Strata Home by Monoprice Sous Vide Immersion Cooker 800W
Product # 21594
UPC # 889028049167
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Does the pot come with the circulator?
A shopper
on Jun 4, 2018
BEST ANSWER: No! I use a cooler. The insulation helps the cooker work more efficiently. I have 2 coolers. One small one for small meals and a larger one with a hole cut in the lid for maultiple racks of ribs, etc.
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- Mike B on Jun 4, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 5, 2017
BEST ANSWER: No! I use a cooler. The insulation helps the cooker work more efficiently. I have 2 coolers. One small one for small meals and a larger one with a hole cut in the lid for maultiple racks of ribs, etc.
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- Mike B on Jun 4, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 5, 2017
No, you have to provide a container. I use a small ice cooler from Wal Mart. Really a large pot will do though. It just must contain enough water to immerse the cooker and submerge the food.
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- Donald F on Jun 4, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
No, but the circulator does have a built on adjustable clamp that allows the use on most any pot that you have.
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- Richard R on Jun 4, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
No you must use a pot already somewhere in your kitchen about 6 to 8" in diameter and 7" high.
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- jitedala on Jun 4, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
This product only lasted 18 months. I would you buy a more reliable product
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- Brian L on Jun 3, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 26, 2017
No, just the circulator. I use a 5 gallon bucket with mine.
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- Cris on Jun 5, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
The circulator does not include a pot.
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- Patrick C on Jun 4, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
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Is clamp height adjustable?
A shopper
on Nov 1, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your inquiry. The clamp is not height adjustable.
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- MATTHEW K Staff on Nov 30, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your inquiry. The clamp is not height adjustable.
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- MATTHEW K Staff on Nov 30, 2017
There's a ring attached to the clamp, the circulator is placed inside the ring. So, yes, the clamp's height is adjustable relative to the circulator.
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- NJer on Nov 30, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
Yes, the clamp is merely a collar. Affix it to the vessel you're using, then slide the cooker into it. This thing works beautifully!
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- Christian S on Nov 30, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
No, not really. The clamp sits at the max liquid level mark (ensures heating element is in the water bath).
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- Cris on Nov 30, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
Not the clamp, but once it is attached to the pot, the device slides in to the proper depth.
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- Donald L on Nov 30, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
Yes the collar slides up and down and the collar itself clamps down on your cooking vessel
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- Edward L on Nov 30, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
Yes it is adjustable so that you can fit it on different sized containers.
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- Mike M on Nov 30, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
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Is this unit WiFi or Bluetooth?
A shopper
on Nov 26, 2017
BEST ANSWER: It's neither, it's manually adjusted. You use the turn wheel on the front of the unit to manually set the temp and time.
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- Patrick M on Nov 27, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 3, 2017
BEST ANSWER: It's neither, it's manually adjusted. You use the turn wheel on the front of the unit to manually set the temp and time.
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- Patrick M on Nov 27, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 3, 2017
My son has the Anova with Bluetooth and WiFi. The Bluetooth is too short range and the WiFi is kind of painfull to useless if you plan to cook off your home turf. Basically neither form of connectivity brings much of anything to the party, especially considering the price bump. I bought this unit in March and it’s so simple to use I taught our cat to do it, connectivity not required. I love it!
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- Douglas A on May 21, 2018
- Purchased on Feb 26, 2018
it is manual input only. That is why it is cheaper than the similar units which have wifi and bluetooth inputs.
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- New User U on May 6, 2018
- Purchased on Nov 24, 2017
Neither. All inputs and readings are on the top control surface. No need for wifi or BT connectivity.
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- Michael M on Nov 26, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 23, 2017
Neither - good old push buttons :)
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- Brian M on Nov 26, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 26, 2017
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Can the provided mount withstand cooking temperatures?
A shopper
on Jul 26, 2021
BEST ANSWER: Yes, used mine for the first time on Friday. 2 pound brisket at 170* F for 23 hours, ice bath for 1/2 hour, then on the smoker until internal temperature hit 140* F. Device worked great and provided mount showed no wear from the event. Highly recommend.
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- Richard N on Aug 9, 2021
- Purchased on Nov 30, 2020
BEST ANSWER: Yes, used mine for the first time on Friday. 2 pound brisket at 170* F for 23 hours, ice bath for 1/2 hour, then on the smoker until internal temperature hit 140* F. Device worked great and provided mount showed no wear from the event. Highly recommend.
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- Richard N on Aug 9, 2021
- Purchased on Nov 30, 2020
While I've seen a few other reviewers noting problems with the mount (breaking, etc), I've had my unit,
which I've used regularly for over 2 years, and the mount has held up fine. So far, so good.
which I've used regularly for over 2 years, and the mount has held up fine. So far, so good.
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- Jeffrey F on Aug 9, 2021
- Purchased on Nov 3, 2018
I am a little confused by your question. When would the mount be exposed to cooking temps? I use a large pot of water on top of the stove. I am extremely happy with the results. Hope that helps
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- William M on Jul 27, 2021
- Purchased on Nov 24, 2020
Mine has withstood temperatures for over a year and still working perfectly.
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- Mike R on Aug 9, 2021
- Purchased on Nov 30, 2020
I’ve had no issue with the mount set at 180 for over 24 hours
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- Ezra R on Jul 26, 2021
- Purchased on Aug 16, 2020
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Does the temp scale in Fahrenheit as well as Centigrade? I can only get mine to read out in C.
