Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-way (pair)
Product # 13683
UPC # 889028017319
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I ordered 3 pairs of these speakers. Do I need to order any mounting hardware?
Robert S
on Feb 8, 2018
BEST ANSWER: You do not need any mounting hardware for these Alpha ceiling speakers if you are mounting into a drywalled ceiling. If you are mounting to a drop-tile ceiling then you may need to use our installation kit to reinforce the ceiling panels.
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- Dave L Staff on Feb 20, 2018

Monoprice Installation Kit for a Pair of 8in In-Ceiling Speakers
BEST ANSWER: You do not need any mounting hardware for these Alpha ceiling speakers if you are mounting into a drywalled ceiling. If you are mounting to a drop-tile ceiling then you may need to use our installation kit to reinforce the ceiling panels.
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- Dave L Staff on Feb 20, 2018

Monoprice Installation Kit for a Pair of 8in In-Ceiling Speakers
I would recommend ordering the metal back cans for them as well. I also ordered 3 pair and had a friend of mine order them as well and installed them for him. The cans will help keep the sound directed towards your listening area as well as protect them from being covered in debris from either your attic or ceiling void, thus making them sound better and last longer. The speakers sound quality is incredible, but you should definitely get the cans. The can installation itself on to the speaker is a little clunky, but, they create a nice, tight seal and fit perfectly.
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- Jordan R on Feb 20, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 21, 2017
If you are just mounting them in the drywall ceiling then no. There are screws on the face that you turn that flip out little arms that hold the speaker in the drywall. If you look at the image of the back ( you can see the 4 little arms
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- Ross W on Feb 20, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 28, 2017
They have pivoting screw type brackets built into the speaker, they will clamp down onto the edge of your ceiling. Just cut the hole with the provided template and you are good to go. I have 4 of them for my Dolby Atmos system.
I highly recommend them.
I highly recommend them.
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- John H on Feb 20, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 27, 2017
No. As long as you are installing these in Drywall they have the self-tightening tabs. You only need a screwdriver to secure these tightly to the ceiling.
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- Trevor H on Feb 20, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 17, 2017
No. Of mounting in ceiling, simply cut around supplied circle template. Mounting tabs on speakers. Very easy install
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- Steve on Feb 20, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 9, 2017
WARNING the link to mounting hardware in the staff members (Dave L) response is NOT compatible with this product!!
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- Jeff G on May 6, 2020
- Purchased on Apr 19, 2020
I was thinking the same thing! Are there any mounting brackets that fit the Alpha series speakers? I'll be installing mine in drop ceiling in my studio.
Dave L. clearly states that you only need the mounting hardware if you are not installing in a drywall ceiling but instead installing in a drop-tile ceiling.
- Reply (1)
- New User U on Nov 27, 2020
No. the speakers come with built in mounts that pull the flange tight to the dry wall
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- Todd Sturgis on Feb 20, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 31, 2017
No, the speakers come with all the hardware you'd need to mount in the ceiling.
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- Guest on Feb 20, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 6, 2017
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Do these need a back can for a drywall ceiling installation?
Luke W
on Dec 3, 2019
BEST ANSWER: They do not need the back-can to install them, the ears on the speaker will install on its own. In some situations, that is just fine to do. However, some instances in drywall would require a back-can. for example, these are not rated for insulation to go over them, so in that instance they would require a back-can. They are also not fire rated, so in a situation where the ceiling acts as a fire-stop there would need to be a fire barrier over the top of the speaker - usually a metal back-can or tray. Back-cans are also helpful for the low frequency response of most ceiling speakers, so it does help in that situation as well, but that is a discretion question and not really a requirement. I think these speakers sound great as is.
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- Brandon L on Dec 3, 2019
- Purchased on Sep 16, 2019
BEST ANSWER: They do not need the back-can to install them, the ears on the speaker will install on its own. In some situations, that is just fine to do. However, some instances in drywall would require a back-can. for example, these are not rated for insulation to go over them, so in that instance they would require a back-can. They are also not fire rated, so in a situation where the ceiling acts as a fire-stop there would need to be a fire barrier over the top of the speaker - usually a metal back-can or tray. Back-cans are also helpful for the low frequency response of most ceiling speakers, so it does help in that situation as well, but that is a discretion question and not really a requirement. I think these speakers sound great as is.
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- Brandon L on Dec 3, 2019
- Purchased on Sep 16, 2019
There should a specific cubic feet measurement that corresponds to these specific speakers. The size of cone : 6.5, 8 inch will not give accurate cubic feet.. Size, Q factors, movement of surround and others factors are part of the equation.
And Those Are Not stated here.
And Those Are Not stated here.
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- New User U on Apr 8, 2022
No back can is required for a drywall ceiling. I have used them in the past and don’t like how muddy the bass becomes. I would suggest packing some insulation on the bay about 1-2’ on either side. Give it a try as they are a great value.
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- Eric S on Dec 3, 2019
- Purchased on May 2, 2019
No they do not. But the can helps make it sound a little better. I have installed many of monoprice's speakers with out them and the still sound great.
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- Gustavo D on Dec 3, 2019
- Purchased on Oct 17, 2019
I dont think its necessary unless it irritates the person in the room above. - sound is great for the price
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- Sam C on Dec 3, 2019
- Purchased on Jun 12, 2019
No they don’t I just put some sound insulation behind the speaker they sound awesomeEnter an answer to this question.
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- Richard G on Dec 4, 2019
- Purchased on Jun 13, 2019
No they don’t but it might sound better with a back can?
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- Low profile for less! on Dec 3, 2019
- Purchased on May 14, 2019
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What do you use for new construction with these speakers? I read that the 8" rough in's (24762) monoprice sells won't work with these.
Michael M
on Nov 24, 2018

Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-way (pair)

