Monolith by Monoprice M1570C Over the Ear Closed Back Planar Headphones
Product # 43237
UPC # 889028174524
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Do they still have the proprietary mini XLR connection like the open-back version?
A shopper
on Nov 7, 2021
BEST ANSWER: Yes...same pin layout as a Hifiman, so I'm not sure not what you mean by "proprietary".
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- New User U Staff on Nov 8, 2021
Hifiman headphones don't use mini xlr jack. The open back M1570s have different XLR pin out so no after market cables are compatible. If the closed back version has the same pin out as the open back, which means no one can use after market (balanced) cable unless it's custom made. Hence, proprietary.
BEST ANSWER: Yes...same pin layout as a Hifiman, so I'm not sure not what you mean by "proprietary".
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- New User U Staff on Nov 8, 2021
Hifiman headphones don't use mini xlr jack. The open back M1570s have different XLR pin out so no after market cables are compatible. If the closed back version has the same pin out as the open back, which means no one can use after market (balanced) cable unless it's custom made. Hence, proprietary.
Hifiman headphones don't use mini xlr jack. The open back M1570s have different XLR pin out so no after market cables are compatible. If the closed back version has the same pin out as the open back, which means no one can use after market (balanced) cable unless it's custom made. Hence, proprietary.
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- Victor V on Nov 11, 2021
Yes, a custom 1570 cable works just fine on the 1570C
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- Jurriaan K on Jan 13, 2023
- Purchased on Dec 22, 2022
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What's the difference between the M1570C and the M1070C?
Steven W
on Dec 8, 2021
BEST ANSWER: The M1570C has a more refined driver and balanced XLR connectivity
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- New User U Staff on Dec 8, 2021
Refined in what way? A previous response says that the M1570C is a refinement over the M1060C. Are there thus three different levels of refinement? Or are the 1070C and 1060C the same except for connectors?
The M1070C is a completely different driver than what's in the M1060C.
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- New User U Staff on Dec 8, 2021
BEST ANSWER: The M1570C has a more refined driver and balanced XLR connectivity
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- New User U Staff on Dec 8, 2021
Refined in what way? A previous response says that the M1570C is a refinement over the M1060C. Are there thus three different levels of refinement? Or are the 1070C and 1060C the same except for connectors?
The M1070C is a completely different driver than what's in the M1060C.
- Reply
- New User U Staff on Dec 8, 2021
It's only "balanced", if you spend ~100 bucks on a balanced cable, that will only work with the 1570, or 1570c. Out of the box, those mini xlr connections mean nothing, if they terminate in a SE plug. It literally sounds like the people behind this product, do not understand what a "balanced connection" is, or or that you not only need a balanced cable, that is plugged into a device that has a balanced output. Without, having those things, you will never get a balanced signal, no matter what connectors are on the cup end. The 1070s are able to be used balanced, with ease. Any cable with 3.5mm to any balanced termination, will allow then to play balanced(as long as the cord and source are balanced, as well. I would bet, most people buying these models have several balanced cables laying around, that work on the 1070 series. I just find it curiously funny, that the model being marketed, as "balanced", truly cannot be truly balanced without spending additional hundreds, or more, on additional gear, required for it to work. While the 1070s, are NOT marketed as "balanced", but are being used fully balanced, by the majority of owners, I'd imagine. Since using a standard 3.5mm balanced cable that costs ~20 bucks works just fine. Are they deliberately misleading the customers? Or do they just truly not understand what "balanced" really is, and how it is achieved. Which, is scary, considering these same people designed these cans, without the most basic knowledge there is, everywhere out there about this subject. Is it the marketing dept, playing your customers as fools?. Deliberately misleading them, into spending more money, thinking they're getting a true balanced headphones, for that extra $ over the 1070. Or is it the engineers, who just don't have the basic knowledge needed, to properly explain what they designed, and how it works, properly, in comparison with the other models? I mean the product info/specs are literally just copy/pasted for the 1070 and 1570.
