Monolith by Monoprice AMT Headphone
Product # 43235
UPC # 889028174500
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I see this awesome AMT headphone comes with a 6’ cord. I’d need a larger cord compatible with this headphone. Any recommendations?
Thomas H
on Apr 28, 2022
BEST ANSWER: It's an extension cable for the single connector on the end of the cable that comes with the headphone. 1/4" in size. So you are looking to buy a 1/4" extension male to female cable. Whatever length you want. When it comes to cable you get what you pay for, so I wouldn't exactly go with amazon basics.
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- William B on Apr 28, 2022
- Purchased on Mar 4, 2022
BEST ANSWER: It's an extension cable for the single connector on the end of the cable that comes with the headphone. 1/4" in size. So you are looking to buy a 1/4" extension male to female cable. Whatever length you want. When it comes to cable you get what you pay for, so I wouldn't exactly go with amazon basics.
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- William B on Apr 28, 2022
- Purchased on Mar 4, 2022
It uses a specific 4 pin mini XLR so I wouldn't try to replace that. You are better off just getting a single ended extension cable. That's what I did. I also bought the balanced cable for this and just got a XLR extension cable for it.
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- William B on Apr 28, 2022
- Purchased on Mar 4, 2022
Thanks for your useful reply. Would you please let me know what a “single ended extension cable” is?
Would I need an xlr to 4.4mm adapter, with a custom pin-out, or would any basic one work?
Redco can make one. But note the pin out on the mini xlrs is monoprice specific
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- John D on Apr 28, 2022
- Purchased on Nov 26, 2021
Thanks for your useful suggestion. One question:
Will the monolith specific pin-out pose a problem for me in getting a longer cord made?
I’m surprised Monoprice doesn’t offer an option to buy a longer cord. I have a huge room and my phono amp is a long ways away from my furniture where I’ll be sitting with my headphone on. Thanks again!
Will the monolith specific pin-out pose a problem for me in getting a longer cord made?
I’m surprised Monoprice doesn’t offer an option to buy a longer cord. I have a huge room and my phono amp is a long ways away from my furniture where I’ll be sitting with my headphone on. Thanks again!
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How to buy replacement earpads?
A shopper
on Jan 1, 2024
BEST ANSWER: Unfortunately Monoprice does not sell earpad replacements. However they are leather pads, and if you treat them well, and condition them every month or two, they should last a very long time. If you need pads, then you can scour AliExpress to see if a vendor has them, like I did for a set of M1570 pads I needed, and succeeded in finding. Otherwise you can contact a vendor who makes custom pads and give them the stock pads dimensions.
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- New User U on Jan 1, 2024
- Purchased on Dec 1, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Unfortunately Monoprice does not sell earpad replacements. However they are leather pads, and if you treat them well, and condition them every month or two, they should last a very long time. If you need pads, then you can scour AliExpress to see if a vendor has them, like I did for a set of M1570 pads I needed, and succeeded in finding. Otherwise you can contact a vendor who makes custom pads and give them the stock pads dimensions.
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- New User U on Jan 1, 2024
- Purchased on Dec 1, 2023
Unfortunately Monoprice does not sell replacement earpads, and you would either have to hunt them down on AliExpress to find a supplier (I had to do this with M1570 pads and succeeded), or you can have customs made matching the size of the stock pads.
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- New User U on Jan 1, 2024
- Purchased on Dec 1, 2023
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As with all open back designs, I'm curious about how audible these are to nearby persons in quiet surroundings?
Many people are surprisingly intolerant of even low level sound from headphones.
Many people are surprisingly intolerant of even low level sound from headphones.
A shopper
on Nov 29, 2024
BEST ANSWER: It's about the same loudness as other open back headphone.
I have a few planer open back headphone and the AMT sounds about the same as other open planar at same volume. The louder you play, the louder it get outside the AMT.
Hope that help in answering your question.
I have a few planer open back headphone and the AMT sounds about the same as other open planar at same volume. The louder you play, the louder it get outside the AMT.
Hope that help in answering your question.
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- HONG A on Dec 2, 2024
- Purchased on Dec 6, 2023
BEST ANSWER: It's about the same loudness as other open back headphone.
I have a few planer open back headphone and the AMT sounds about the same as other open planar at same volume. The louder you play, the louder it get outside the AMT.
Hope that help in answering your question.
I have a few planer open back headphone and the AMT sounds about the same as other open planar at same volume. The louder you play, the louder it get outside the AMT.
Hope that help in answering your question.
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- HONG A on Dec 2, 2024
- Purchased on Dec 6, 2023
In a relatively quiet 19’ by 16’ room, people with average hearing can pick up sounds from these headphones. If there are other sounds like people talking, radio or tv on, others might not be bothered but you might be forced to raise listening amplitude.