Derek D
on Aug 4, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Push and hold the temperature button for 3 seconds and it toggles.
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- Guest on Nov 16, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 1, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Push and hold the temperature button for 3 seconds and it toggles.
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- Guest on Nov 16, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 1, 2017
It does both. The instruction book says how to change it.
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- Marshall S on Aug 4, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
Double the C remove 10% and add 32 to get F. i.e. for 80C, 80 x 2 = 160 - 16( that's 10% of 160) = 144 + 32 = 176F
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- Ernie D on Aug 8, 2017
Press and hold the Start/Stop button for three seconds to toggle C to F and vice versa.
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- Cameron S on Dec 5, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 27, 2017
It is only in C... but I use my smartphone to convert it to F
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- Augustine F on Aug 4, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
Yes. Read the manual. Should tell you how to change it.
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- Gregory S on Aug 4, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
Yes, mine does Fahrenheit. Check the manual?
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- Andrew J on Aug 4, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
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Does this procuct cook other foods other than steaks? What else is it good for other than steaks and does it come with a recipe booklet?
A shopper
on Oct 4, 2019
BEST ANSWER: I've had this a while now, I don't recall it coming with a booklet but the internet is full of good Sous Vide recipes. I have done lots of fish, chicken and pork using mine. A few ambitious ones would be 48 hour shortribs and brisket which I would only recommend if you get a proper container to keep the steam inside
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- Tommy C on Oct 4, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 1, 2018
BEST ANSWER: I've had this a while now, I don't recall it coming with a booklet but the internet is full of good Sous Vide recipes. I have done lots of fish, chicken and pork using mine. A few ambitious ones would be 48 hour shortribs and brisket which I would only recommend if you get a proper container to keep the steam inside
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- Tommy C on Oct 4, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 1, 2018
I have cooked just about everthing SV. Great for all types of proteins. Once you get daring, skys the limit. Want to make a tough job, simple?
Make custard based Ice Cream batter in your SV cooker. Prefect, never scorched, prepared all in 1 bag and no cleanup. Wow!
Make custard based Ice Cream batter in your SV cooker. Prefect, never scorched, prepared all in 1 bag and no cleanup. Wow!
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- Sestrich on Jan 6, 2020
- Purchased on Dec 11, 2019
You can temper chocolate very handily in a bag which can be re-purposed by cutting a corner and spreading what's heated. There is no recipe booklet - at least, I don't recall one.
YouTube is a tremendous resource for Sous Vide cooking.
YouTube is a tremendous resource for Sous Vide cooking.
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- Mike N on Oct 4, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 1, 2018
I dont remember if it came with a recipe book, but go look up the article on serious eats or one of the other brands such as Joule or Anova - there's tons of things you can do.
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- Daniel L on Oct 4, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 1, 2018
yes, it can cook almost anything. no, it does not come with a cookbook. there are many cookbooks out there but just google sous vide recipes and you won't need a book.
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- DAVID G. on Oct 4, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 2, 2018
It works for anything you want to sous vide. It does not come with a recipe book, but there are plenty of resources online.
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- Kenny on Oct 4, 2019
- Purchased on Oct 15, 2018
Yes, I have used this to Sous Vide chicken, ribs, pork chops.
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- Michael Pecoraro I on Oct 4, 2019
- Purchased on Oct 31, 2018
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How do you seal the food in plastic?
A shopper
on Nov 26, 2019
BEST ANSWER: You can use a zip lock bag and slowly immerse it in water until all the air is pushed out then seal it or get a foodsaver vacuum sealer machine.
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- Steven D on Nov 26, 2019
- Purchased on Feb 20, 2019
BEST ANSWER: You can use a zip lock bag and slowly immerse it in water until all the air is pushed out then seal it or get a foodsaver vacuum sealer machine.
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- Steven D on Nov 26, 2019
- Purchased on Feb 20, 2019
Either a Food Saver to seal the food or a thicker food grade plastic bag slowly immersed into the water then clip the bag to the sides of the container so it does not fill with water.
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- T C on Nov 26, 2019
- Purchased on Apr 14, 2019
Yes, you can use a ziplock back, but try and get all the air out so it sinks in the water. A better way is to use a a vacuum sealer.
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- Tim P on Nov 26, 2019
- Purchased on Feb 26, 2019
You can use a vacuum sealer or use Ziplock freezer bags. There are lots of You Tube videos that show you how.
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- Gordon J on Nov 26, 2019
- Purchased on Feb 11, 2019
Ziplock bags work great or use a vacuum sealer.
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- Lon M on Nov 26, 2019
- Purchased on Apr 6, 2019
Get a vacuum sealer like a Foodsaver.
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- Guest on Nov 26, 2019
- Purchased on Mar 26, 2019
I use a Foodsaver vacuum sealer.
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- John B on Nov 26, 2019
- Purchased on Mar 26, 2019
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Is there a recipe book for this this type of cooking?
A shopper
on Oct 21, 2017
BEST ANSWER: No it doesn't. but there are so many of them online. just google search them. Also, use Anova app, it has all kinds of recipe.
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- Liyu G on Oct 21, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
BEST ANSWER: No it doesn't. but there are so many of them online. just google search them. Also, use Anova app, it has all kinds of recipe.
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- Liyu G on Oct 21, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
Not that is included with the unit. Lots online of course. Also the Avena app which you can download has lots of recipes. The app just can’t control this unit. But since sous vide is set and forget cooking, I’ve never missed that feature.
