Monoprice Commercial Series Hidden Motorized Recessed Ceiling Projector Lift Mount (Max 44 lbs.)
Product # 15495
UPC # 889028035955
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Can anyone tell me what the exact RF is in mhz on the remote control? I need the exact frequency to integrate with a smart home system.
New User U
on Jan 15, 2020
BEST ANSWER: I am about to undertake the exact same effort. I'd love to know how you're going about it. I expect to have the answer to freq and code by this time next week.
- Reply(2)
- Inaccurate
- keat w on Jan 15, 2020
- Purchased on Oct 31, 2019
Excellent thank you. I’m trying to use the Bond Smart Home bridge, but it isn’t automatically recognizing the frequency with a button press. There is, however, a place to manually input the frequency and I’m wondering if it would work with that information.
- Reply
- New User U on Jan 15, 2020
BEST ANSWER: I am about to undertake the exact same effort. I'd love to know how you're going about it. I expect to have the answer to freq and code by this time next week.
- Reply(2)
- Inaccurate
- keat w on Jan 15, 2020
- Purchased on Oct 31, 2019
Excellent thank you. I’m trying to use the Bond Smart Home bridge, but it isn’t automatically recognizing the frequency with a button press. There is, however, a place to manually input the frequency and I’m wondering if it would work with that information.
- Reply
- New User U on Jan 15, 2020
Manual to the remote says 868MHz. Check your remote for the model number. The remote that shipped with mine is 1GD-868Mn, so I'm presuming it would correspond.
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- corey k on Nov 11, 2021
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Is there contact closure relays for using with control system?
New User U
on Dec 13, 2020
BEST ANSWER: No, this comes with a remote control only. It might be possible to get this to work with a control system but is is not originally set up that way.
- Reply(1)
- Inaccurate
- CJ S on Dec 14, 2020
- Purchased on Aug 20, 2020
So there is not relays on it ? Someone answered that it had relays so I’m a little confused
- Reply
- New User U on Dec 14, 2020
BEST ANSWER: No, this comes with a remote control only. It might be possible to get this to work with a control system but is is not originally set up that way.
- Reply(1)
- Inaccurate
- CJ S on Dec 14, 2020
- Purchased on Aug 20, 2020
So there is not relays on it ? Someone answered that it had relays so I’m a little confused
- Reply
- New User U on Dec 14, 2020
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- Inaccurate
- Rafael G on Dec 13, 2020
- Purchased on Nov 9, 2020
What form of remote control does it come with? Ir remote control or RF remote control?
- Reply
- New User U on Nov 10, 2021
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Is there a way to hook this up to an on/off switch on the wall? Or can it only work with the remote?
A shopper
on Apr 20, 2021
BEST ANSWER: I haven't tried these, but I see two options.
1.) You can mount the remote on the wall. I think there might even be a bracket included in the box. (I forget and didn't do this option.)
2.) There is a control box that is hardwired in the middle of the power cord. You could replace the power cord with in-wall rated wiring and mount the control box on the wall. (It's a pretty big box and I don't aesthetically recommend it.)
1.) You can mount the remote on the wall. I think there might even be a bracket included in the box. (I forget and didn't do this option.)
2.) There is a control box that is hardwired in the middle of the power cord. You could replace the power cord with in-wall rated wiring and mount the control box on the wall. (It's a pretty big box and I don't aesthetically recommend it.)
- Reply(1)
- Inaccurate
- Tim W on Apr 20, 2021
- Purchased on Aug 19, 2020
Thank you for your response and help. I appreciate it.
- Reply
- christian K on Apr 21, 2021
BEST ANSWER: I haven't tried these, but I see two options.
1.) You can mount the remote on the wall. I think there might even be a bracket included in the box. (I forget and didn't do this option.)
2.) There is a control box that is hardwired in the middle of the power cord. You could replace the power cord with in-wall rated wiring and mount the control box on the wall. (It's a pretty big box and I don't aesthetically recommend it.)
1.) You can mount the remote on the wall. I think there might even be a bracket included in the box. (I forget and didn't do this option.)
