Stage Right by Monoprice 192-Channel DMX-512 Universal Stage Lighting Controller for Up To 12 Intelligent Lights
Product # 612120
UPC # 757901814334
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Can this controller be used to record DMX scenes passed through from another controller in the same universe? I have a more complex computer controlled controller already, but I want something that I can save out scenes to a rather simply non-computer controller/playback device.
New User U
on Mar 31, 2018
BEST ANSWER: No, this controller does not have that ability.
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- Dave L Staff on Apr 2, 2018
BEST ANSWER: No, this controller does not have that ability.
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- Dave L Staff on Apr 2, 2018
I bought dmx512 controller 6 months ago
But it’s stop working I just used 2 time when I bought
Please I need help
Try contact with monoprice company
But it’s stop working I just used 2 time when I bought
Please I need help
Try contact with monoprice company
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- luis l on Apr 2, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 28, 2017
Book says YES. I haven't tried it yet but will soon. Max 512 channels..
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- Martin E on Apr 4, 2018
- Purchased on Jun 26, 2017
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Does this have storage for lighting cues?
Jordan f
on Jun 16, 2019
BEST ANSWER: This entry level controller has 240 scenes and 6 chases.
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- Dave L Staff on Jun 18, 2019
BEST ANSWER: This entry level controller has 240 scenes and 6 chases.
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- Dave L Staff on Jun 18, 2019
What I use as cues are the 30 banks of 8 savable scenes beyond that you can save chases but those are the only two methods of storing on this unit.
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- BRANT P on Jun 16, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 25, 2018
I think so but other reviews say cross fades may be tricky. Have only used it for a basic controller at this time.
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- Charles C on Jun 16, 2019
- Purchased on Feb 21, 2019
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does it rack mount?
John P
on Dec 28, 2019
BEST ANSWER: I'm confused by the above answer. The user manual indicates that the device has a width of 482mm which is 18.98 inches. There are screw holes on the fins on the sides... can this be mounted using the inside holes on a 19" rack? It looks like it "might" work. I'd like an answer from staff.
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- Robert L on May 15, 2020
BEST ANSWER: I'm confused by the above answer. The user manual indicates that the device has a width of 482mm which is 18.98 inches. There are screw holes on the fins on the sides... can this be mounted using the inside holes on a 19" rack? It looks like it "might" work. I'd like an answer from staff.
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- Robert L on May 15, 2020
No, it’s just over 24” long...a rack is 19”
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- Brett S on Dec 28, 2019
- Purchased on Feb 26, 2019
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Some folks here are saying you can fade between scenes. How? I can get it to fade in auto mode, but then it switched to the next scene after the speed amount of time has passed. Not good. I need it to fade into the scene from the existing scene and STOP. But the auto mode where it keeps switching scenes (and there is no "stop" button) is the only way. Detail: Create two scenes - scene 1 and scene 2. The light board operator needs to be able to press scene 1 and have it fade into that scene. When we get to the point in time for scene 2 they will press the scene 2 button and it will fade to that. Please give details on which buttons you hit to make this happen. The instructions included are very clear - and seem to make it clear that you cannot do this without it automatically changing scenes on you.
Johnmichael M
on Jan 25, 2017
BEST ANSWER: I'm sorry to hear that, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with a detailed summary of the issue you are experiencing and our knowledgeable Technical Support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you
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- Jeff M Staff on Feb 16, 2017
Just following up for anyone reading this later. It appears it is not possible to have scene changes that fade for variable/light board operator control. If you want the person running the board to press scene numbers on the board and have it switch then it cannot fade. There are fade options, but they involve automatic processes that repeat, are continuous or pre-specified periods of time.
- Reply
- Johnmichael M on Feb 23, 2017
BEST ANSWER: I'm sorry to hear that, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with a detailed summary of the issue you are experiencing and our knowledgeable Technical Support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you
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- Inaccurate
- Jeff M Staff on Feb 16, 2017
Just following up for anyone reading this later. It appears it is not possible to have scene changes that fade for variable/light board operator control. If you want the person running the board to press scene numbers on the board and have it switch then it cannot fade. There are fade options, but they involve automatic processes that repeat, are continuous or pre-specified periods of time.