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- Sugith V on Oct 22, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
Google is your friend. Also don’t ne afraid to experiment.
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- WILLIAM S. on Oct 21, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
There are a ton just search for sous vide on Amazon.
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- Andrew J on Oct 21, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
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Do you need to reach the designated temperature before you put the bag in?
Amy W
on Oct 22, 2017
BEST ANSWER: My tip is to start with hot water from the tap (~130 F) if you are cooking meat and the then the unit takes only a couple of minutes to adjust temperature that is typically at least 125 F.
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- Guest on Nov 16, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 1, 2017
BEST ANSWER: My tip is to start with hot water from the tap (~130 F) if you are cooking meat and the then the unit takes only a couple of minutes to adjust temperature that is typically at least 125 F.
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- Guest on Nov 16, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 1, 2017
You can put the bag in at any time. The unit will heat up a 2.5 gallon container to 135 F in less than five minutes.
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- Terrance H on Dec 21, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 1, 2017
No. In my case I use hot water from my tap, as my water is heated with gas and cheaper than electricity. I use the immersion cooker to heat the rest of the way and maintain that temp all day.
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- Cameron S on Dec 5, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 27, 2017
No. Just use hot water from tap so it does not take forever to heat up.
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- Michael M on Oct 26, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 3, 2017
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Does the unit automatically turn off once the timer runs out, or do you need to turn it off manually?
A shopper
on Dec 6, 2017
BEST ANSWER: I believe it'll keep beeping once the timer is done, but you have to turn it off manually to stop the beeping and stop the cooking. Hope this helps
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- Jacob A on Dec 8, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 9, 2017
BEST ANSWER: I believe it'll keep beeping once the timer is done, but you have to turn it off manually to stop the beeping and stop the cooking. Hope this helps
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- Jacob A on Dec 8, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 9, 2017
It will just beep when the timer runs out and keep the temperature steady. You need to turn it off manually at that point.
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- Muzhou L on Dec 6, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 9, 2017
It just keeps cooking when the timer runs out. It may make an audible noise when the timer runs out, but I've never heard it. I ruined my first attempt a cooking steaks due to thinking it would shut off after the 2hr timer (yes, you certainly *can* overcook your food, and after 8hrs of cooking, the steaks were the consistency of liver paté). The timer is IMO the worst attribute of this device.
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- Brett J on Jan 4, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 16, 2018
It has a timer. But I wouldn’t recommend using it. If it shuts off the water temp will gradually go down, and well out of cooking temp range. You’d be better off if the meat was cooked a little longer when you manually turn off the device.
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- Mike B on Dec 6, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 5, 2017
It does not turn off but will stay on and a slight beeping timer will start. It is not a concern to overlook your food as it just holds it at the same temp.
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- Alan P on Dec 8, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 6, 2017
When the timer runs out the unit will stop circulating but keeps the temperature set. It continues to beep about every ten seconds until you turn it off.
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- Richard R on Dec 6, 2017
- Purchased on Jul 5, 2017
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Never done any Sous Vide cooking. Does this require you to use a vacuum sealer as well or can you use something like a zip-lock double seal bag?
Greg D
on Jun 14, 2018
BEST ANSWER: After careful investigation, I decided that Zip Loc brand plastic bags were not toxic and would work just fine. Putting my inner Nervous Nelly aside, we have been using them for years. I even put marinade in the bag, something that's not recommended for vacuum sealer sous-videing.
My wife sous-vides thick boneless pork chops, then grills them briefly with some seasoning on them. They are spectacular!
I do boneless pork shoulder at 165 deg F for 20 hours for the most delectable pull-apart, shreddable pork for street tacos, enchiladas, etc.
This Strata Cooker is the BOMB! I love it, even though I find the control system hard to remember from one time to another.
My wife sous-vides thick boneless pork chops, then grills them briefly with some seasoning on them. They are spectacular!
I do boneless pork shoulder at 165 deg F for 20 hours for the most delectable pull-apart, shreddable pork for street tacos, enchiladas, etc.
This Strata Cooker is the BOMB! I love it, even though I find the control system hard to remember from one time to another.
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- Iceguy on Jun 14, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 10, 2017
BEST ANSWER: After careful investigation, I decided that Zip Loc brand plastic bags were not toxic and would work just fine. Putting my inner Nervous Nelly aside, we have been using them for years. I even put marinade in the bag, something that's not recommended for vacuum sealer sous-videing.
My wife sous-vides thick boneless pork chops, then grills them briefly with some seasoning on them. They are spectacular!
I do boneless pork shoulder at 165 deg F for 20 hours for the most delectable pull-apart, shreddable pork for street tacos, enchiladas, etc.
This Strata Cooker is the BOMB! I love it, even though I find the control system hard to remember from one time to another.
My wife sous-vides thick boneless pork chops, then grills them briefly with some seasoning on them. They are spectacular!
I do boneless pork shoulder at 165 deg F for 20 hours for the most delectable pull-apart, shreddable pork for street tacos, enchiladas, etc.
This Strata Cooker is the BOMB! I love it, even though I find the control system hard to remember from one time to another.
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- Iceguy on Jun 14, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 10, 2017
This will change the way you cook meat period! You will need to use a sealed bag. Before I bought my vacuum sealer I just used a simple ziplock bag. Once placed into the water, the air in the bag is mostly forced out and then you can seal the top. It will cook the beat steaks you have ever had! This is the most affordable one out there, ( I looked everywhere). Buy it and enjoy!