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- Eric R on Mar 14, 2022
The C in 1570C means closed back. There are other very minor differences but that's the main one. 1570 is open back, 1570 is closed.
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- Kevin W on Oct 6, 2022
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Does the M1570C has the same XLR pin layout as the M1570?
A shopper
on Nov 22, 2021
I have both the m1570 and m1570c and my custom Hart Audio Cables headphone cable works for both just fine.
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- Daniel T on Dec 1, 2021
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Are they heavy to the point of being uncomfortable? I plan on using them at least 6 hours a day sitting in a chair.
A shopper
on Dec 28, 2021
BEST ANSWER: The weight doesn’t bother me, I’ve used them all day without issue. Though I do have a larger/stronger than average neck , so YMMV. The headband and ear pads are very cushioned, so they’re very comfortable for long periods overall. As long as you’re stationary you’ll probably be fine. The weight only becomes and issue when you’re moving around, tilting your head down for example, in which case they tend to slide due to gravity. Overall, the build quality is really excellent and they sound great so the weight is probably worth it. They are definitely built to last!
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- Anthony B on Dec 29, 2021
- Purchased on Dec 9, 2021
BEST ANSWER: The weight doesn’t bother me, I’ve used them all day without issue. Though I do have a larger/stronger than average neck , so YMMV. The headband and ear pads are very cushioned, so they’re very comfortable for long periods overall. As long as you’re stationary you’ll probably be fine. The weight only becomes and issue when you’re moving around, tilting your head down for example, in which case they tend to slide due to gravity. Overall, the build quality is really excellent and they sound great so the weight is probably worth it. They are definitely built to last!
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- Anthony B on Dec 29, 2021
- Purchased on Dec 9, 2021
They definitely have some "heft" to them with the metal construction, but I've worn them for 4-5 hour sessions and been fine. I'm saying this as a person who's not athletic, so I don't have any crazy neck strength. I think you'd be fine.
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- Dren R on Jul 9, 2024
- Purchased on Nov 13, 2023
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How's sound leakage of these?
A shopper
on Mar 2, 2022
BEST ANSWER: no sound leakage at high volumes. I have a pair of oppos and my wife asks me to put on the 1570c because she can hear the others.
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- Tebby W on Mar 30, 2022
- Purchased on Jan 9, 2022
BEST ANSWER: no sound leakage at high volumes. I have a pair of oppos and my wife asks me to put on the 1570c because she can hear the others.
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- Tebby W on Mar 30, 2022
- Purchased on Jan 9, 2022
Practically none. Excellent sound isolation.
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- Guennadi B on Mar 2, 2022
- Purchased on Nov 23, 2021
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Can I find somewhere frequency response graph of these?
A shopper
on Nov 20, 2021
BEST ANSWER: You can find one on soundguys, in addition they compare it to the 1070C.
Everything is amazingly flat, the phones only need ~5db of eq in a couple of places to meet the studio curve.
Everything is amazingly flat, the phones only need ~5db of eq in a couple of places to meet the studio curve.
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- New User U on Mar 7, 2022
BEST ANSWER: You can find one on soundguys, in addition they compare it to the 1070C.
Everything is amazingly flat, the phones only need ~5db of eq in a couple of places to meet the studio curve.
Everything is amazingly flat, the phones only need ~5db of eq in a couple of places to meet the studio curve.
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- New User U on Mar 7, 2022
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What are the ear cups made from?
A shopper
on Nov 23, 2021
BEST ANSWER: Feels like aluminum to me, or some other non-magnetic alloy. It's always cold to the touch which is nice :)
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- Muscle C on Dec 10, 2021
- Purchased on Dec 5, 2021
BEST ANSWER: Feels like aluminum to me, or some other non-magnetic alloy. It's always cold to the touch which is nice :)
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- Muscle C on Dec 10, 2021
- Purchased on Dec 5, 2021
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How them sound compare to 1060c? Overall Bass mids highs soundstage?