- Reply
- Johnmichael M on Feb 23, 2017
This unit does not have fade times for scenes. It is an instantaneous change from one scene to the next. Many of our LED Stage Light have Fade Time as a channel of control via DMX.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Mar 1, 2017
Thanks. I have a few fixtures that might allow me to program in a DMX fade time control. I will explore that.
- Reply
- Johnmichael M on Mar 1, 2017
5.5 years later -- is this answer still accurate? I'm interested in this controller but not if it only will "cut" between scenes and not cross-fade.
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- New User U on Aug 17, 2022
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In the Manual under section 4.3 Wheel Assignment, it says: "It also allows you to reassign physical faders to fixture DMX channels so that you can combine or unify control of similar or same attributes across different types of fixtures.". But the manual does not tell how to do this. I would like to make the first three faders of each fixture always be Red, Green, Blue, whereas I have fixtures where the first fader is the master dimmer and another that has the first fader as the X control. Can anyone explain how to do this?
Karl B
on Jan 28, 2017
BEST ANSWER: After much research and working with this console, I've come to the conclusion that this console does not allow fader reassignment as the manual states, even though this console is an almost exact clone of the DMX-240a console offered by other manufactures which does have this capability. This console only allows wheel reassignment but not fader reassignment. Wish I had known before buying this.
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- Karl B on Jan 30, 2017
- Purchased on Jan 19, 2017
BEST ANSWER: After much research and working with this console, I've come to the conclusion that this console does not allow fader reassignment as the manual states, even though this console is an almost exact clone of the DMX-240a console offered by other manufactures which does have this capability. This console only allows wheel reassignment but not fader reassignment. Wish I had known before buying this.
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- Karl B on Jan 30, 2017
- Purchased on Jan 19, 2017
From what I had understood, the manual is a little off. Wheel assignment from what I read, I believe, was for moving head fixtures that you can swivel and shift.
Most of what I learned about DMX controller functions, I found on YouTube.
Almost all DMX 512 controllers I found to be universal as far as programming, and each vid I learned so much and I only had this since December.
You can program scenes to be your main faders...scene 1 red, scene 2 blue, scene 3 green, etc...or whatever...depends on what you want it to look like in the end result
Most of what I learned about DMX controller functions, I found on YouTube.
Almost all DMX 512 controllers I found to be universal as far as programming, and each vid I learned so much and I only had this since December.
You can program scenes to be your main faders...scene 1 red, scene 2 blue, scene 3 green, etc...or whatever...depends on what you want it to look like in the end result
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- Terry S on Jan 29, 2017
- Purchased on Dec 11, 2016
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How does one switch between BANKS with this controller? The up/down arrows on mine are not allowing me to switch between them. I can program scenes 1-8 on BANK 1, but then I cannot go into bank 2, 3, etc. to save in more. Is there a trick to it, or is my controller faulty? (Granted, I am just learning this and do not have a lot of knowledge with controllers as of yet, so it may very well just be my also.)
A shopper
on Jul 19, 2017
BEST ANSWER: The only thing I can see that may be giving you the problem is if the FINE button is engaged. When selecting a new scene be sure the FINE is not on. If this is not the case in your situation then I apologize, you must have a defective unit
If the item is failing on you we would be happy to setup a replacement. Please contact us with your order number via the methods available here:
Our friendly support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you!
If the item is failing on you we would be happy to setup a replacement. Please contact us with your order number via the methods available here:
Our friendly support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you!
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- Dave L Staff on Aug 21, 2017
BEST ANSWER: The only thing I can see that may be giving you the problem is if the FINE button is engaged. When selecting a new scene be sure the FINE is not on. If this is not the case in your situation then I apologize, you must have a defective unit
If the item is failing on you we would be happy to setup a replacement. Please contact us with your order number via the methods available here:
Our friendly support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you!
If the item is failing on you we would be happy to setup a replacement. Please contact us with your order number via the methods available here:
Our friendly support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you!