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- Chris L on Jun 14, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 29, 2017
I love mine. Zip locks work great, just use a binder clip or clothes pin to and clip the "zipper" to the edge of the pot out of the water. That's where it may not seal completely. Look online, there are tons of recipes. Tri-tip comes out perfect every time.
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- Rob B on Jun 14, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 28, 2017
I only use zip lock bags. Just submerge the bag and let the water pressure push the air out and seal the bag. I zip it 80% of the way to start with. Always keep the un-zipped portion out of the water. No issues so far.
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- Robert on Jun 14, 2018
- Purchased on Sep 10, 2017
I just a zip lock bag but my boss uses a vacuum sealer. Both work
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- Julie U on Jun 14, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 9, 2017
I use the zip lock bags. Just make sure the air is out of it.
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- JoAnn P on Jun 14, 2018
- Purchased on Sep 4, 2017
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What are the best containers to use for the Strata?
A shopper
on Nov 18, 2022
BEST ANSWER: I have used large soup pots to a dedicated 8 qt sous vide container. It's polycarbonate with a lid. I sous vide a chuck roast which needs at least 24 hours, and this called for a tight fitting top. As far as a brand of container is concerned I have no preference. There are a myriad of reviews online and my suggestion is to get one that fits your needs and your budget.
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- Davor N on Nov 30, 2022
- Purchased on Feb 5, 2022
BEST ANSWER: I have used large soup pots to a dedicated 8 qt sous vide container. It's polycarbonate with a lid. I sous vide a chuck roast which needs at least 24 hours, and this called for a tight fitting top. As far as a brand of container is concerned I have no preference. There are a myriad of reviews online and my suggestion is to get one that fits your needs and your budget.
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- Davor N on Nov 30, 2022
- Purchased on Feb 5, 2022
I personally like to use a large lobster pot as it allows for a number of bags at once (I like to cook a week's worth of chicken at a time to have on hand for meals/salads).
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- James L on Nov 30, 2022
- Purchased on Nov 30, 2021
For smaller things I use kitchen pans, for larger things I use Polycarbonate Food Storage Containers I have gotten from restaurant service stores
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- Mark U on Dec 1, 2022
- Purchased on Dec 7, 2021
Are use a large stew pot Enter an answer to this question.
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- Forrest S on Nov 30, 2022
- Purchased on Dec 17, 2021
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What timer functions does this have? Could it be put in an ice water bath and told to turn on in a few hours to have food ready after work?
A shopper
on Apr 25, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. This unit would not have any Bluetooth or Wifi capabilities, it would be unable to be preset.
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- Mark P Staff on May 17, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. This unit would not have any Bluetooth or Wifi capabilities, it would be unable to be preset.
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- Mark P Staff on May 17, 2017
According to the user manual, it only has a cooking timer. It appears that you would have to turn it on manually or use a separate outlet timer to turn it on unattended.
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- Brendan S on Apr 25, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
There shouldn't be a reason to use ice. The sous vide is a way to precisely control the temperature of the water to keep it constant. So if you want to cook a steak to a internal temperature of 140º you set it for 140º and the cooker will get it to that temperature and keep it there all day. The food will not overcook, it will just stay at the perfect temperature. And the longer you leave it in, the more the muscle fibers will tenderize. When you get home, you just pop it on the grill, or in a pan to brown for a few minutes on a side, and you'll have the best steak.
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- Steve F on Apr 25, 2017
Hey Steve, in general I agree with you but I have read that for some foods you actually can cook them too long. I love my sous vide and have never had an issue with overcooking. As you have pointed out, the food will never get above the set temperature but apparently leaving some items for a really long period can change the quality. I cook pulled pork for 24 hrs in an ice chest with sold Styrofoam on top to hold the heat in and help with evaporation and it turns out great.
It is not a delay start timer, only a count down timer from starting to cook.
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- Guest on Nov 16, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 1, 2017
It has a cook time timer only. It starts cooking right away and shuts off at the end of the time set. The good thing is that the vacuum sealed food you are cooking holds at the proper serving temperature so as long as the food is safe to hold at that temperature, your meal is ready when you are. I would highly recommend that you purchase a container and lid to minimize evaporation of the water from the container during cooking.
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- Steve on May 8, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 27, 2017
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What container matches well with this unit..preferably with a cutout lid to prevent evaporation?
Barry P
on Aug 4, 2017
BEST ANSWER: A good size stock pot that would allow water circulation around the bag containing the food to be cooked and I just put a cutting board over the exposed area off of the size of the device and that abated the evaporation over a couple of hours. Typically, you're cooking at 125-150 F so the water isn't boiling off.
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- Guest on Nov 16, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 1, 2017
BEST ANSWER: A good size stock pot that would allow water circulation around the bag containing the food to be cooked and I just put a cutting board over the exposed area off of the size of the device and that abated the evaporation over a couple of hours. Typically, you're cooking at 125-150 F so the water isn't boiling off.
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- Guest on Nov 16, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 1, 2017
Evaporation is not an issue to me for my six month usage. It really depends on how long you want to leave it running. I use it every week and just put it into a large pot with no lid. Normally I will run it for about 4 hours or a bit more, and never had problem with water evaporation. Hope this help.
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- Liyu G on Aug 5, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
I agree with Liyu G... evaporation has not been a problem in my experience. The temp is not high enough to cause significant evaporation. As far as pot compatibility - I've used a large stock pot and a 60-quart cooler with equal results. This makes great steaks!