2.) There is a control box that is hardwired in the middle of the power cord. You could replace the power cord with in-wall rated wiring and mount the control box on the wall. (It's a pretty big box and I don't aesthetically recommend it.)
- Reply(1)
- Inaccurate
- Tim W on Apr 20, 2021
- Purchased on Aug 19, 2020
Thank you for your response and help. I appreciate it.
- Reply
- christian K on Apr 21, 2021
Replace the remote using with something z-wave or wifi addressable like a Qubino or Zooz relay module.
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- Inaccurate
- corey k on Nov 11, 2021
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What type of Power Cord ending plug is needed ? Triangular 3 prongs shape or else ?
A shopper
on Apr 2, 2023
BEST ANSWER: We purchased this and it had a standard USA B style plug "3 prong"
Everything works with standard 115-120v 15amp wallplug
Everything works with standard 115-120v 15amp wallplug
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Jason E on Apr 3, 2023
- Purchased on Jun 22, 2022
BEST ANSWER: We purchased this and it had a standard USA B style plug "3 prong"
Everything works with standard 115-120v 15amp wallplug
Everything works with standard 115-120v 15amp wallplug
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Jason E on Apr 3, 2023
- Purchased on Jun 22, 2022
It is a standard 3-pronged 110V US style power cord
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- Debbie S on Apr 2, 2023
- Purchased on Nov 18, 2022
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What is the actual measurement for the projector mounting plate area? Height,width,length
robert c
on Dec 27, 2016
BEST ANSWER: Hello, thank you for your inquiry. While we do strive to include all measurements and diagrams on the product page, if there is a specific measurement you are looking for, please email [email protected]. That way they can refer to our vendor and provide you with the appropriate specifications you are looking for. I hope this helps, thank you!
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- Jericho L Staff on Dec 29, 2016
BEST ANSWER: Hello, thank you for your inquiry. While we do strive to include all measurements and diagrams on the product page, if there is a specific measurement you are looking for, please email [email protected]. That way they can refer to our vendor and provide you with the appropriate specifications you are looking for. I hope this helps, thank you!
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- Jericho L Staff on Dec 29, 2016
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What is the actual height and width of this unit? Someone asked below but you still have not answered the question. The manual does not include size specs.
Griffe Y
on Mar 5, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thaks for your interest in this lift. The height of the lift is 11.8" (300mm) nd width are 2x2" (609.6x609.6mm)
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Mar 13, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thaks for your interest in this lift. The height of the lift is 11.8" (300mm) nd width are 2x2" (609.6x609.6mm)
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- Dave L Staff on Mar 13, 2017
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is the remote infra red and can it programmed to another remote?
A shopper
on Sep 25, 2017
BEST ANSWER: NO, only the included RF remote
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- Dan F on Sep 25, 2017
- Purchased on Jan 15, 2017
BEST ANSWER: NO, only the included RF remote
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- Inaccurate
- Dan F on Sep 25, 2017
- Purchased on Jan 15, 2017
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What's is the width and length of the motor portion that sits above the ceiling? I assume it's smaller than the 2 x 2 cover panel?
Matt P
on Nov 20, 2017
BEST ANSWER: The manual is available for download from the product page. It shows product dimensions are
22.6" x 21.7" x 10.8" (574 x 550 x 275 mm)
22.6" x 21.7" x 10.8" (574 x 550 x 275 mm)
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Dec 1, 2017
BEST ANSWER: The manual is available for download from the product page. It shows product dimensions are
22.6" x 21.7" x 10.8" (574 x 550 x 275 mm)
22.6" x 21.7" x 10.8" (574 x 550 x 275 mm)
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- Dave L Staff on Dec 1, 2017
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Description says Construction hardware and power cord not included. But manual says powercord and hardware are included. Which is it?
A shopper
on Nov 21, 2017
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What size projector can this hold?
A shopper
on Mar 21, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Length and width can be 20x20" The height is open to your needs and available ceiling space. M10 bolts are used to attach the decorative plate that is visible when the projector is recessed.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Mar 23, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Length and width can be 20x20" The height is open to your needs and available ceiling space. M10 bolts are used to attach the decorative plate that is visible when the projector is recessed.
