, but installed smoothly without any issues.
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- Christian K on Dec 20, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 19, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Not magnetic, but installed smoothly without any issues.
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- Christian K on Dec 20, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 19, 2017
No they are not but they fit nice and snug.
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- gabriel a on Dec 11, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 6, 2017
Definitely Not magnetic.
- Reply(1)
- Inaccurate
- Ryan J on Dec 11, 2017
- Purchased on Jun 4, 2017
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My ceiling is angled (30 degrees?) towards the TV, so front speakers are facing away from viewer - Would these be a viable option (tweeter aimed back towards viewer) for Front LR mains AND rear surrounds paired with the adjustable alpha dual center? Wall mounted speakers are not an option. Thank you!
New User U
on Jun 26, 2018

Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speaker Dual 5.25in Carbon Fiber Surround 2-way Vari-Angled (single)

Monoprice Caliber Ceiling Speakers 6.5in Fiber 3-Way with Concentric Mid/Highs (pair)
BEST ANSWER: I have both of those the wall and the ceiling speakers. The ceiling speakers (6.5" PN#7605) should actually work pretty well in your situation. If installed with the tweeter at the top, it would probably face almost straight down. You just have to know these speakers are 13" in diameter, and are larger than they may appear in photos.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Gabe A on Jun 27, 2018
- Purchased on Sep 16, 2017
BEST ANSWER: I have both of those the wall and the ceiling speakers. The ceiling speakers (6.5" PN#7605) should actually work pretty well in your situation. If installed with the tweeter at the top, it would probably face almost straight down. You just have to know these speakers are 13" in diameter, and are larger than they may appear in photos.
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- Gabe A on Jun 27, 2018
- Purchased on Sep 16, 2017
Doesn't sound ideal to me
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- Inaccurate
- Glenn L on Jun 26, 2018
Thank you. Any recommendations?
- Reply (1)
- New User U on Jun 26, 2018
The "wall" is a very wide brick fireplace that opens to the foyer on either side, so wall-mounting is not an option.
- Reply
- New User U on Jun 26, 2018
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Specifications seem identical to the Alpha in-wall center at 100w, 5.25" carbon woofers, 1" silk tweeters, 70hz-20khz, but with the adjustable angle. It doesn't seem to have the narrow bezel of the Alpha line. I have an above fireplace TV and I'm looking for an angled in-ceiling center. Can anyone else comment on using this successfully as an above TV angled center channel?
Doozer A
on Oct 27, 2018

Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speaker Dual 5.25in Carbon Fiber Surround 2-way Vari-Angled (single)

Monoprice Alpha In-Wall Speaker Center Channel Dual 5.25in Carbon Fiber 2-way (single)
BEST ANSWER: I'm using this in that same scenario. It works well but does have a very narrow 'sweet spot'. Viewing/listening from in front of the TV and the angled direction of the speaker works very well, but it is not as great off to the sides, where a standard center channel would work better. I would suggest a narrow center channel sitting on a mantel if that would work, but this would suffice if that would not work.
- Reply
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- Rob C on Oct 27, 2018
- Purchased on Dec 15, 2017
BEST ANSWER: I'm using this in that same scenario. It works well but does have a very narrow 'sweet spot'. Viewing/listening from in front of the TV and the angled direction of the speaker works very well, but it is not as great off to the sides, where a standard center channel would work better. I would suggest a narrow center channel sitting on a mantel if that would work, but this would suffice if that would not work.
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- Rob C on Oct 27, 2018
- Purchased on Dec 15, 2017
I am currently using the Alpha Vari-Angled ceiling speaker as a center channel speaker in my home theater system and it’s working very well. I’ve had this set-up in place for approximately 18 months and I am very pleased with the speakers performance. It has handled everything thrown at it without fail or issue. If I ever need to build another system, I will use this as a center channel speaker again.
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- Dennis D on Oct 27, 2018
- Purchased on Dec 8, 2017
it will certainly work in that application, but I expect placing it in the ceiling will be a disappointment. Even if angled (And you have space in your ceiling at the required location) it will not be facing the listener sufficiently. That is so important on a center channel.
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- Paul E on Oct 27, 2018
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Would you recommend combining Alpha and Amber speakers? Specifically, I am considering following speakers for a large room 22 ft X 15 ft room (where one of the long sides is primarily a glass door and TV will be mounted on 15 ft wall):
Ceiling Mid LR, Ceiling Rear LR-Monoprice Alpha In-Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-Way with 15° Angled Drivers
Front Center -Monoprice Amber In-Wall Speaker Center Channel Dual 5.25-inch 3-way Carbon Fiber with Ribbon Tweeter
Front Left & Right -Monoprice Amber In-Wall Speaker 6.5-inch 3-way Carbon Fiber Column with Ribbon Tweeter
I am also considering Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speaker Dual 5.25in Carbon Fiber Surround 2-way Vari-Angled speakers as Front LR speakers.
Thanks in advance.
Ceiling Mid LR, Ceiling Rear LR-Monoprice Alpha In-Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-Way with 15° Angled Drivers
Front Center -Monoprice Amber In-Wall Speaker Center Channel Dual 5.25-inch 3-way Carbon Fiber with Ribbon Tweeter
Front Left & Right -Monoprice Amber In-Wall Speaker 6.5-inch 3-way Carbon Fiber Column with Ribbon Tweeter
I am also considering Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speaker Dual 5.25in Carbon Fiber Surround 2-way Vari-Angled speakers as Front LR speakers.
Thanks in advance.
Abhijit B
on Aug 8, 2019

Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speaker Dual 5.25in Carbon Fiber Surround 2-way Vari-Angled (single)

Monoprice Alpha In-Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-Way with 15 degree Angled Drivers (pair)

Monoprice Amber In-Wall Speaker 6.5in 3-way Carbon Fiber Column with Ribbon Tweeter (each)

Monoprice Amber In-Wall Speaker Center Channel Dual 5.25-inch 3-way Carbon Fiber with Ribbon Tweeter (single)(OpenBox)
BEST ANSWER: That sounds like a pretty sweet theater system. I like the Ambers across the front. I think you'll be happy.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Aug 8, 2019
BEST ANSWER: That sounds like a pretty sweet theater system. I like the Ambers across the front. I think you'll be happy.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Aug 8, 2019
The speakers you selected are fine.
Personally I wouldn't mix speakers style, each has a slight difference in sound.
With a large glass doors you might be (most likely) get bounce of sound, normally a curtain helps a lot.
I hope this is of help to you,
The speakers you selected are fine.
Personally I wouldn't mix speakers style, each has a slight difference in sound.
With a large glass doors you might be (most likely) get bounce of sound, normally a curtain helps a lot.
I hope this is of help to you,
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- Sam L on Aug 8, 2019
- Purchased on Jul 23, 2019
I would stick with the Amber's all the way around to preserve continuity
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- Joe V on Aug 10, 2019
- Purchased on Jul 27, 2019
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I am building a 7.1 system in my basement, but don't have space for any wall speakers. I am thinking to install four of these angled to the best listening position and combine with the alpha center channel and the 8 inch alpha's without the angled drivers. Will that create a good sound, since all of the sound will be coming from the ceiling. except for the subwoofer?
on Dec 16, 2019

Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speaker Dual 5.25in Carbon Fiber Surround 2-way Vari-Angled (single)

Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speakers 6.5in Carbon Fiber 2-way (pair)