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- Rob H on Sep 11, 2017
- Purchased on Aug 3, 2017
Any large pot without a lid it will attach onto the side you screw it down and make sure the water is up to the max line turn it on to the temperature you want and wait for it to reach its desired temperature and put your food in for the amount of time required
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- ELVIRA S on Aug 4, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 26, 2017
A tall stainless steel pasta/spaghetti cooking pot is what I'm using. For a covering to prevent evaporation, slabs of styrofoam have done well.
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- Bernadette U on Aug 4, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 29, 2017
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Can I cook 3 steaks at once with this unit or should I get the 1100 watt?
Allan C
on Feb 10, 2020
BEST ANSWER: It’s no problem for steaks. It will heat up water and maintain steak temperatures no problem. The 1100 watt only heats up water faster.
The 1100 may only be useful at higher temperatures, perhaps above 170F for cheesecake and such.
The 1100 may only be useful at higher temperatures, perhaps above 170F for cheesecake and such.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Matthew H on Feb 10, 2020
- Purchased on Feb 26, 2019
BEST ANSWER: It’s no problem for steaks. It will heat up water and maintain steak temperatures no problem. The 1100 watt only heats up water faster.
The 1100 may only be useful at higher temperatures, perhaps above 170F for cheesecake and such.
The 1100 may only be useful at higher temperatures, perhaps above 170F for cheesecake and such.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Matthew H on Feb 10, 2020
- Purchased on Feb 26, 2019
Yes, depending on the size of your container. I've had 6 steaks in at once. The 1100 watt unit would bring the 'bath' up to temp quicker.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Tim P on Feb 10, 2020
- Purchased on Feb 26, 2019
I have cooked a full roast ~5lbs with no issues; mind you I let it go for 5+ hours also.
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- Inaccurate
- T C on Feb 10, 2020
- Purchased on Apr 14, 2019
The 1100 will just reach temp faster. Start with warm water and the 800 will work fine.
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- Inaccurate
- Guest on Feb 10, 2020
- Purchased on Mar 26, 2019
I have cooked as many as 6 Tri Tips at once so no problem!
- Reply(1)
- Inaccurate
- Gordon J on Feb 10, 2020
- Purchased on Feb 11, 2019
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Does this device have a safety shutoff mechanism should the water accidentally evaporate?
Steve F
on May 2, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. Yes, this unit will have a safety shutoff if the water falls below the minimum water line.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Mark P Staff on May 17, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. Yes, this unit will have a safety shutoff if the water falls below the minimum water line.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Mark P Staff on May 17, 2017
I pulled mine out of the water and it beeped, turned red, and shut off. So yes, it will turn off if the water levels gets too low
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- Inaccurate
- Clark K on May 18, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
How long are you planning on cooking that you are worried about evaporating water? Cover with cellophane and you won't have any problems.
- Reply(1)
- Inaccurate
- JimL on Apr 16, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 19, 2018
I have a few recipes that call for 72 hours. And I bought it anyway. But I can lose 2” out of a 12Qt Cambro over that time. More in winter when it’s less humid. I’ve also not got the best memory and there’s a distinct possibility I could forget. The food would be lost but I hope not to burn down the house.
Not that I can see. I would recommend that you use a container and lid with a cutout for the unit to minimize evaporation during cooking.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Steve on May 8, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 27, 2017
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How fine are the temperature adjustments? (1 degree or less?)
Keoni A
on Sep 11, 2017
BEST ANSWER: The readout is in .5 degrees. Though the adjustment tends to be more. That is it's hard to dial in exactly 134.5 for example. I usually settle for plus or minus .5 degrees.
It works very well.
It works very well.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Sugith V on Sep 11, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
BEST ANSWER: The readout is in .5 degrees. Though the adjustment tends to be more. That is it's hard to dial in exactly 134.5 for example. I usually settle for plus or minus .5 degrees.
It works very well.
It works very well.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Sugith V on Sep 11, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
In Celcius: Set temp in 0.5ºC increments, Current temp in 0.1ºC increments.
In Fahrenheit: Set temp in 0.5ºF increments, Current temp in 0.1ºF increments.
That's how "precise" it is. I don't know how "accurate" it is at that precision.
In Fahrenheit: Set temp in 0.5ºF increments, Current temp in 0.1ºF increments.
That's how "precise" it is. I don't know how "accurate" it is at that precision.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Cameron S on Dec 5, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 27, 2017
Whoops I was wrong (based on other reviews), it's 0.9 degree Fahrenheit steps. So almost 1 degree Fahrenheit between steps
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- Inaccurate
- Clark K on Sep 11, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
.5 degree increments. However actual temp will fluctusted up to 1 degree
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Matthew H on Dec 7, 2018
- Purchased on Nov 2, 2018
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I cannot figure out how to take it apart to clean it. is there a video?
Chris M
on Nov 22, 2017
BEST ANSWER: The plastic end cap turns and pulls off (see the instructions for changing the direction of the water flow) and the outer metal cylinder has a similar attachment. Turn it and pull it off.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- WILLIAM S. on Nov 22, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
BEST ANSWER: The plastic end cap turns and pulls off (see the instructions for changing the direction of the water flow) and the outer metal cylinder has a similar attachment. Turn it and pull it off.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- WILLIAM S. on Nov 22, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
Other than sliding the clamp off you can’t take it apart. Since food is in air tight bags the cooker is only in water so all you do is dry it off after use.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Sugith V on Nov 22, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
Twist the cover and it comes off. And you don't need to clean it (it sits in clean water), just let it dry.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- JimL on Apr 16, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 19, 2018
As far as I know the only thing that is removable is the white plastic bottom cap.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Marshall S on Nov 22, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
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The immerged part is 2 1/4" in diameter so 7.06" circumference. The non-immerged superior part is obviously somewhat larger
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- jitedala on Feb 3, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
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Unless the food bag breaks open, why would I ever have to clean this unit (since it's just sitting in hot water)?