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- Dave L Staff on Mar 23, 2018
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What is the drop distance from the ceiling? Is that adjustable?
A shopper
on Feb 7, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Max travel of lift is 36". You can set an auto stop at any distance you need.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Feb 19, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Max travel of lift is 36". You can set an auto stop at any distance you need.
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- Dave L Staff on Feb 19, 2019
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For the auto stop do I adjust it on the side of the motor or on the bottom two buttons that are red and white? Also when I do make the adjustment does it adjust as I adjust the hex or does it just set it for the next time it goes up or down? Hopefully that makes sense.
Scott B
on Mar 10, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Limits are set by turning the hex screws with the provided tool. Limits are not set in real-time. You need to make adjustments then operate the mount to verify. Be careful not to overheat the motor by using too much at one time.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Mar 11, 2019
Dave- thanks so much. So to confirm it is the hex screws on the side, not the red and green holes on the bottom? Also, we lost our remote so I ordered a new one. Do you think I need to program it anyway if it is the same model? Thank you again so much.
BEST ANSWER: Limits are set by turning the hex screws with the provided tool. Limits are not set in real-time. You need to make adjustments then operate the mount to verify. Be careful not to overheat the motor by using too much at one time.
- Reply(1)
- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Mar 11, 2019
Dave- thanks so much. So to confirm it is the hex screws on the side, not the red and green holes on the bottom? Also, we lost our remote so I ordered a new one. Do you think I need to program it anyway if it is the same model? Thank you again so much.
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can this be positioned upside down (such as retrofiting into a console table)?
David B
on Mar 13, 2019
BEST ANSWER: No, it is only for suspending from the ceiling or roof.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Mar 14, 2019
BEST ANSWER: No, it is only for suspending from the ceiling or roof.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Mar 14, 2019
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In these Q&A's it says the maximum extended drop distance is 36", but in the manual under specifications it says "Maximum Extension 78.8" (2000 mm)". Which is it?
New User U
on Mar 21, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
You would get up to 36".
You would get up to 36".
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Tyler C Staff on Sep 6, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
You would get up to 36".
You would get up to 36".
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- Inaccurate
- Tyler C Staff on Sep 6, 2019
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Can you replace the RF Control Module with an IR Control Module? Or do you have a better solution so i don't have to use multiple remote controls...
A shopper
on Apr 17, 2019
BEST ANSWER: With a little electrical info, you can absolutely replace the module. IR or z-wave or whatever. It obviously voids the warranty. But I have seen this unit working by voice command with Amazon Alexa and a z-wave controller for blinds.
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- Inaccurate
- corey k on May 31, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 20, 2017
you can't post links in these replies, so it makes it hard to point you anywhere.
May i have the information as well? Oscar at reelaudiovideo dot com
- Reply
- New User U on Nov 10, 2021
If you can tell me how to contact you, I can share full instructions and images.
BEST ANSWER: With a little electrical info, you can absolutely replace the module. IR or z-wave or whatever. It obviously voids the warranty. But I have seen this unit working by voice command with Amazon Alexa and a z-wave controller for blinds.
- Reply(1)
- Inaccurate
- corey k on May 31, 2019
- Purchased on Nov 20, 2017
you can't post links in these replies, so it makes it hard to point you anywhere.
May i have the information as well? Oscar at reelaudiovideo dot com
- Reply
- New User U on Nov 10, 2021
If you can tell me how to contact you, I can share full instructions and images.
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What's the *minimum* depth this could be mounted in (if the decorative plate was moved much closer to the projector tray?) It looks like it could fit in much less than 300mm if the bolts on the decorative plate were shortened...
A shopper
on Sep 8, 2019
BEST ANSWER: The bolts for the decorative plate are simple all-threads. You can adjust to any height you need.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Sep 9, 2019
BEST ANSWER: The bolts for the decorative plate are simple all-threads. You can adjust to any height you need.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Sep 9, 2019
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Is this compatible with the Sony VPL-VW675ES projector? Will the lift auto operate if the projector is turned on?