Monoprice Alpha In-Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-Way with 15 degree Angled Drivers (pair)
BEST ANSWER: I used the 6.5 angled speakers for my L&R front channels and the standard 6.5 that have the pivoting tweeter for the Surround L&R speakers. Since the rear isn't as pivotal I feel these work great however if I was to do it over again I would use the angled driver for all speakers. Just to ensure my listening position could here them all very well at all times. If you tune your amp properly the sound will be great. Meaning, the right percentage of sound coming from the center, front and rear speakers for what your listening to/watching. They look great and sound great.
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- Inaccurate
- Josh H on Dec 16, 2019
BEST ANSWER: I used the 6.5 angled speakers for my L&R front channels and the standard 6.5 that have the pivoting tweeter for the Surround L&R speakers. Since the rear isn't as pivotal I feel these work great however if I was to do it over again I would use the angled driver for all speakers. Just to ensure my listening position could here them all very well at all times. If you tune your amp properly the sound will be great. Meaning, the right percentage of sound coming from the center, front and rear speakers for what your listening to/watching. They look great and sound great.
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- Josh H on Dec 16, 2019
I bought these speakers for my new basement and they do sound great. I used the wall speakers for the rear channel though. having 4 ceiling speakers may sound well if positioned properly? but I am not an expert. perhaps having the rear channel (wall) speakers further forward and further out to the sides than the rear surround speakers? I am debating doing the same thing on a remodel I am later this spring. Good luck on your project.
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- CRAIG H on Dec 16, 2019
- Purchased on Jan 8, 2019
I have similar setup, but with 5.1, I suggest to use angled center channel also.
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- Suresh K on Dec 16, 2019
- Purchased on May 22, 2019
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Can I use this speaker for atmos?
A shopper
on Aug 8, 2021
BEST ANSWER: That’s what I got them for. Noticed a more focused soundstage after replacing normal ceiling speakers with these. Make sure you adjust the angle to fire at the main seating position.
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- Taylor on Aug 9, 2021
- Purchased on Jul 14, 2021
BEST ANSWER: That’s what I got them for. Noticed a more focused soundstage after replacing normal ceiling speakers with these. Make sure you adjust the angle to fire at the main seating position.
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- Taylor on Aug 9, 2021
- Purchased on Jul 14, 2021
Yes, I am using these for ATMOS and am extremely happy with them.
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- Jeff R. on Aug 8, 2021
- Purchased on Sep 14, 2020
Yes, assuming your receiver supports Atmos.
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- Michael K on Aug 8, 2021
- Purchased on Dec 13, 2020
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Are there rough in boxes available for these speakers? Are there rough in boxes for ANY of Monoprice's in wall speakers?
Christopher H
on Jan 24, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for you question. There are some enclosures we offer but they will be only for specific in-ceiling speakers that we offer. We would not carry any rough in boxes for our in-wall speakers. I do apologize for any inconvenience.
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- Mark P Staff on Apr 9, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for you question. There are some enclosures we offer but they will be only for specific in-ceiling speakers that we offer. We would not carry any rough in boxes for our in-wall speakers. I do apologize for any inconvenience.
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- Mark P Staff on Apr 9, 2017
These are ceiling speakers not wall speakers, Still cant find a rough in box for them.
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- New User U on Oct 30, 2018
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I'm planning to install the 7.2.4 atmos set up. The LCR will be these speakers. I haven't decided on the in-ceiling speakers yet but might be the 13687 model below. The new speakers that will be releasing in October, will the line up include a single 5.25" or 6.5" with the ribbon tweeter? The current 8" would be an overkill for the setup. And is October still the correct release date?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
Tony C
on Jul 23, 2017

Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speaker Dual 5.25in Carbon Fiber Surround 2-way Vari-Angled (single)