Terry W
on Dec 4, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Mineral buildup from submersion can eventually cause issues. Dust and particulate can start building up as well. You won't have to clean it often—just maybe when the unit starts making funny noises
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Rob H on Dec 6, 2018
- Purchased on Dec 9, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Mineral buildup from submersion can eventually cause issues. Dust and particulate can start building up as well. You won't have to clean it often—just maybe when the unit starts making funny noises
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Rob H on Dec 6, 2018
- Purchased on Dec 9, 2017
Yes, this is correct. You can use the gallon sized ziplock bags as well to cook things. They work great. No need for fancy expensive sous vide bags.
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- Inaccurate
- Eric on Dec 4, 2018
- Purchased on Dec 13, 2017
It just takes a simple wipe if needed. Mine gets a hard water ring around it.
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- Inaccurate
- Cynthia N on Dec 4, 2018
- Purchased on Dec 8, 2017
Never have needed to clean ours. Had for over a year.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Julianne K on Dec 5, 2018
- Purchased on Dec 5, 2017
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Are the cooking bags bpa free?
A shopper
on Apr 27, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Depends on if you buy BPA-free bags or not. This item is the immersion circulator. It does not come with bags of any kind.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- James M on Apr 27, 2019
- Purchased on Jun 14, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Depends on if you buy BPA-free bags or not. This item is the immersion circulator. It does not come with bags of any kind.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- James M on Apr 27, 2019
- Purchased on Jun 14, 2018
I have never used my Sous Vide. After thinking through the issues with cooking food in bags, I found the idea of cooking/boiling any food in any type of bag very unhealthy.
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- Inaccurate
- Michael A on Apr 27, 2019
- Purchased on May 2, 2018
I ordered this about a year ago, no bags included.
It's still up and running great, no issues.
It's still up and running great, no issues.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Kenji N on Apr 27, 2019
- Purchased on Apr 29, 2018
This does not come with any bags, it is only the cooker and a clamp.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Wesley on Apr 27, 2019
- Purchased on Jun 4, 2018
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Can you can food with this?
A shopper
on May 1, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Sous-vide doesn't get hot enough to kill botulism spores. Low acid foods will be very dangerous.
Boiling is required for a strong seal on canning jars.
All pectin jellies I have seen require boiling to set.
High acid recipes often call for processing in a water bath for a mere 10 minutes to seal the lids. Recipes that don't call for the water bath universally call for the product to be refrigerated.
Perhaps high acid foods could be vacuum sealed instead of bottled and pasteurized. It seems feasible but this is not the sort of thing you should experiment with. The failure conditions are catastrophic.
Boiling is required for a strong seal on canning jars.
All pectin jellies I have seen require boiling to set.
High acid recipes often call for processing in a water bath for a mere 10 minutes to seal the lids. Recipes that don't call for the water bath universally call for the product to be refrigerated.
Perhaps high acid foods could be vacuum sealed instead of bottled and pasteurized. It seems feasible but this is not the sort of thing you should experiment with. The failure conditions are catastrophic.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- raskirk on May 1, 2019
- Purchased on Sep 23, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Sous-vide doesn't get hot enough to kill botulism spores. Low acid foods will be very dangerous.
Boiling is required for a strong seal on canning jars.
All pectin jellies I have seen require boiling to set.
High acid recipes often call for processing in a water bath for a mere 10 minutes to seal the lids. Recipes that don't call for the water bath universally call for the product to be refrigerated.
Perhaps high acid foods could be vacuum sealed instead of bottled and pasteurized. It seems feasible but this is not the sort of thing you should experiment with. The failure conditions are catastrophic.
Boiling is required for a strong seal on canning jars.
All pectin jellies I have seen require boiling to set.
High acid recipes often call for processing in a water bath for a mere 10 minutes to seal the lids. Recipes that don't call for the water bath universally call for the product to be refrigerated.
Perhaps high acid foods could be vacuum sealed instead of bottled and pasteurized. It seems feasible but this is not the sort of thing you should experiment with. The failure conditions are catastrophic.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- raskirk on May 1, 2019
- Purchased on Sep 23, 2018
You can “food” with it. Happy fooding.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- f mchael m on May 1, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 26, 2017
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What happens with the time reaches zero? Does the unit turn off? Does it just beep until someone notices it and continue to run? Does it beep for some amount of time then turn off?
Steve F
on May 3, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. When the time reaches zero it will mean that the cooking has completed. It will beep and will need to be turned off. The great thing about sous vide cooking is that you can never over cook your food even if you exceed the cook time.
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- Inaccurate
- Mark P Staff on May 17, 2017
Well it's true that you don't have to be perfectly accurate on the in time, it is possible to overcook a food I continuing more than 25 or 30% passed the target time even at the Target temperature. It will affect the texture of what you're cooking.
- Reply
- New User U on Nov 2, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. When the time reaches zero it will mean that the cooking has completed. It will beep and will need to be turned off. The great thing about sous vide cooking is that you can never over cook your food even if you exceed the cook time.