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- Alrick M on Nov 29, 2024
- Purchased on Dec 28, 2023
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Is this a rebrand of the Goldplanar gl850? They have the same driver size, design, and specs.
John H
on Nov 11, 2021
BEST ANSWER: They have almost the exact same headband, cup, and yoke as my GL1200 (though without the velcro pads and with a different grill). I don't think they're a direct rebrand of the GL850, but I wouldn't be remotely surprised if they're manufactured in the same facility by the same OEM.
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- John H on Apr 27, 2022
- Purchased on Apr 20, 2022
BEST ANSWER: They have almost the exact same headband, cup, and yoke as my GL1200 (though without the velcro pads and with a different grill). I don't think they're a direct rebrand of the GL850, but I wouldn't be remotely surprised if they're manufactured in the same facility by the same OEM.
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- John H on Apr 27, 2022
- Purchased on Apr 20, 2022
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What is the pin layout of this headphone? and does it have sub bass like the M1570?
A shopper
on Nov 25, 2021
BEST ANSWER: Same pinout, as 1570 and yes, they have surprisingly, deep bass extension! Easily on par with the 1570.
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- Eric R on Oct 6, 2022
BEST ANSWER: Same pinout, as 1570 and yes, they have surprisingly, deep bass extension! Easily on par with the 1570.
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- Eric R on Oct 6, 2022
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Can I download the user manual for the Monolith by Monoprice AMT Headphone (Product # 43235) prior to purchase? I can't find it on the website.
A shopper
on Jun 8, 2022
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Is it possible to buy this product from Italy (Rome)?
A shopper
on Jul 24, 2022
BEST ANSWER: Yes, in my cart is total item+ship
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- New User U on Jul 26, 2022
- Purchased on Nov 22, 2021
BEST ANSWER: Yes, in my cart is total item+ship
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- New User U on Jul 26, 2022
- Purchased on Nov 22, 2021
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AMT drivers are only good down to about does this claim 15hz on the lows? Is there another driver other then the AMT?
Derek C
on Jul 28, 2022
BEST ANSWER: There is just an AMT driver and no additional driver. AMT properties in a headphone will perform different than a speaker. It's how a 40mm headphone driver can product bass, but obviously outside of a headphone it would not be able to.
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- New User U Staff on Jul 28, 2022
BEST ANSWER: There is just an AMT driver and no additional driver. AMT properties in a headphone will perform different than a speaker. It's how a 40mm headphone driver can product bass, but obviously outside of a headphone it would not be able to.
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- New User U Staff on Jul 28, 2022
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Where can I get replacement ear pads? Is there a different brand of headphone that uses the same type that I can easily obtain?
A shopper
on Oct 24, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your inquiry. We only have a whole unit replacement for this unit, and we do not have information on what brand of headphones uses the same type of earpads.
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- Jake S Staff on Oct 25, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your inquiry. We only have a whole unit replacement for this unit, and we do not have information on what brand of headphones uses the same type of earpads.
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- Jake S Staff on Oct 25, 2023
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Is there a frequency response curve?
Robert L
on Feb 6, 2023
4.7 / 5.0
6 Reviews
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Rated 4 out of 5
Amazing sound but be prepared for the SIZE
I say this as a POSITIVE comment for the headphones: I have owned dozens of mid-to-high fi quality headphones from Sony to Grado GS3000, and these might have been the best I've ever heard. I won't go into the array of pricy headphones I've owned...
CONS: Be aware of their comfort factor. They are so large and heavy, that when I have them on the smallest setting, the casual observer thinks they don't fit (and I have been laughed at when I take them to work). I have a small head and am 5'7" tall. Anyone smaller than this might not be capable of wearing them. They look ridiculous and comical. I do not believe I could wear them for 8 straight hours, but arguably nobody should with any headphones. And they are power hungry. My 800mw tube headphone amp worked, but just wasn't enough as I had the pots at 2/3 to 3/4 for casual listenting. Forget trying to power them from your smartphone... they need a dedicated headphone amp and one with power.
PROS: Sound. I moved up to a Schiit solid state headphone preamp, that puts out a full 5W (you can look that up easily) and my God. Sound nirvana. I simply love them. Great bass, extremely balanced for even my old ears. They are like having a pair of full range 20-20khz speakers on your head. DESPITE the size, the sound quality and performance hits me. Every track is a joy to listen to. I would buy them again.
I only knock a star because of the insane size. Is it possible to make them just a tad smaller? People of my stature can barely wear them.
CONS: Be aware of their comfort factor. They are so large and heavy, that when I have them on the smallest setting, the casual observer thinks they don't fit (and I have been laughed at when I take them to work). I have a small head and am 5'7" tall. Anyone smaller than this might not be capable of wearing them. They look ridiculous and comical. I do not believe I could wear them for 8 straight hours, but arguably nobody should with any headphones. And they are power hungry. My 800mw tube headphone amp worked, but just wasn't enough as I had the pots at 2/3 to 3/4 for casual listenting. Forget trying to power them from your smartphone... they need a dedicated headphone amp and one with power.