Monoprice Rough-in Bracket for 8in Round Speaker (Each)
BEST ANSWER: The Amber 8" ceiling speakers have a cutout diameter of 10.67" while our bracket is only 10.2".
- Reply(2)
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- Dave L Staff on Nov 27, 2018
BEST ANSWER: The Amber 8" ceiling speakers have a cutout diameter of 10.67" while our bracket is only 10.2".
- Reply(2)
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- Dave L Staff on Nov 27, 2018
I did as New User U did above. I stubbed out my Speaker Wire, and then simply cut the necessary holes in the ceiling using the templates (rather, my sheetrock guys cut the hole!), I then installed the speaker. Assuming your joists are spaced appropriately, and your sheetrock is screwed in appropriately, the well distributed weight of the speaker shouldn't require a bracket. I have 6 of these in 2 locations in my house, and in neither location do I have any issues with sheetrock sagging, and the speakers seem solid and don't have any issues.
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- Scott G on Dec 20, 2018
- Purchased on Jan 13, 2018
I installed these in existing cieling so no need for rough in. However, i have never used rough in brackets when i have installed other speaks in new construction. I just leave the wires coiled and have the drywall installers poke the wire through, or make accurate drawings of the locations and cut/install after texturing.
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- Rob H on Nov 27, 2018
- Purchased on Dec 10, 2017
For new construction pre-wire it with the low voltage gang box and put a wall plate after the drywall is up and then cut the drywall out to put the speaker in.
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- luis e on Nov 28, 2018
- Purchased on Dec 31, 2017
I stubbed out the speaker wire and cut the speakers in after the drywall was complete. no need for brackets.
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- New User U on Nov 27, 2018
- Purchased on Nov 27, 2017
Just buy the speakers, cut the hole in the drywall and secure using the clamps that come with the speakers.
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- Mike M on Nov 27, 2018
- Purchased on Feb 19, 2018
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these speakers appear to have a port or vent but no description is provided in the specifications section. Are they intended to be ports or vents?
A shopper
on May 29, 2019
The vents on mine were both screwed and glued closed. It's possible that they had the idea to port them but changed their mind.
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- Devin B on May 29, 2019
- Purchased on Mar 10, 2019
Yes, they do have a port but it’s only effective when this speaker is mounted in a ceiling and you’ve built a inclosure in the ceiling before the drywall was installed and or if you ordered the Mono price back box ( sold separately ) and install it on the speaker before installing into your ceiling.
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- Low profile for less! on May 29, 2019
- Purchased on May 14, 2019
Yes they are ports. Vents and ports are technically the same thing and the terms quite often get used interchangeably. These speakers will sound good in all installations whether it’s open air attic, enclosed bay without insulation or installing it in bays with insulation, it doesn’t matter. They will sound great regardless
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- Kevin G on May 29, 2019
- Purchased on Apr 14, 2019
There is porting to help with bass response. I just installed 3 pairs with the latest Sonos amos and they sound great.
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- Eric S on May 29, 2019
- Purchased on May 2, 2019
No ports are needed. The speakers sound great. Don't hesitate.
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- D U on May 29, 2019
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I'm entertaining the idea of using these in my car audio setup to replace my factory 2010 Camry's rear speakers. If I wire them in parrallel creating a 4 ohm load and power them with an appropriately sized monoblock amp would they sound amazing or am I pipe-dreaming?
New User U
on Nov 10, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Not sure, great question. My gut says you'll be lacking a little in the bottom end. Since these are design to do double duty, music and movie dialog, I think they may be a tad bright for the small area of your Camry. If you have a sub with a separate amp that you can use to tailor the frequency response pof the system then yes, it would be pretty phenomenal sounding.
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- Dave L Staff on Nov 12, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Not sure, great question. My gut says you'll be lacking a little in the bottom end. Since these are design to do double duty, music and movie dialog, I think they may be a tad bright for the small area of your Camry. If you have a sub with a separate amp that you can use to tailor the frequency response pof the system then yes, it would be pretty phenomenal sounding.
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- Dave L Staff on Nov 12, 2018
They are good sounding speakers and inexpensive enough that it is worth a try. Why not just drive them in stereo at 8 ohms? Wiring them the way you suggest would result in mono unless there is more info that you left out.
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- David V on Nov 12, 2018
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2018
James and David, thank you both for your responses. It sure sounds like you guys know your stuff and David I'd like to pick your brain just a little bit..... I most certainly did not realize that wiring the speakers in parallel would produce a mono output (which is not preferable). And really the two main reasons I was entertaining the idea of wiring them in parallel was of course more power and also to get down to the 4 ohm load range which seems to be more or less the standard in car audio. Would it happen to make any difference on stereo vs. mono if I used a small 2 channel amp and bridge it? And to touch on the point James made, I actually do have a sub and a relatively small monoblock amp on it which does give me the amount of bass I'm looking for. After doing a little online reading, I was estimating that those speakers wired in parallel on a 4-ohm load would be drawing from the app somewhere in the range of 125 watts RMS. I guess the real question now that I think about it is if those speakers could handle that much power and if they can't then I'd have to look for an 8 ohm stable amp. And now that I think about that, I wonder if I found that kind of amp would it be compatible with my head unit which is also in 4 ohm load? As you guys can imagine all-in-all I just read the reviews about these speakers and they were absolutely beaming with good things and I thought to myself if these speakers can fill an entire room with high quality sound then they would knock my socks off in my Camry.
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- New User U on Nov 12, 2018
I think these could sound good in a car - though I would keep them in stereo instead of wiring in parallel and powering with a monoblock.
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- George E on Nov 12, 2018
- Purchased on Feb 21, 2018
they are a great speaker, the quality of sound is excellent.
I don't know how they would work in a car?
I don't know how they would work in a car?
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- Cindy V on Nov 12, 2018
- Purchased on Feb 20, 2017
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Do the rough in brakets that monoprice sells works with these speakers? The item number is 24762.
A shopper
on Nov 24, 2018
BEST ANSWER: The Amber 8" ceiling speakers have a cutout diameter of 10.67" while our bracket is only 10.2".
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- Dave L Staff on Nov 27, 2018
BEST ANSWER: The Amber 8" ceiling speakers have a cutout diameter of 10.67" while our bracket is only 10.2".
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- Dave L Staff on Nov 27, 2018
I installed the Alphas after construction. The turn tabs on the speakers secure them firmly to the ceiling drywall. Unless you are mounting them into a drop ceiling I don't believe brackets are necessary.
What I do suggest if you have room in the void in the ceiling is to install the Monoprice Metal Back Can for 8-inch Ceiling Speaker with Brackets (pair). They are big so if you have limited space in the void don't bother. And these also come with the brackets.
Between the directional tweeters in the speakers and the enclosures the sound is awesome.
What I do suggest if you have room in the void in the ceiling is to install the Monoprice Metal Back Can for 8-inch Ceiling Speaker with Brackets (pair). They are big so if you have limited space in the void don't bother. And these also come with the brackets.
Between the directional tweeters in the speakers and the enclosures the sound is awesome.