Monoprice Amber In-Wall Speaker 6.5in 3-way Carbon Fiber Column with Ribbon Tweeter (each)
BEST ANSWER: The alphas are also great speakers. The new Ambers are still slated for Oct. Ceiling mount versions will be available in 6.5 and 8 inch.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Aug 21, 2017
BEST ANSWER: The alphas are also great speakers. The new Ambers are still slated for Oct. Ceiling mount versions will be available in 6.5 and 8 inch.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Aug 21, 2017
Thanks, Dave. Will the in-wall version of the 6.5" also be available in October?
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- Tony C on Aug 23, 2017
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Is it safe for this speaker to come in contact with insulation?
New User U
on Nov 19, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Yes, it can be installed on open ceilings.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Nov 21, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Yes, it can be installed on open ceilings.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Nov 21, 2018
Yes, no issues with insulation contact
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- Adrian B on Sep 29, 2019
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2019
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My question is for my rear channel speakers am i better off using alpha directional speaker or the caliber speakers? I have caliber front and center channel speakers.
A shopper
on Sep 20, 2019
BEST ANSWER: To maintain your sound stage i would stay with the caliber speaker since you already have them in the fron. The Alphas are better speaker but you may find the speaker voice is different as the sound goes from front to back.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Sep 23, 2019
BEST ANSWER: To maintain your sound stage i would stay with the caliber speaker since you already have them in the fron. The Alphas are better speaker but you may find the speaker voice is different as the sound goes from front to back.
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- Dave L Staff on Sep 23, 2019
Sorry, house is still under construction so the speakers have not been installed. But, based upon my past experience with Monoprice’s speakers, either should be just fine. Personally, I am doing Alpha speakers: center, L & R front, rears (two directional & two straight = 4) & two slim 10” under chair subwoofers, throughout my entire home theater room. Hoping for the best once complete.
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- New User U on Sep 20, 2019
- Purchased on Jul 30, 2019
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How well would these work for side surround speakers on 7.2 I already have the back speakers,fronts, sub and center channel and also could I just hang these from the ceiling versus having to cut a hole in my finish ceiling. and it's also kind of hard to tell but I just have to plug two wires in the back of these I don't have to power them and they're not wireless right?
A shopper
on Jan 28, 2021
BEST ANSWER: They would work fine for that if the direction of your audience matches up well with where you are mounting them. They would look pretty silly if you hung them, but in theory it would work. They are definitely meant to be mounted into a wall or ceiling. They are not wireless, you will need standard speaker wire and receiver/amplifier to provide those wires with power.
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- Inaccurate
- Ryan W on Jun 2, 2021
- Purchased on Nov 30, 2020
BEST ANSWER: They would work fine for that if the direction of your audience matches up well with where you are mounting them. They would look pretty silly if you hung them, but in theory it would work. They are definitely meant to be mounted into a wall or ceiling. They are not wireless, you will need standard speaker wire and receiver/amplifier to provide those wires with power.
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- Ryan W on Jun 2, 2021
- Purchased on Nov 30, 2020
I have the same speakers that are mounted flush with my drop ceiling in my finished basement for the 7.1 surround mid speakers. They are only finished on the surface so they would not look good in the open unless you could build some type of box for them. They are not wireless but use the standard speaker wire with 2 connections.
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- PATRICK O on Jun 2, 2021
- Purchased on Dec 9, 2020
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are these loud?
New User U
on Jan 29, 2021
BEST ANSWER: Loud depends on your amp! But yes, I have a Denon AV Receiver and it is 100 Watts per channel and these things can get pretty loud! If you buy these, give them some time to break in. Mine sounded better in about a day!
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- Inaccurate
- Jay B on Jan 19, 2023
- Purchased on Jan 6, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Loud depends on your amp! But yes, I have a Denon AV Receiver and it is 100 Watts per channel and these things can get pretty loud! If you buy these, give them some time to break in. Mine sounded better in about a day!
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- Jay B on Jan 19, 2023
- Purchased on Jan 6, 2023
Haven’t cranked mine up yet but it’s bright and clear.
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- Eric B on Jan 14, 2022
- Purchased on Dec 12, 2021
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I am considering installing Ceiling Speakers with pivoting tweeters. My ceiling slopes at approx 15-20deg. Which pair of Round or Rectangular speakers would you recommend?
A shopper
on Apr 29, 2021