PROS: Sound. I moved up to a Schiit solid state headphone preamp, that puts out a full 5W (you can look that up easily) and my God. Sound nirvana. I simply love them. Great bass, extremely balanced for even my old ears. They are like having a pair of full range 20-20khz speakers on your head. DESPITE the size, the sound quality and performance hits me. Every track is a joy to listen to. I would buy them again.
I only knock a star because of the insane size. Is it possible to make them just a tad smaller? People of my stature can barely wear them.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Excellent and getting better
Running these with the XLR finished cable from Monolith on the Monolith Alex Cavalli Amp. I was reading on a few forums about Arya and Clear being in the same league with each other with some differences.
I have had these and was quite happy but some of the reviews in these forums had me thinking some headphones may trigger our next evolutionary jump. I tried Arya and in less than 5 minutes had them boxed back up to return. These AMT''s were far superior in every way sonically. They need equalization - classic smile shape with a slightly flatter right side end band on a PEQ really makes the high end and the bass come alive and as you lean into the volume the sound stage opens up. I have had ESS Heil AMT's for years and believe AMT's , ribbons and planars own the midrange and upper end. These also have nice bottom end- with 15" subs and butt shakers- bass has taken on a new definition. This is not that. This is legit accuracy at reasonable levels. These will put pressure on the source material. Junk will be exposed. Try flac and lossless or 192k etcc on youtube to test.
I have had these and was quite happy but some of the reviews in these forums had me thinking some headphones may trigger our next evolutionary jump. I tried Arya and in less than 5 minutes had them boxed back up to return. These AMT''s were far superior in every way sonically. They need equalization - classic smile shape with a slightly flatter right side end band on a PEQ really makes the high end and the bass come alive and as you lean into the volume the sound stage opens up. I have had ESS Heil AMT's for years and believe AMT's , ribbons and planars own the midrange and upper end. These also have nice bottom end- with 15" subs and butt shakers- bass has taken on a new definition. This is not that. This is legit accuracy at reasonable levels. These will put pressure on the source material. Junk will be exposed. Try flac and lossless or 192k etcc on youtube to test.

Added Jan 7, 2023
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Rated 5 out of 5
Stunning Audio Quality
Give these headphones enough power and they will sound amazing. They DO require a lot of power, and if your headphone amp is underpowered, you'll hear amp distortion as you try to get enough power to the AMTs. But once sufficiently powered, they are simply incredible.... I've broken them in gradually over the last few months and they've improved considerably... didn't sound bad to begin with, but they have blossomed over time. I used them professionally in my recording studio, and also with mobile electronics (paired with the Monolith Alex Cavalli headphone amp). Love, love, love these headphones! The sound stage is impressive, the depth and response is staggering.
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Rated 4 out of 5
Absolutely outstanding headphones with just one (minor) flaw
Outstanding clarity and transparency, especially amazing at this price point. Sound quality is even better than most planar magnetic headphones. And they can be easily driven by most desktop headphone amplifiers. Just one flaw: the idiosyncratic nonstandard connection configuration of the 4-pin mini XLR headphone cable connectors going into the earcups. You can't use standard mini XLR alternative aftermarket headphone cables because of this - they would short out the headphone amplifier and possibly damage it.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Monolith AMT
These are solid headphones. Perfectly usable sound with no major weak points I can hear. As far as I'm concerned, these have one major downside and one major advantage over all other headphones I own. The downside is that they're truly massive. My head is reasonably large (at least as far as racing helmet companies are concerned) and the tops of the earpads rested on the tops of my ears before I attached some extra padding to lift it a half inch or so. The benefit to these, however, is that they've got the most tactile bass I've ever experienced from a pair of headphones. I've got some killer subwoofers in my home theater and these make my ears vibrate in exactly the same way as the subs with no distortion or muddiness. It's uncanny. For reference, I'm using these with a budget balanced headphone amplifier that makes five watts RMS into this 32 ohm load and I don't think they need quite that much power (though they certainly appreciate it). One watt RMS would probably be more than sufficient for anyone who wasn't deliberately trying to blow out their eardrums. By the time it starts clipping, my eardrums are being brutalized and the headphones are physically bouncing off of my head. On the other hand, the headphones have clean output up to that point, so I have no doubt that they can take the rated 10 watts for 200ms if deafness is your goal.
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Rated 5 out of 5
AMT by Monolith - superb sound
Good headphone, excellent punch, very impressive. My favorite now. My 20 year's passions, and the first AMT with beatiful sound.
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