Monoprice Metal Back Can for 8-inch Ceiling Speaker with Brackets (pair)
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- Rosario R on Nov 27, 2018
- Purchased on May 30, 2018
Yes they do for flush mounting and they look great! Great speakers!!
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- James M on Nov 27, 2018
- Purchased on Oct 1, 2018
Yes they do and the speakers fit flat to the ceiling
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- New User U on Nov 27, 2018
- Purchased on Sep 2, 2018
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Can you aim the tweeters in this speaker like the Caliber series?
Christopher G
on Dec 27, 2016
BEST ANSWER: Yes, the tweeters can be moved about 15 degrees tilt to any direction. Use the center waveguide ring around the silver silk dome tweeter to position it to your liking. Take care not to poke the tweeters, the inner housing moves fairly easy.
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- Ryan F on Jan 7, 2018
- Purchased on Nov 6, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Yes, the tweeters can be moved about 15 degrees tilt to any direction. Use the center waveguide ring around the silver silk dome tweeter to position it to your liking. Take care not to poke the tweeters, the inner housing moves fairly easy.
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- Ryan F on Jan 7, 2018
- Purchased on Nov 6, 2017
These speakers sound incredible! Yes you can aim the tweeters with these speakers. I've installed over 20 plus pairs of these for my customers.
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- Chris R on Feb 20, 2017
- Purchased on Jan 30, 2017
Unfortunately no. I've owned both and these tweeters are stationary. But they sound so much better than the Caliber series!
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- NickatNite on Dec 27, 2016
- Purchased on Jun 15, 2016
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Can you help me decide between the Sycamore and the Alpha?
I don't care about the looks of the Sycamore as I'll just be using the grill.
I'm just looking for the best sounding speaker.
I don't care about the looks of the Sycamore as I'll just be using the grill.
I'm just looking for the best sounding speaker.
A shopper
on Oct 7, 2019

Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-way (pair)