BEST ANSWER: The dual 5.25 carbon fiber surround 2-way vari-angled speaker is a good choice. These are exceptional for mid-range and high frequencies, and since they pivot, you can “aim” the speaker to better adjust your stereo image. In my installation, the ceilings have two different angles, so that feature was critical. Do not expect a lot of bass from these speakers, they were not designed for those deep frequencies. Follow the installation directions and you should have no issues. Mine installed flawlessly.
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- Inaccurate
- Jeffrey O on Apr 30, 2021
- Purchased on Sep 5, 2020
BEST ANSWER: The dual 5.25 carbon fiber surround 2-way vari-angled speaker is a good choice. These are exceptional for mid-range and high frequencies, and since they pivot, you can “aim” the speaker to better adjust your stereo image. In my installation, the ceilings have two different angles, so that feature was critical. Do not expect a lot of bass from these speakers, they were not designed for those deep frequencies. Follow the installation directions and you should have no issues. Mine installed flawlessly.
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- Jeffrey O on Apr 30, 2021
- Purchased on Sep 5, 2020
Generally, only round speakers should be used for ceilings.. A rare exception may be a rectangular center channel with tilted speakers being installed on the ceiling.
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- Mohsen H on Apr 29, 2021
- Purchased on Nov 13, 2020
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Would these work well in a ceiling 5.1 setup where the rear channel is basically right above the couch? Or would the angle firing affect the sound. Would pointing them back towards the wall (16” behind them) provide better imaging?
New User U
on Oct 10, 2021
BEST ANSWER: You could certainly try to reflect the sound off the wall behind, but I think just arranging your seating in line with the projection of the speakers would work best. Otherwise a downward firing rear speaker would be a better ceiling mount option.
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- Inaccurate
- Ryan W on Oct 10, 2021
- Purchased on Nov 30, 2020
BEST ANSWER: You could certainly try to reflect the sound off the wall behind, but I think just arranging your seating in line with the projection of the speakers would work best. Otherwise a downward firing rear speaker would be a better ceiling mount option.
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- Ryan W on Oct 10, 2021
- Purchased on Nov 30, 2020
I’d suggest traditional downfiring speakers with directional tweeters for the rears. I suppose you could point them back and reflect the sound but I wouldn’t think these would be ideal for rears
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- Scott B on Oct 10, 2021
- Purchased on Nov 27, 2020
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I was wondering if I can mix and match Monoprice speakers. I want to use either thx365IW or Amber for L&R's and either the thx465IW or Amber center for my center. Then use the dual Alpha vari-angled ceiling speaker for my ceiling sides and also for my wall back speakers. Is this possible?
ralph w
on Sep 23, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Yeah, these are passive speakers (not amped) so you can mix and match whatever you feel like. You'll just have to fine tune your amp/receiver once you install everything so it sounds how you want. My Denon receiver has a lot of settings per channel, so a full EQ of bass, mids and treble (as well as volume) were able to be adjusted accordingly for each speaker.
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- Aurelien D on Oct 2, 2023
- Purchased on Jan 4, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Yeah, these are passive speakers (not amped) so you can mix and match whatever you feel like. You'll just have to fine tune your amp/receiver once you install everything so it sounds how you want. My Denon receiver has a lot of settings per channel, so a full EQ of bass, mids and treble (as well as volume) were able to be adjusted accordingly for each speaker.
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- Aurelien D on Oct 2, 2023
- Purchased on Jan 4, 2023
I have mixed not only Monoprice speakers, but other brands as well. They all work well together for my ears.
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- Jacob A on Oct 2, 2023
- Purchased on Feb 18, 2023
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Can these be used in a drop ceiling?
A shopper
on Oct 9, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, these can be used in a drop ceiling.
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- Inaccurate
- Jake S Staff on Oct 11, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, these can be used in a drop ceiling.
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- Inaccurate
- Jake S Staff on Oct 11, 2023
I've used smaller ceiling speakers in my own dropped ceilings without any large issues on the tiles. I'd look to see if you can add support for this speaker as its a bit heavier.
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- Inaccurate
- Hugh B on Oct 12, 2023
- Purchased on May 28, 2023
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4.7 / 5.0
36 Reviews
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Rated 5 out of 5
Very happy with these!
These sound amazing! Very clear and precise.
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Rated 4 out of 5
works great for surround or atmos use
here is my unpacking and a quick demo of the speaker system
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Rated 5 out of 5
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Rated 5 out of 5
Amazing sound-better than Def. Technology!
Love the build quality and sound.. I have them mixed with my definitive technology speakers and the mono speakers sound way better! Best bang for the buck too! Low profile so they fit in my dry wall that's butt up against brick.
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Rated 4 out of 5
Clever and useful directional speakers