- Reply(1)
- Inaccurate
- Mark P Staff on May 17, 2017
Well it's true that you don't have to be perfectly accurate on the in time, it is possible to overcook a food I continuing more than 25 or 30% passed the target time even at the Target temperature. It will affect the texture of what you're cooking.
- Reply
- New User U on Nov 2, 2018
It doesn't automatically turn off but it does sound an audible alarm. If you are going to continue cooking, you will need to pause and then unpause the product again.
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- Inaccurate
- Terrance H on Dec 21, 2017
- Purchased on Nov 1, 2017
Yes, it turns off. No beep that I have found.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Steve on May 8, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 27, 2017
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How many hours does the timer go??
A shopper
on May 4, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. This units timer will have a maximum of 99 hours.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Mark P Staff on May 17, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. This units timer will have a maximum of 99 hours.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Mark P Staff on May 17, 2017
99 hours and 59 minutes. If you were planning on a 100 hour Sous Vide session, this one is not for you. 8*)
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- WILLIAM S. on Jun 30, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
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Im getting a repetitive beeping sound when i run the unit. The water level is between min and max. Please advise. I tried running it without food in it and got the same beeping sound. I tried unplugging it and plugging back in. This is on my first use. Whats going on?
Ven K
on Apr 9, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Seems like your unit is dead or more likely you need to set the temp and time, easiest way is power it on press the temp button, adj the knob till your display shows the value you want, then wait for about 5 seconds till your value take effect, the display will stop blinking. if you push any button before the value takes effect you mess up the programming and end up in an endless loop. after the temp value is set push the time button, adj the knob for your hours unit, wait till it takes effect, then push the time button again to set the mins unit, again adj the knob for your value, wait for it to take effect. after that press the play button and it starts working.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Kenji N on May 23, 2018
- Purchased on Apr 29, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Seems like your unit is dead or more likely you need to set the temp and time, easiest way is power it on press the temp button, adj the knob till your display shows the value you want, then wait for about 5 seconds till your value take effect, the display will stop blinking. if you push any button before the value takes effect you mess up the programming and end up in an endless loop. after the temp value is set push the time button, adj the knob for your hours unit, wait till it takes effect, then push the time button again to set the mins unit, again adj the knob for your value, wait for it to take effect. after that press the play button and it starts working.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Kenji N on May 23, 2018
- Purchased on Apr 29, 2018
Did you set the temperature and hours to cook? Did you get an operator's manual with it? If not, go to this site and download one.
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- Inaccurate
- Steve on Apr 9, 2018
- Purchased on Apr 27, 2017
It beeps until you’ve set time and temperature. Once it reaches desired temperature it will beep again.
- Reply(1)
- Inaccurate
- Sugith V on Apr 9, 2018
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
Beeping occurs after I set the time and temprature. I set the temp (135) light goes solid blue on temp icon, i set the time (2 hrs:30 min) light goes solid blue on clock.. Scroll wheel is also blue, hit play and hear three consecutive beeps followed by all lights red and constant beeping.
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Does anyone know how to change the direction of the water? I don't understand the directions. Thanks!
A shopper
on Apr 27, 2018
BEST ANSWER: You can unscrew the bottom plastic cap, turn 180 degree and screw it back on. Now water will come out at the other side.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- NJer on Apr 27, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
BEST ANSWER: You can unscrew the bottom plastic cap, turn 180 degree and screw it back on. Now water will come out at the other side.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- NJer on Apr 27, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
You can unscrew the bottom cap, turn 180 degree, screw back on. Now water will come out at the other side.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- NJer on Apr 27, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
you can turn the unit within the holder.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- arthur u on Apr 27, 2018
- Purchased on Jul 4, 2017
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I own this unit an love it but I am having a hard time reaching temps over 175. I am thinking my 26 qt container is to big or I am losing to much heat. Is anyone else having trouble getting this unit to higher temps?
craig v
on Jun 6, 2018
BEST ANSWER: It's not often that I use this for temperatures over 175F. All meats/eggs are fully cooked at lower temperatures (120F-160F). However, sometimes I will cook certain vegetables that require 175F-183F temperature range. I use a 6-gallon pot in most cases since I'm feeding a family of 5. I will usually supplement the Sous vide with the stovetop burner just to get to the temperature quicker and then turn off the burner and let the sous vide maintain the temperature. My 800W cooker (same as yours) maintains this temperature no worries. When I first submerge all the veggies, there may be a drop of a few degrees, but within 10 minutes it's back where it needs to be. Two thumbs up.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Jeremy T on Jun 13, 2018
- Purchased on Nov 28, 2017
BEST ANSWER: It's not often that I use this for temperatures over 175F. All meats/eggs are fully cooked at lower temperatures (120F-160F). However, sometimes I will cook certain vegetables that require 175F-183F temperature range. I use a 6-gallon pot in most cases since I'm feeding a family of 5. I will usually supplement the Sous vide with the stovetop burner just to get to the temperature quicker and then turn off the burner and let the sous vide maintain the temperature. My 800W cooker (same as yours) maintains this temperature no worries. When I first submerge all the veggies, there may be a drop of a few degrees, but within 10 minutes it's back where it needs to be. Two thumbs up.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Jeremy T on Jun 13, 2018
- Purchased on Nov 28, 2017
For bigger jojoba I use a cooler with a hole cut into the lid, just large enough to accommodate the cooker. The heat retention of the cooler helps in achieving and maintaining adequate temperatures.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Eric D on Jun 6, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 3, 2017
It's a thermal loss situation. Size can be an issue, but so is the heat loss to the environment.