Sycamore by Monoprice Architectural Ceiling Speakers 8in 3-way Aluminum with Micro Ceramic Composite Mid and Tweeter (Pair)
BEST ANSWER: Hard to say with Ceiling Speakers. Everyone's house is built differently meaning everyone will get different acoustics. It also depends on what you are looking for, if this is for surround sound/atmos, then get the cheaper option it will all sound the same. If it's for HiFi music listening then look at bookshelf speakers you'll never get bookshelf quality out of ceiling speakers ( for this price range ).
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- vladilsav s on Oct 7, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Hard to say with Ceiling Speakers. Everyone's house is built differently meaning everyone will get different acoustics. It also depends on what you are looking for, if this is for surround sound/atmos, then get the cheaper option it will all sound the same. If it's for HiFi music listening then look at bookshelf speakers you'll never get bookshelf quality out of ceiling speakers ( for this price range ).
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- vladilsav s on Oct 7, 2019
I am in the same boat as you. The specs are pretty similar, but if you dig into the specs some more, it looks like the Alpha should have slightly better bass response, which I think gives it the advantage. .
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- David on Oct 7, 2019
Sycamore are better sounding speakers
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- jong c on Oct 7, 2019
- Purchased on Jun 3, 2019
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are they safe to use in bathrooms?
David F
on Oct 10, 2019
BEST ANSWER: I would say yes as I don't believe you need a moisturizer resistant speaker like marine grade or anything for a bathroom. These are carbon fiber so I would assume resistant to moisture.
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- Erik D on Oct 10, 2019
- Purchased on Feb 26, 2019
BEST ANSWER: I would say yes as I don't believe you need a moisturizer resistant speaker like marine grade or anything for a bathroom. These are carbon fiber so I would assume resistant to moisture.
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- Erik D on Oct 10, 2019
- Purchased on Feb 26, 2019
Yes. They have been Flawless so far. We put these throughout the house including the master bath. Excellent speaker for the money
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- William D on Oct 10, 2019
- Purchased on Apr 8, 2019
While I have not used them In damp locations that are well made and should work in a bathroom. Great sounding!
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- Eric S on Oct 10, 2019
- Purchased on May 2, 2019
Yes, Just as long as your not installing them in the ceiling right in the shower itself ?
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- Low profile for less! on Oct 12, 2019
- Purchased on May 14, 2019
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Do these need a back box for an attic? Or can I just move the insulation away from speaker? If so, what is everyone using?
william m
on May 26, 2020
BEST ANSWER: You don’t need a box, although a box would improve the speaker performance. I used this for a center channel In a 7 by 2 setup. I did put the insulation behind the speaker. Speaker performs great without the box, I can only assume it would be better with a box.
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- Chauncey S on May 26, 2020
- Purchased on Dec 8, 2019
BEST ANSWER: You don’t need a box, although a box would improve the speaker performance. I used this for a center channel In a 7 by 2 setup. I did put the insulation behind the speaker. Speaker performs great without the box, I can only assume it would be better with a box.
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- Chauncey S on May 26, 2020
- Purchased on Dec 8, 2019
You can use a ceiling enclosure for the attic but, in my opinion, I would keep insulation around them as that will serve a similar purpose as an enclosure.
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- Skidder on May 26, 2020
- Purchased on Dec 21, 2019
You can use them without the box but will get better sound with them on. Or just enclose them some way in between your rafters.
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- Kevin on May 26, 2020
- Purchased on Oct 27, 2019
I didn’t not use a box, I covered them in insulation, they work great.
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- MICHAEL T. on May 26, 2020
- Purchased on Dec 1, 2019
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Are these speakers for dolby atmos?
A shopper
on Aug 1, 2021
BEST ANSWER: You can use them for Atmos setups. They’re not “certified”(Most speakers aren’t certified), but they will serve function for it. You need to have an Atmos capable receiver. My receiver says that it’s Atmos speakers are supposed to be mounted in the front presence, but I have mine close to overhead. I’m assuming there’s specific guidelines for this, but it works for me.
Additionally, you do not want to do in-ceiling only, as it will not give you a true surround experience. You more than likely want to do in-wall mounted as well as ceiling for the full Atmos experience.
Additionally, you do not want to do in-ceiling only, as it will not give you a true surround experience. You more than likely want to do in-wall mounted as well as ceiling for the full Atmos experience.
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- Moriah M on Aug 1, 2021
- Purchased on Feb 10, 2021
BEST ANSWER: You can use them for Atmos setups. They’re not “certified”(Most speakers aren’t certified), but they will serve function for it. You need to have an Atmos capable receiver. My receiver says that it’s Atmos speakers are supposed to be mounted in the front presence, but I have mine close to overhead. I’m assuming there’s specific guidelines for this, but it works for me.
Additionally, you do not want to do in-ceiling only, as it will not give you a true surround experience. You more than likely want to do in-wall mounted as well as ceiling for the full Atmos experience.
Additionally, you do not want to do in-ceiling only, as it will not give you a true surround experience. You more than likely want to do in-wall mounted as well as ceiling for the full Atmos experience.
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- Moriah M on Aug 1, 2021
- Purchased on Feb 10, 2021
Yes, you can use these as height speakers in a Dolby Atmos setup.
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- Bradley W on Aug 1, 2021
- Purchased on Jan 24, 2021
That is what I bought them for and am happy with the results!
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- Kent on Aug 1, 2021
- Purchased on Mar 9, 2021
You can use any in ceiling speakers for Atmos
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- Paul P on Aug 3, 2021
- Purchased on Feb 13, 2021
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Can these built in speakers work with the epson 3200 home projector?
Ashley M
on Mar 6, 2022
BEST ANSWER: Yes, especially as height speakers, and that's because 98% of the sounds won't be human, but natural sounds. I run these with some costly speakers by B&W, and they accompany each other extremely well. I even purchased a second set for another room I'm doing also. I just wish you could hear them...
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- Jada S on Mar 6, 2022
- Purchased on Mar 6, 2021
BEST ANSWER: Yes, especially as height speakers, and that's because 98% of the sounds won't be human, but natural sounds. I run these with some costly speakers by B&W, and they accompany each other extremely well. I even purchased a second set for another room I'm doing also. I just wish you could hear them...
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- Jada S on Mar 6, 2022
- Purchased on Mar 6, 2021
You would need some sort of amp to power these speakers. It could be anything from a stereo amp or full blown surround receiver. The audio output from either the projector itself or from the device feeding image to projector would have to be input into the amp or surround sound receiver.
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- Dan F on Mar 7, 2022
- Purchased on Mar 24, 2021
The projector is just passive receiver of video and has nothing to do with sound. The speakers would typically be powered by a receiver that also sends sound to wherever
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- Steve W on Mar 6, 2022
- Purchased on Mar 29, 2021
The only audio out today projector has is a headphone jack. You need to have a home theater receiver to use these speakers.
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- Lee T on Mar 30, 2022
- Purchased on Nov 2, 2021
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Are these suitable for a porch ceiling?
Chris I
on Feb 15, 2017
BEST ANSWER: I installed two pairs of the 8" Alphas in my living room ceiling and they sound good. I see no reason why they wouldn't work in a porch, but you will need to make sure that there is sufficient space between joists to fit them between joists. That said, I used a pair of 6" Calibers in my porch installation because they were cheaper and because they have matching back boxes. I wanted back back boxes to keep bugs and dust from getting to the speaker. Also, the Calibers have grills that are friction fit, and I wasn't sure if the magnetic grills on the Alphas would agree with changing temps, etc. outside. The calibers sound great with the back boxes on my porch. But I imagine the 8" Alphas would sound even better.
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- Joseph M on Feb 15, 2017
- Purchased on Oct 16, 2016