Really like the angle aspect on these and I'm very happy I bought them. They get really loud and can kick a ton, but I'm giving 4 stars as the sound is a little "harsh". I have 4 of the 6.5" 3-way Alpha speakers too and to be frank, those sound much warmer than these. I am quite biased to warmer sounding cones with well rounded low end and less screamy mids and these unfortunately fall a bit too far in the screamy mids for me. Still love them and am using them as surrounds as the angle aspect is really cool. You don't really know where the sound is coming from, which I love. Paired with my THX 10" monster of a Monolith sub, these are are dope. The sub helped fill in the roundness I needed.
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Rated 5 out of 5
2x4 framing? Simply cut the useless shroud.
I want to preface this, there are so many stupid people that exist on the internet. Obviously a 6 inch shroud will not fix into a 2x4 or 2x6. Just...cut the shroud. Nevertheless, you are left with only about a 15 - 20 degree angle in a 2x4 wall. For my application, I only needed 15 degrees to point at the listening position. I took a angle grinder and simply cut a straight line across the shroud (Obviously unscrewing the driver holder and hinge and removing these pieces to not damage anything), and then sanded it up. Installed it into the wall, backed some insulation behind it (pink panther as typical), and then put the driver back in, stuffing the surrounds with some insulation to fill some of the void. Instead of "drilling a slot in with a nut to tighten once in place, my plan here is a bit more nuanced. I'm going to use black silicone, and silicone it in place such that "If needing to change these out", I can.
Since these are effectively on a simple shrouded swivel that can easily be replicated, my future plans would be to change out these drivers to something more crisp. However, that was the original plan before hearing them in them in the wall. These sound fantastic for surround speakers. I would recommend these to anyone with a creative mind and the ones legitimately looking for a quality surround speaker that can pivot to the correct angle for listening position. This is in a living room, so for me -- being "Out of sight" (In the wall) looks the best, minimalist, and very stunning without sacrificing positioning.
Since these are effectively on a simple shrouded swivel that can easily be replicated, my future plans would be to change out these drivers to something more crisp. However, that was the original plan before hearing them in them in the wall. These sound fantastic for surround speakers. I would recommend these to anyone with a creative mind and the ones legitimately looking for a quality surround speaker that can pivot to the correct angle for listening position. This is in a living room, so for me -- being "Out of sight" (In the wall) looks the best, minimalist, and very stunning without sacrificing positioning.
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February 4, 2023
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Rated 5 out of 5
Excellent solution to a problem!
I purchased this speaker as a center channel replacement. Since getting a new TV that's so big the bottom is touching my fireplace mantel (still hanging by a bracket on the back) I had nowhere to place a center channel speaker.
This speaker turned out to be the answer to my prayers! Ironically, 2 days before I received this speaker, my current center channel blew out and sounded SO horrible! This speaker sounded a little muddy at first, but after about a day of break-in time (manual says 50-80 hours), this speaker sounds amazing! My wife has trouble sometimes with being able to hear the dialogue over the background music and this speaker has also solved that issue as well. Seriously considering buying two more for Front Left & Right to get those off the mantel as well!
This is a great speaker and I would recommend this to anyone looking for quality sound that is (almost) out of sight!
This speaker turned out to be the answer to my prayers! Ironically, 2 days before I received this speaker, my current center channel blew out and sounded SO horrible! This speaker sounded a little muddy at first, but after about a day of break-in time (manual says 50-80 hours), this speaker sounds amazing! My wife has trouble sometimes with being able to hear the dialogue over the background music and this speaker has also solved that issue as well. Seriously considering buying two more for Front Left & Right to get those off the mantel as well!
This is a great speaker and I would recommend this to anyone looking for quality sound that is (almost) out of sight!
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Rated 5 out of 5
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Rated 5 out of 5
Great for in-ceiling home theater!
I bought three of these for the left/center/right channels in an all-in-ceiling (kid proof) 5.1 setup in my basement. There aren?t many in-ceiling speakers with adjustable angle, and these work great for the application. I?m using these with the 6.5? Alpha in-ceiling round 15 degree angled speakers for rear satellites and a Monoprice 15? 600w sub. A word of caution: These will sound muffled when first plugged in ? let them break in! It took about 4 hours before I noticed a huge improvement. They sound excellent now. I recommend surrounding the rear of the units with insulation to dampen any reverberation in the ceiling.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Good solution for dual use system.
Installation was easy, just measure your space well. I had a structural beam exactly where I wanted to place it and had to shift it over a few inches. The speaker allows me to use my TV or projector without adjusting my center channel. Sound is great so far, it?s brighter than my other Polk?s but it?s new and a nice clear center channel is a good thing.

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