New User U
on Dec 5, 2021
BEST ANSWER: The M1570C is a refinement over the M1060C.
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- New User U Staff on Dec 6, 2021
BEST ANSWER: The M1570C is a refinement over the M1060C.
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- New User U Staff on Dec 6, 2021
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Do you need an external amp to drive these?
A shopper
on Jul 3, 2024
BEST ANSWER: An external DAC or AMP is definitely recommended, I've ran them without it before and it works, but the volume is so low it's not worth attempting.
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- Dren R on Jul 9, 2024
- Purchased on Nov 13, 2023
BEST ANSWER: An external DAC or AMP is definitely recommended, I've ran them without it before and it works, but the volume is so low it's not worth attempting.
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- Dren R on Jul 9, 2024
- Purchased on Nov 13, 2023
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Would these make a good reference headphone for mixing, monitoring, and mastering in the studio?
A shopper
on Feb 15, 2022
It says the pads are made of quality faux leather... Then in the very next section, directly below, you claims it comes with lambskin(lambskin is not faux), and the velour ear pads. So, which is it? Is it genuine leather, that was once the skin of an animal, or are the PU, and will fall apart in a year, or so??
Thank you, kindly!
Thank you, kindly!
Eric R
on Mar 14, 2022
how to i remove the earpads?
New User U
on Jan 7, 2023
4.6 / 5.0
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Rated 3 out of 5
Don't try to change the earpads to velour
Good luck on trying to change out the earpads from the fake leather ones installed, to the velour pads included. First, there are no instructions on how to remove the pads. Second, it is nearly impossible to install the new velour pads given how the pads attach to the phones. In trying to install the pads, you have to fit a flexible piece of coated fabric into a groove, while manually stretching the pads to cover the location on the earphone. In trying to do this, a coating on the phlange of the velour pads peeled off. I finally gave up on trying to install the velour pads and spent an hour trying to get the original pads reinstalled. On the other hand, I picked up these cans for only $330.00 with the big25 discount. I'd also say that the cans do a poor job at isolating outside noise. Equivalent to Audeze LCD-2 closed backs? Maybe.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Great sound for a great deal!
I was looking for a solid pair of planar headphones for awhile and found these which looked perfect. I picked them up on sale and discount for a great deal.
They've absolutely knocked it out of the park in sound and build quality, so they're becoming a mainstay in my collection. I'd certainly recommend these to anyone on sale so long as you have the equipment to drive them (they're fairly beefy). The Velour pads they come with are definitely my preference in terms of comfort.
Fantastic Sound
- Well defined sound, signature of Planar Magnetics
- Decent Bass even for planars, but could be tuned with EQ
Build Quality
Earpad Variety, coming with both leather and velour
Solid cables
Hardshell case for transport
I don't have really anything negative to say about these, however be aware of:
Size: Huge headphones, biggest I've ever held personally)
Weight: I don't have the exact weight, but due to the materials it's no surprise but they are HEAVY for a pair of headphones but they're built well. You definitely get your moneys worth in that regard.
I was looking for a solid pair of planar headphones for awhile and found these which looked perfect. I picked them up on sale and discount for a great deal.
They've absolutely knocked it out of the park in sound and build quality, so they're becoming a mainstay in my collection. I'd certainly recommend these to anyone on sale so long as you have the equipment to drive them (they're fairly beefy). The Velour pads they come with are definitely my preference in terms of comfort.
Fantastic Sound
- Well defined sound, signature of Planar Magnetics
- Decent Bass even for planars, but could be tuned with EQ
Build Quality
Earpad Variety, coming with both leather and velour
Solid cables
Hardshell case for transport
I don't have really anything negative to say about these, however be aware of:
Size: Huge headphones, biggest I've ever held personally)
Weight: I don't have the exact weight, but due to the materials it's no surprise but they are HEAVY for a pair of headphones but they're built well. You definitely get your moneys worth in that regard.