BEST ANSWER: I installed two pairs of the 8" Alphas in my living room ceiling and they sound good. I see no reason why they wouldn't work in a porch, but you will need to make sure that there is sufficient space between joists to fit them between joists. That said, I used a pair of 6" Calibers in my porch installation because they were cheaper and because they have matching back boxes. I wanted back back boxes to keep bugs and dust from getting to the speaker. Also, the Calibers have grills that are friction fit, and I wasn't sure if the magnetic grills on the Alphas would agree with changing temps, etc. outside. The calibers sound great with the back boxes on my porch. But I imagine the 8" Alphas would sound even better.
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- Joseph M on Feb 15, 2017
- Purchased on Oct 16, 2016
I have these on a porch in New England. No issue with grates and they sound great. I actually really like the "brightness" of the Carbon Fiber for outside. Also, I had an inside installation get totally soaked from a leak the pooled above the speaker and then leaked through it. No issues whatsoever with getting wet. Not suggesting they are all weather but I have no worries in a covered porch installation.
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- Tim W on Jun 14, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 14, 2016
I have these on my porch. They rock.
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- Warren J on May 9, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 28, 2016
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Can I use these ceiling speakers for atmos?
New User U
on Feb 15, 2017
BEST ANSWER: You sure can. I have 6 in my ceiling. They are larger than others but the larger hole made it easier to run wires in my scenario. If you have the space go for it.
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- Kevin on Dec 3, 2019
- Purchased on Oct 27, 2019
BEST ANSWER: You sure can. I have 6 in my ceiling. They are larger than others but the larger hole made it easier to run wires in my scenario. If you have the space go for it.
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- Kevin on Dec 3, 2019
- Purchased on Oct 27, 2019
You could, I think these would be a bit large except in the very biggest of theater rooms.
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- Joshua H on Feb 28, 2017
- Purchased on Feb 13, 2017
Thats what I used them for and couldnt be happier.
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- Tommy E on Feb 28, 2017
- Purchased on Feb 10, 2017
+1. I love these speakers for Atmos applications! You can angle the tweeter, and the large driver really gives a height presence in action sequences, like when a helicopter passes over! After using these for a little over a year now, they've made me a true believer in Atmos.
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what is the purpose of the slot ? are these slots used to direct bass into the room ?
New User U
on Mar 15, 2017
BEST ANSWER: From my understanding, it's a bass vent. You can use them sealed of vented. If we are talking about the same slot...
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- Marc-André F on Mar 15, 2017
- Purchased on May 31, 2016
BEST ANSWER: From my understanding, it's a bass vent. You can use them sealed of vented. If we are talking about the same slot...
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- Marc-André F on Mar 15, 2017
- Purchased on May 31, 2016
I used mine with back cans. Tried with the port open and closed and had better sound with them closed.
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- Kevin on Dec 3, 2019
- Purchased on Oct 27, 2019
Yes they are ported. I used these throughout my house and they sound fantastic.
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- James K on Mar 16, 2017
- Purchased on May 31, 2016
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How many in ceiling speakers come with it?
New User U
on Jul 14, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Two speakers are in each pair.
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- Bill on Jan 8, 2019
- Purchased on Dec 25, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Two speakers are in each pair.
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- Bill on Jan 8, 2019
- Purchased on Dec 25, 2018
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Can these speakers be used for rear speakers for a surround sound?
A shopper
on Mar 20, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Yes, but I would recommend wall vs ceiling mounting to put them at proper height for traditional rear surround. In ceiling, they work extremely well for Atmos speakers, and if you have to choose one or the other, I'd go Armor if your AVE supports it.
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- Craig K on Mar 20, 2018
- Purchased on Apr 24, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Yes, but I would recommend wall vs ceiling mounting to put them at proper height for traditional rear surround. In ceiling, they work extremely well for Atmos speakers, and if you have to choose one or the other, I'd go Armor if your AVE supports it.
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- Craig K on Mar 20, 2018
- Purchased on Apr 24, 2017
I currently have them setup in the rear on the ceiling. The tweeters can be angled.
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- Khurram A on Mar 20, 2018
- Purchased on Mar 20, 2017
Yes these would work well as a surround speaker.
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- Markese F on Mar 20, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 3, 2017
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What is the maximum thickness of the ceiling that these can be mounted in? My ceiling is 2 layers of 5/8 Sheetrock.
A shopper
on Mar 23, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Most of our Dogears will accommodate ceiling thicknesses up to 28 mm (1.1 in)
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- Dave L Staff on Mar 28, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Most of our Dogears will accommodate ceiling thicknesses up to 28 mm (1.1 in)
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- Dave L Staff on Mar 28, 2018
It’s a while since I installed. But if it’s too thick then you could cut back the top layer in the area of the fixtures.
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- Paul E on Mar 28, 2018
- Purchased on Oct 12, 2017
Two sheets of 5/8 is to big at 1”” is max
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- Kenny on Mar 29, 2018
- Purchased on Nov 21, 2017
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What would the proper speaker enclosure size be around, if I was building back boxes?
- Thanks!
- Thanks!
Bart H
on May 2, 2018
BEST ANSWER: We are working on providing complete Theile-Smalls measurements for all of our in-wall and ceiling speakers for building proper boxes. This info should be on the product pages in a couple of months.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on May 4, 2018
BEST ANSWER: We are working on providing complete Theile-Smalls measurements for all of our in-wall and ceiling speakers for building proper boxes. This info should be on the product pages in a couple of months.
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- Dave L Staff on May 4, 2018
As a woodworker, and someone that just installed a pair, honestly, I would purchase them first and design around what you have. They are surprisingly large (the grill is 12" across! The hole you cut is 10.5". The driver is indeed 8") and there are other things to consider backside -- wire access location, electronics that protrude, bracketing system to consider etc.
Really, if you had one in front of you, design would be no issue. Working from a spec sheet is likely to result in an "oh, man!" moment,
Really, if you had one in front of you, design would be no issue. Working from a spec sheet is likely to result in an "oh, man!" moment,
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- Bill on Jan 8, 2019
- Purchased on Dec 25, 2018
10 inches. Give yourself some goon for pley
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- Michael R on May 4, 2018
- Purchased on Jun 26, 2017
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What is the cutout size for Alpha Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-way?
john i
on May 10, 2018
BEST ANSWER: The Full Specs section of the product page shows the Cutout Dims : 10.67" x 3.78" (271 x 271 x 96 mm)
- Reply
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- Dave L Staff on May 14, 2018
BEST ANSWER: The Full Specs section of the product page shows the Cutout Dims : 10.67" x 3.78" (271 x 271 x 96 mm)
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- Dave L Staff on May 14, 2018
10.67" round, must be 3.78" of clearance (depth) in the ceiling
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- Ross W on May 14, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 28, 2017
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Are these speakers 80w RMS each or 80w RMS total as in 40w a piece?
New User U
on Nov 10, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Each. I have a 60W amp and they don’t distort at the highest volume. They are very loud and I fear what happens at 80W, you would need a pretty large room.
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- Chris C on Jul 19, 2020
- Purchased on May 23, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Each. I have a 60W amp and they don’t distort at the highest volume. They are very loud and I fear what happens at 80W, you would need a pretty large room.
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- Chris C on Jul 19, 2020
- Purchased on May 23, 2019
80 watts rms per speaker. They bang!
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- James I on Nov 11, 2018
- Purchased on Nov 27, 2017
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Looking to paint these. I've read the instructions which mention a paint mask, but it's unclear where that is and what to do with it. Is the paint mask the fiber film that is fixed to the inside back of the grille? Should that be removed, either before or after applying the paint?
Aaron P
on Dec 19, 2018

Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-way (pair)

Monoprice Alpha In-Wall Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-way (pair)
BEST ANSWER: The paint mask is applicable with our other non-magnetic grill models. Since the magnetic grill completely covers the speaker there is no need to paint the speaker. The inside film does need to be removed so the paint does not clog the perforated grill.
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- Dave L Staff on Dec 19, 2018
BEST ANSWER: The paint mask is applicable with our other non-magnetic grill models. Since the magnetic grill completely covers the speaker there is no need to paint the speaker. The inside film does need to be removed so the paint does not clog the perforated grill.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Dec 19, 2018
I didn't paint mine, as my ceiling is flat white, but based on what I read in the manual (and Dave L's comment), and the fact that the grille is completely removable, I would remove the film, and lay the grilles on a flat surface (like a sheet of disposable plywood or something), and lightly spray them using a furniture grade paint sprayer with a very much thinned paint, using multiple coats to avoid clogging the grille. If you're using spray paint, I'd definitely go *very* lightly in multiple coats, and keep a straight pin handy to unclog the grille if necessary!
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- Scott G on Dec 20, 2018
The paint mask is usually a piece of cardboard that you put over the speakers, the black part. I have had great luck spraying the grill with an gravity feed air spray gun.
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- MATTHEW R on Dec 19, 2018
- Purchased on Mar 24, 2018
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What gauge speaker wire should I use with these?
A shopper
on May 23, 2021
BEST ANSWER: I wired these speakers in my house with 14-2 in wall speaker cable. I hope this helps!!
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- John A on May 23, 2021
- Purchased on Dec 13, 2020
BEST ANSWER: I wired these speakers in my house with 14-2 in wall speaker cable. I hope this helps!!
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- John A on May 23, 2021
- Purchased on Dec 13, 2020
Depending on the length of run 14g-16g wire.
I'm on 24' run using 16g.
I'm on 24' run using 16g.
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- cody e on May 24, 2021
- Purchased on Dec 22, 2020
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Are backboxes available for new construction?
John M
on Jan 4, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thanks for the question. We do not currently stock backboxes for this Speaker. Any backboxes that are compatible with the size of the speaker would work however. Hope this helps.
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- Inaccurate
- David F Staff on Jan 17, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thanks for the question. We do not currently stock backboxes for this Speaker. Any backboxes that are compatible with the size of the speaker would work however. Hope this helps.
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- Inaccurate
- David F Staff on Jan 17, 2017
I wouldn't recommend backboxes for any ceiling speakers. Their small size cuts down in the volume of space behind the woofer and will short-change you in terms of bass extension. Using the entire attic as an enclosure will create an infinite baffle and great sounding bass allowing you to lower the crossover point of your subwoofer. The only drawback of not using a trim-ring or backbox is getting the sheetrock workers to not bury your wiring and lose the placement of your speaker installation plans. Work with them and leave enough speaker cable showing so that you can cut out the opening yourself. If you are handy with power tools, you may want to attach a section of 1/4" plywood to the ceiling joists prior to hanging sheetrock with the proper sized circular cutout and the cable hanging through. Use a hand saw or roto-zip tool to cut the sheetrock as the plywood will serve as a built-in template to properly cut the speaker opening. Be careful with any hand or power tool as you can mistakenly cut through your speaker cables by accident!
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- Hector J. R on Jan 16, 2019
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What mounting brackets would be recommended for new construction?
Justin W
on Jan 17, 2017
BEST ANSWER: I didn't use any just the one that comes built in with the speakers. they are butterfly screws and open when you tighten them. just be careful as they are plastic and can break if tighten to hard or fast.
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- Jaime Z on Jan 18, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 14, 2016
BEST ANSWER: I didn't use any just the one that comes built in with the speakers. they are butterfly screws and open when you tighten them. just be careful as they are plastic and can break if tighten to hard or fast.
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- Inaccurate
- Jaime Z on Jan 18, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 14, 2016
No additional items are needed for installation aside from speaker wire. The speakers have brackets on the back that twist into place once you place the speaker into the whole cut into ceiling drywall.
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- Patrick K on Jan 17, 2017
- Purchased on Aug 21, 2016
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what are the differences between these and the Alpha series? Do they sound different?
New User U
on Feb 9, 2017

Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-way (pair)