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- Dave L Staff on Aug 21, 2017
I'm no expert either, but one thing leaps,to mind; are you out of program mode when you are trying to switch to bank 2 etc? It may not allow you to change banks if you are in program mode. Other than that, I can't think of any reason it wouldn't switch. Hope this helps.
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- Brian B on Aug 21, 2017
- Purchased on Feb 23, 2017
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Will this controller work well with the Stage Right 10-watt x 9 LED Flat PAR Stage Lights?
David A
on Oct 2, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your interest in this DMX controller. Yes, it will work very well with all our stage light products. Be sure to read both manuals to understand DMX mapping and control. The manual on the controller explains how DMX works and how to address fixtures.
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- Dave L Staff on Oct 4, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your interest in this DMX controller. Yes, it will work very well with all our stage light products. Be sure to read both manuals to understand DMX mapping and control. The manual on the controller explains how DMX works and how to address fixtures.
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- Dave L Staff on Oct 4, 2017
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I notice there is a fog machine button. What fog machines are supported by this device?
Dave M
on Jan 15, 2018
BEST ANSWER: The fog machine has to either have a MIDI input in the back of it to connect to the MIDI input in the back of the DMX board, or the fog machine has to have a DMX input and output.
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- Brian T on Jan 15, 2018
- Purchased on May 14, 2017
BEST ANSWER: The fog machine has to either have a MIDI input in the back of it to connect to the MIDI input in the back of the DMX board, or the fog machine has to have a DMX input and output.
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- Brian T on Jan 15, 2018
- Purchased on May 14, 2017
Any that will accept a DMX signal input.
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- Martin E on Jan 16, 2018
- Purchased on Jun 26, 2017
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does the monoprice usb light in the photo come with it?
Gordon W
on Jan 18, 2020
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
This item would come with:
1x 192-Channel DMX-512 controller
1x AC power adapter (DC 9-12V 500mA, 90V~240V)
1x User's manual
This item would come with:
1x 192-Channel DMX-512 controller
1x AC power adapter (DC 9-12V 500mA, 90V~240V)
1x User's manual
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- Tyler C Staff on Jan 20, 2020
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
This item would come with:
1x 192-Channel DMX-512 controller
1x AC power adapter (DC 9-12V 500mA, 90V~240V)
1x User's manual
This item would come with:
1x 192-Channel DMX-512 controller
1x AC power adapter (DC 9-12V 500mA, 90V~240V)
1x User's manual
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- Tyler C Staff on Jan 20, 2020
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How do you change data-banks? The up/down arrows on mine do not accomplish this. Is there a trick to tabbing through them, or is mine malfunctioning? I can set 8 scenes on data-bank 1, but then it will not let me change banks to have access to more storage.
A shopper
on Jul 31, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your interest in this DMX controller. The BANK buttons to the right of the display window should allow you to navigate through the scene banks. If the item is failing on you we would be happy to setup a replacement. Please contact us with your order number via the methods available here:
Our friendly support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you!
Our friendly support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you!
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- Dave L Staff on Aug 1, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your interest in this DMX controller. The BANK buttons to the right of the display window should allow you to navigate through the scene banks. If the item is failing on you we would be happy to setup a replacement. Please contact us with your order number via the methods available here:
Our friendly support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you!
Our friendly support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you!
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- Dave L Staff on Aug 1, 2017
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Does this unit only have MIDI input? Or can it be used as a MIDI controller with output too?
David L
on Aug 27, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
This would have a DMX input as well.
This would have a DMX input as well.
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- Inaccurate
- Tyler C Staff on Aug 2, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
This would have a DMX input as well.
This would have a DMX input as well.
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- Tyler C Staff on Aug 2, 2019
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Is this controller capable of programming scenes that can be changed manually with a gradual fade between scenes rather than a quick flash from scene to scene or require being incorporated into a scene chase to set the fade time?
A shopper
on Jun 24, 2020
BEST ANSWER: To my understanding yes, it is possible to program in a chase to gradually fade the lights up.
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- M S on Feb 15, 2022
- Purchased on Jan 25, 2022
BEST ANSWER: To my understanding yes, it is possible to program in a chase to gradually fade the lights up.