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Rated 4 out of 5
Go to the velour pads
Don't judge the headphones until you try the velour pads vs the pleather. I was actually about to return the headphones when I saw a suggestion to switch to the velour pads online. The velour pads are physically warmer, they don't look as nice - but once I changed to them the sound improve tremendously. I stopped trying to equalize out issues with the pleather pads.
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Rated 4 out of 5
Heavy is the head that wears the M1570C
First closed-back headphones. Not sure how much noise isolation they're supposed to give, but the M1570 is not impressive in this regard.
It's really heavy. Not recommended for glasses wearers, but that might go for over ear headphones in general. The weight transfers to your glasses, pressing down into your nose bridge.
Sound is V-shaped, though I still put a 10db bass shelf on it. I recommend EQ, but I EQ everything I have, so there's that.
I wouldn't purchase this at 600 USD. But when it's on a good discount, and if you don't have a closed-back planar? It's not a bad choice.
It's really heavy. Not recommended for glasses wearers, but that might go for over ear headphones in general. The weight transfers to your glasses, pressing down into your nose bridge.
Sound is V-shaped, though I still put a 10db bass shelf on it. I recommend EQ, but I EQ everything I have, so there's that.
I wouldn't purchase this at 600 USD. But when it's on a good discount, and if you don't have a closed-back planar? It's not a bad choice.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Better than lcd2
Really good headphones. Bass, soundstage, and highs are top notch. Vocals are a bit recessed. Overall im really enjoying these headphones.
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Rated 4 out of 5
Talk about cans , the sheer size of these are impressive almost like having a set of full size speakers clamped to my head !
So far pretty good . Haven't had too much time to go through my library but what I'm hearing is a pleasant surprise . I got my headphone amp about the same time as the cans and that helped the sound quality some . Waiting on the dac now to finish the set and to make a final opinion after listening for a couple weeks . These are the first planar cans for me and I never spent more than $300 on headphones like wireless sennhieser and V- Moda . The pads on these are a good 4in across and they are big but , they are comfortable .

Added Apr 4, 2023
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Rated 5 out of 5
Excellent headphones, brilliant quality, clarity and and precision.
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Rated 5 out of 5
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Rated 5 out of 5
mostly good
There's a lot I like:
- sound is good. I'm not going to waffle on about the large soundscape or whatever, but I really like this for my music. I never miss anything. On the contrary, I sometimes hear things that I don't hear on my speakers. It certainly sounds better than previous headphones, like a Sennheiser HD-580, HD-599 and an Oppo PM3. On this basis alone, I give it 5 stars.
- it has a certain heft to it
- my ears fit
- the price, especially when it's on offer < US$ 400, is excellent
There are some things I don't like:
- the plugs from the cables are long enough to often touch my collar/hood
- all my sources have 3.5 mm plugs, and the adapter in the package is very long, which makes using it risky. So I had to order an AliExpress cable
- I'm not sure how monoprice US and monoprice EU are related, but I can't fathom why it's only sold in the US. Shipping was painless.
- sound is good. I'm not going to waffle on about the large soundscape or whatever, but I really like this for my music. I never miss anything. On the contrary, I sometimes hear things that I don't hear on my speakers. It certainly sounds better than previous headphones, like a Sennheiser HD-580, HD-599 and an Oppo PM3. On this basis alone, I give it 5 stars.
- it has a certain heft to it
- my ears fit
- the price, especially when it's on offer < US$ 400, is excellent
There are some things I don't like:
- the plugs from the cables are long enough to often touch my collar/hood
- all my sources have 3.5 mm plugs, and the adapter in the package is very long, which makes using it risky. So I had to order an AliExpress cable
- I'm not sure how monoprice US and monoprice EU are related, but I can't fathom why it's only sold in the US. Shipping was painless.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Just what I wanted.
Pretty incredible headphones for the price. I'd expect a little less creaking from the headband given the price, but the drivers sound wonderful and despite its weight, it's a very comfortable pair of headphones.
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