I use a cooler with a hole cut in the top of it, and don't have a problem.
I use a cooler with a hole cut in the top of it, and don't have a problem.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Michael W on Jun 6, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 1, 2017
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i have seen where people use these for home brewing to keep the liquid at a constant temp. can this be turned on and stay on for a long time to keep the water bath at a constant temp for a few days? or do you think it might burn it out?
A shopper
on Apr 4, 2021
BEST ANSWER: I've run mine slow cooking a steak for over a day and it showed no signs of struggle. If you're planning on keeping a water bath at a constant temperature during fermentation there should be no issues.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Andrew K on Apr 5, 2021
- Purchased on May 11, 2020
BEST ANSWER: I've run mine slow cooking a steak for over a day and it showed no signs of struggle. If you're planning on keeping a water bath at a constant temperature during fermentation there should be no issues.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Andrew K on Apr 5, 2021
- Purchased on May 11, 2020
I wouldn't know, I only have mine on for less than 3 hours at a time.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Charles A on Apr 4, 2021
- Purchased on Jul 9, 2020
I have left mine on for as long as 60 hours without any problem
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- zachary j on Apr 5, 2021
- Purchased on May 13, 2020
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I love my Anova Precision sous vide machine; this new Monoprice-branded unit looks like it was made by Anova (?), so good for Monoprice!
A shopper
on Apr 25, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Greetings! This unit would be a Monoprice product and not be made by Anova. Should you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] and our knowledgeable Technical Support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you.
- Reply(1)
- Inaccurate
- Mark P Staff on Apr 25, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Greetings! This unit would be a Monoprice product and not be made by Anova. Should you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] and our knowledgeable Technical Support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you.
- Reply(1)
- Inaccurate
- Mark P Staff on Apr 25, 2017
Maybe, but one thing I know is the head shape is angled differently. I know this because I got a case with EVA foam for the Anova (it's high density foam with a cutout for the cooker), and the Strata one doesn't fit. I'll need to modify the foam to get the shape correct
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Clark K on May 18, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
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I am curious if the shaft is the exact same size. I've cut out holes in my cambro lids and was wondering if these would fit them the same?
A shopper
on May 4, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. The measurements will be 14.57x3.98x3.46 cm.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Mark P Staff on May 17, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. The measurements will be 14.57x3.98x3.46 cm.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Mark P Staff on May 17, 2017
I can attest that this has the exact same hole size as the Anova, 2-5/8"
- Reply(1)
- Inaccurate
- Clark K on May 18, 2017
- Purchased on Apr 25, 2017
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4.6 / 5.0
390 Reviews
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1 Star
Rated 5 out of 5
Stop shopping around and buy this one.
Simple, easy to use, gets the job done!
I appreciate that the timer starts counting down after the target temperature has been reached, that's a good feature. I recommend this model to everyone.
I appreciate that the timer starts counting down after the target temperature has been reached, that's a good feature. I recommend this model to everyone.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Great Price - A fine alternative to those higher priced units.
Used item about 4 times since purchase. Works just as advertised. A really good alternative to the higher priced units out there.
One Tidbit.... Checked temp with a high-quality accurate thermometer and water was within 0.2 degrees. Not bad at all.
One Tidbit.... Checked temp with a high-quality accurate thermometer and water was within 0.2 degrees. Not bad at all.
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Rated 2 out of 5
Great while it lasted
Worked great for literally a week then it died, water somehow got inside the unit and it fried itself. Buying a waterproof unit from another company instead.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Works perfectly
I don't know why anyone would buy one anywhere else.
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Rated 4 out of 5
Just buy it - stop researching :o)
I read all the reviews and am happy I settled on the 800W Monoprice. I especially enjoy how quiet it is.
However ...
- The highest temperature setting possible is 212 but, even after hours and hours, the highest it will get to is 194.
- Beef should be rare at 132, but I must use at least 135 to rise above a raw threshold. It can be re-calibrated, but I'd prefer a machine to arrive in better condition.
- The packaging is fine, but the instruction manual is rather feeble and includes no suggestions for use.
- Contacting Monoprice: The response time to an email is about 4 days and the content rather disappointing.
NB: I have no interest in controlling it via an app, so I do not miss that it does not have one.
I asked about the 1000W unit, but the only thing Monoprice could tell me is that the 800W will not raise the water temperature as quickly. The 800W is just fine. When cooking food for hours, saving 2 minutes doesn't seem necessary.
However ...
- The highest temperature setting possible is 212 but, even after hours and hours, the highest it will get to is 194.
- Beef should be rare at 132, but I must use at least 135 to rise above a raw threshold. It can be re-calibrated, but I'd prefer a machine to arrive in better condition.
- The packaging is fine, but the instruction manual is rather feeble and includes no suggestions for use.
- Contacting Monoprice: The response time to an email is about 4 days and the content rather disappointing.
NB: I have no interest in controlling it via an app, so I do not miss that it does not have one.
I asked about the 1000W unit, but the only thing Monoprice could tell me is that the 800W will not raise the water temperature as quickly. The 800W is just fine. When cooking food for hours, saving 2 minutes doesn't seem necessary.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Great results
Great sous vide setup. No problems. Easy to use. Great results.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Great tool for the price
Works flawless
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