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- M S on Feb 15, 2022
- Purchased on Jan 25, 2022
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What DMX number do I need to use for the controller to recognize it? Plugged in a ADJ Fury 3000 and tried different DMX addresses but the controller doesn't show heating / ready lights and the button doesn't activate it.
A shopper
on Aug 26, 2021
BEST ANSWER: The address number will depend on where the unit is placed in the chain. We you using other fixtures and/or effects machine in the same DMX line?
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- Seth on Aug 26, 2021
- Purchased on May 3, 2020
BEST ANSWER: The address number will depend on where the unit is placed in the chain. We you using other fixtures and/or effects machine in the same DMX line?
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- Seth on Aug 26, 2021
- Purchased on May 3, 2020
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Is there a way to factory reset? Blackout LED flashes and I can't get it to stop. It seems to be stuck in Blackout. The display seems to indicate the faders are working, but nothing else functions. It worked well for a couple years...
Ron T
on Oct 7, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Please contact us via chat, email, or phone by accessing: One of our representatives will be glad to assist you. Thank you!
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- Jake S Staff on Oct 13, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Please contact us via chat, email, or phone by accessing: One of our representatives will be glad to assist you. Thank you!
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- Jake S Staff on Oct 13, 2023
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The description of this unit is not clear. Does this unit have a total of 192 DMX channels for use or just 16 ?
The statement "Control up to 12 intelligent lights with up to 16-channels of DMX data . . " is not clear and I have found nothing online to confirm one way or the other.
The statement "Control up to 12 intelligent lights with up to 16-channels of DMX data . . " is not clear and I have found nothing online to confirm one way or the other.
A shopper
on Mar 7, 2018
After creating a chase, is there a way to manually advance from one chaise step to the next? This is the only way I can think of to be able to have a fade time between scenes.
Roger O
on Jan 7, 2020
On page 9 of the manual it talks about re-assigning channel faders to match DMX functions across different DMX fixtures, but I have been unable to follow those directions to achieve the result. Could someone restate the method to re-assign channel sliders for similar function on all fixture brands. I would like to assign ch-1 for dimming, ch-2 red, ch-3 green, ch-4 blue, ch-5 amber, ch-6 white, ch-7 UV. So for example on the StageRight 612788 18w x18 Par light (in 10 channel mode,) I would like to re-assign red from #5 to the #2 slider on this board, ch-6 to slider 3, ch-7 to slider 4, ch-8 white to slider 6, ch-9 amber to slider 5, and ch-10 UV to slider 7. On advantage of this is no Bank changing is required to adjust dimming or amber and UV settings? Thanks for you help in re-explaining how to re-assign channels.
Alan N
on Nov 29, 2020
Can I use custom lighting profiles with this board? Looking to develop custom lights and need a test control board!
John G
on Sep 8, 2021
I would like to control this from my Boss ES-8 MIDI foot controller but the ES8 does not do Note On/Off. Just CC and PC. I need to be able to 1. control blackout 2. turn on sound activated mode and 3. tap tempo scene/chase speed. is this possible?
Chris K
on Sep 6, 2022
4.5 / 5.0
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Rated 5 out of 5
DMX rug in progress
Still have not used it as yet. I am putting to get her my DMX system. When I am finished I will give more information
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Rated 5 out of 5
Good DMX controller
We are using this for our video studio to adjust overhead lights on the cyc wall and talent. Works great for what we need.
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Rated 5 out of 5
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Rated 5 out of 5
works great
I have not tested the board thoroughly, but I like what I've seen thus far. Was able to control my three movers. Working on building a deeper knowledge of seamless bank changing, to see if I can improve how the board controls my lights.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Awesome basic DMX controller
Great basic DMX controller, works exactly as advertised. Love the LED light.
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Rated 5 out of 5
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Rated 3 out of 5
Stage right
Not as easy or versatile as I thought but functions fine
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Rated 5 out of 5
Great Price
For the price this is a well constructed item and so far seems to work as well as others costing 3 x as much
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Rated 5 out of 5
Very nice great quality very impressed love the fugal screen
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Rated 5 out of 5
Looks good to this newbie
I am new to the DMX world, but I found it easy to control lights and set up scene chases. This controller is built like a tank.
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