Monoprice Black Back Ceiling Speakers 8in 2-Way Fiber with Covered Crossover (pair)
BEST ANSWER: Thanks for you interest in these ceiling speakers. Overall tone of the Black Back Speakers will be very similar to the popular Caliber series of Kevlar driver models. Carbon fiber will handle more power before distortion and last longer than Kevlar. Kevlar is better in humidity like bathrooms. The black Back has a protective cover that block debris from getting in to electronics and drivers but retains an open sound. There is no Back can available at this time for the Black Back.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Apr 13, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thanks for you interest in these ceiling speakers. Overall tone of the Black Back Speakers will be very similar to the popular Caliber series of Kevlar driver models. Carbon fiber will handle more power before distortion and last longer than Kevlar. Kevlar is better in humidity like bathrooms. The black Back has a protective cover that block debris from getting in to electronics and drivers but retains an open sound. There is no Back can available at this time for the Black Back.
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- Dave L Staff on Apr 13, 2017
I wouldn't get too hung up on materials in terms of SQ. I've heard high-end treated paper cones that put out more natural sound that composites.
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- Mahabeer S on Apr 7, 2017
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Should the "vent" cover on the 8" Alpha speaker be removed when installing the back can? Should I also add damping material?
Brian H
on Feb 16, 2017

Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-way (pair)

Monoprice Metal Back Can for 8-inch Ceiling Speaker with Brackets (pair)
BEST ANSWER: If the original design of the 8" Alpha was to have the vent removed if using the enclosures (creating a ported enclosure), it was later changed. What looks like a removable port cover isn't actually removable. In addition to being screwed to the speakers, it's also pretty permanently glued. I played with the enclosures a little before installing them and no matter what I did, the bass was pretty unimpressive. E.G. my 5" bookshelves blew these away bass-wise. In the end, I disassembled the tweeter bridge to seal the hole where the tweeter wire goes through as it whistles quite noticeably once you add the enclosures and sealed the speaker to the enclosure all with household silicone. I also filled the enclosures with additional fiber fill. Hope this helps.
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- Inaccurate
- Steve F on Feb 16, 2017
- Purchased on Sep 12, 2016
BEST ANSWER: If the original design of the 8" Alpha was to have the vent removed if using the enclosures (creating a ported enclosure), it was later changed. What looks like a removable port cover isn't actually removable. In addition to being screwed to the speakers, it's also pretty permanently glued. I played with the enclosures a little before installing them and no matter what I did, the bass was pretty unimpressive. E.G. my 5" bookshelves blew these away bass-wise. In the end, I disassembled the tweeter bridge to seal the hole where the tweeter wire goes through as it whistles quite noticeably once you add the enclosures and sealed the speaker to the enclosure all with household silicone. I also filled the enclosures with additional fiber fill. Hope this helps.
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- Inaccurate
- Steve F on Feb 16, 2017
- Purchased on Sep 12, 2016
You should not need to remove the speaker cover when you're installing the back can. That being said, there is also no reason why you should leave it on either.
The cans came to me with a small amount of damping material. Feel free to add more, but I think you'd find you didn't need to.
The cans came to me with a small amount of damping material. Feel free to add more, but I think you'd find you didn't need to.
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- Inaccurate
- Matthew H on Feb 16, 2017
- Purchased on Jan 23, 2017
thanks. did you remove the cover over the vent on your speakers? I didn't know if opening the port would provide for better bass or not.
I did not open mine, but that has more to do with the particular material above the cans than anything else. I've worked with professional audio set-ups for years and it struck me as an unnecessary unless you'll be using the speakers at unusually high volumes or using them in lieu of a subwoofer and turning up the bass boost. an 8 inch speaker won't displace that much air and the back cans were designed to be large enough to accommodate.
If in doubt, leave it cracked open slightly and I think you'll be happy.
If in doubt, leave it cracked open slightly and I think you'll be happy.
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What is the coverage angle on these speakers?
Evan P
on Feb 26, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thanks for your interest in our ceiling speakers. Most ceiling speaker unless otherwise noted have a 110° conical coverage area.
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- Dave L Staff on Feb 28, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thanks for your interest in our ceiling speakers. Most ceiling speaker unless otherwise noted have a 110° conical coverage area.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Feb 28, 2017
I wanted to get some angled speakers for my fronts. Trust me these things work without the angle
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- Scott S on Feb 9, 2019
- Purchased on Jun 11, 2016
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Is there an install guide for this metal backs? Will these prevent blown insulation from getting into the Alpha ceiling speakers? (I read that one idea is to insert a square of fiberglass insulation batting into the attic, before inserting a ceiling speaker.)
Tristan R
on Feb 27, 2017

Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-way (pair)

Monoprice Metal Back Can for 8-inch Ceiling Speaker with Brackets (pair)
BEST ANSWER: We installed these cans on 16 Alpha 8" speakers, and they're great. See my review there for details. They do prevent blown insulation from getting into the speakers. They also helped with bass delivery, and richness. I removed the bass port on the alphas to take advantage of the cans. A few tips: The cans come with a tiny square of fiberglass insulation, which I can only assume is to smooth out the sound delivery. It isn't attached in any way, and when I first attached the cans to our speakers, it seemed to move around. I threaded the speaker wires through a slit in the fiberglass, and attached it to the back of the can with some gorilla tape so it quit moving around with heavy bass. We also wrapped our cans in Noico, which is like dynamat, as the cans flex a lot with the bass port removed. We were doing new construction, so we wanted to make use of the speaker rings. Be aware that the ring supports are not made for residential construction. They're made for commercial drop ceilings. We had to use an angle grinder to cut off each end of the supports so we could screw them to the ceiling trusses prior to sheetrock.
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- Inaccurate
- Scott M L on Apr 12, 2017
- Purchased on May 22, 2016
One more note in followup to my previous post... We used silicon sealant or caulk to seal the cans to the speakers. Without it, a lot of air was leaking between the speaker and the back can due to the bass port being removed on the speakers. This combined with the noico resulted in a nice air-tight rigid 'box' for these speakers.
BEST ANSWER: We installed these cans on 16 Alpha 8" speakers, and they're great. See my review there for details. They do prevent blown insulation from getting into the speakers. They also helped with bass delivery, and richness. I removed the bass port on the alphas to take advantage of the cans. A few tips: The cans come with a tiny square of fiberglass insulation, which I can only assume is to smooth out the sound delivery. It isn't attached in any way, and when I first attached the cans to our speakers, it seemed to move around. I threaded the speaker wires through a slit in the fiberglass, and attached it to the back of the can with some gorilla tape so it quit moving around with heavy bass. We also wrapped our cans in Noico, which is like dynamat, as the cans flex a lot with the bass port removed. We were doing new construction, so we wanted to make use of the speaker rings. Be aware that the ring supports are not made for residential construction. They're made for commercial drop ceilings. We had to use an angle grinder to cut off each end of the supports so we could screw them to the ceiling trusses prior to sheetrock.
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- Inaccurate
- Scott M L on Apr 12, 2017
- Purchased on May 22, 2016
One more note in followup to my previous post... We used silicon sealant or caulk to seal the cans to the speakers. Without it, a lot of air was leaking between the speaker and the back can due to the bass port being removed on the speakers. This combined with the noico resulted in a nice air-tight rigid 'box' for these speakers.
I installed (6) of these on my back patio in Arizona. 2x6 construction for my covered patio. I put T & G pine up and cut the speaker holes. I thought about getting the rings and install kit. Didn't need them. THEY ROCK!
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- jerry b on Feb 27, 2018
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says this will work with other speakers of similar dimensions, will it work with
Product # 13683?
Product # 13683?
Kristy C
on Apr 17, 2017

Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-way (pair)

Monoprice ABS Back Enclosure (Pair) for PID 4104 8in Ceiling Speaker
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your interest in our ceiling speakers. This back can is about an inch too small in diameter. So it will not work. The metal back cans will work, 14365
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on May 16, 2017

Monoprice Metal Back Can for 8-inch Ceiling Speaker with Brackets (pair)
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your interest in our ceiling speakers. This back can is about an inch too small in diameter. So it will not work. The metal back cans will work, 14365
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on May 16, 2017

Monoprice Metal Back Can for 8-inch Ceiling Speaker with Brackets (pair)
The metal 14365 cans WILL NOT work on the 4104 ceiling speakers. The ring is about an inch too wide in diameter for the clamps to work, the can covers the fingers that clamp down on the ring, and the can can only rest on top of the speaker but does not attach (against code).

Monoprice Caliber In-Ceiling Speakers, 8in Fiber 2-Way (pair)
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- Chris C on May 22, 2017
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4.7 / 5.0
80 Reviews
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1 Star
Rated 5 out of 5
Great speakers and great value for the money
Awesome speakers for the price!
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Rated 5 out of 5
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Rated 2 out of 5
Get what you're paying for.
Tinny, lacking bass response, not worth the cost to send back. will become new set of 3rd tier speakers in garage
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Rated 5 out of 5
Perfect addition to sound system
I am very pleased.
My wife and I are remodeling our family room and decided to install speakers in the ceiling to get rid of floor standing ones.
The sound is excellent and the design fills the room perfectly.
I will be purchasing more in the future as my remodeling continues.
My wife and I are remodeling our family room and decided to install speakers in the ceiling to get rid of floor standing ones.
The sound is excellent and the design fills the room perfectly.
I will be purchasing more in the future as my remodeling continues.
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Rated 5 out of 5
I have them mounted on the patio. Excellent sound for the size and price including the bass. I definitely recommend!
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Rated 5 out of 5
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Rated 5 out of 5
Amazing sound for the price...good sound doesn't have to be expensive.
I went the extra effort of building a wooding box around them, which we all know that speakers sound better in a box, and they sound top notch in my Atmos setup.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Monoprice Alpha Ceiling Speakers 8in Carbon Fiber 2-way (pair)
Prefect fit, great sound
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Rated 5 out of 5
Superb Sound Quality for the price!
As a sound engineer, the overall audio quality is VERY important to me and my ears! I tried these after first auditioning a couple of larger brand units (that were 2-3 times the cost of these). Hands down these won with MUCH better dynamic range, good presence across the board (no muffled vocals or muddy dynamics).
We listen to alot of dance music, and the bass response is excellent, and the high end has plenty of room. They can push out a fair amount of volume for the unit wattage and will fill a room without issues.
Build quality is good, even survived a drop from 5ft onto a countertop. Would highly recommend.
We paired these with a few old AV Component amps and installed the Monoprice in wall rotary volume control, which also works great if you want to run more than one zone from the same amp.
We listen to alot of dance music, and the bass response is excellent, and the high end has plenty of room. They can push out a fair amount of volume for the unit wattage and will fill a room without issues.
Build quality is good, even survived a drop from 5ft onto a countertop. Would highly recommend.
We paired these with a few old AV Component amps and installed the Monoprice in wall rotary volume control, which also works great if you want to run more than one zone from the same amp.
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Rated 2 out of 5
No bass, dont buy unless you have a sub.
Bass rolls off at 80hz, I measured it myself. Sounds horrible and because the cutout is so big i cant replace it without new drywall and paint. My portable Bluetooth speaker with 2.5on drivers has more bass than this thing. I fixed it somewhat by buying a graphic equalizer and boosting 30-80Hz by 10dB to extend it maybe to 50Hz. Yes I tried changing the cavity size from fully open (attic) to smaller, using insulation. It didnt do much.
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