New User U
on Sep 15, 2019
BEST ANSWER: This Mount will work with your Sony. It does not have external control abilities.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Sep 17, 2019
BEST ANSWER: This Mount will work with your Sony. It does not have external control abilities.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Sep 17, 2019
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Where do you plug your projector power cord? In ceiling outlet? On the motorized unit?
A shopper
on Oct 1, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Power for your projector is independent of the lift's power. There is cable management to run power and data to the projector.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Oct 1, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Power for your projector is independent of the lift's power. There is cable management to run power and data to the projector.
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- Inaccurate
- Dave L Staff on Oct 1, 2019
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How do you adjust the limit.? Do not need it going completely down. The manual shows but says both are green. On our unit one is green and one is orange.
A shopper
on Dec 20, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
The colors may be different but the position of the knobs would be the same.
Knob towards the front would be for the drop limit and the one towards the back would be for the upper limit.
The colors may be different but the position of the knobs would be the same.
Knob towards the front would be for the drop limit and the one towards the back would be for the upper limit.
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- Tyler C Staff on Jan 17, 2020
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
The colors may be different but the position of the knobs would be the same.
Knob towards the front would be for the drop limit and the one towards the back would be for the upper limit.
The colors may be different but the position of the knobs would be the same.
Knob towards the front would be for the drop limit and the one towards the back would be for the upper limit.
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- Inaccurate
- Tyler C Staff on Jan 17, 2020
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One person mentioned that this unit has a switch built into the power cord, is this accurate, and is it for raising and lowering the unit?
Todd V
on Mar 9, 2022
BEST ANSWER: There is no such thing on my unit.
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- Inaccurate
- Nathaniel R on Mar 9, 2022
- Purchased on Apr 15, 2021
BEST ANSWER: There is no such thing on my unit.
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- Nathaniel R on Mar 9, 2022
- Purchased on Apr 15, 2021
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Is this 110v only?
Alexander B
on Jan 5, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Seems like, yes. It comes with a 110V cord and the manual says input voltage is 110V.
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- Debbie S on Jan 5, 2023
- Purchased on Nov 18, 2022
BEST ANSWER: Seems like, yes. It comes with a 110V cord and the manual says input voltage is 110V.
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- Inaccurate
- Debbie S on Jan 5, 2023
- Purchased on Nov 18, 2022
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How far does this really extend down?
A shopper
on Apr 30, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Hi and thank you for your question. The lift can extend up to 78.8 inches.
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- Inaccurate
- Carlos R Staff on Jul 13, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Hi and thank you for your question. The lift can extend up to 78.8 inches.
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- Inaccurate
- Carlos R Staff on Jul 13, 2023
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Tech Support, can you please tell me where to find the setting button on the 1GD-868Mn model? Is it the MICRO-UP or MICRO-Down button? Also, I'm facing an issue where the lift goes all the way down without stopping unless I manually push the stop button. How can I set up an automatic stop control to only have it stop 12" from the ceiling
New User U
on May 2, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Hello, Monoprice stands behind all their products and offer support for any product related question. For further assistance, please reach out to our Customer Support team.
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- Inaccurate
- Carlos R Staff on Jul 13, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Hello, Monoprice stands behind all their products and offer support for any product related question. For further assistance, please reach out to our Customer Support team.
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- Inaccurate
- Carlos R Staff on Jul 13, 2023
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can this be used on a drywall ceiling if i cut an opening and frame out an opening?
A shopper
on Feb 1, 2024
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your inquiry. We would not recommend that. You may want to a professional installer.
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- Inaccurate
- Jake S Staff on Feb 6, 2024
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your inquiry. We would not recommend that. You may want to a professional installer.
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- Inaccurate
- Jake S Staff on Feb 6, 2024
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Hello. Whats the cover plate dimensions on this?
A shopper
on Dec 12, 2024
BEST ANSWER: Hi, thank you for your question. Are you referring to the cover plate for the conveyor belt? If so, we currently do not have the specs of it. But I can request the information for you.
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- Inaccurate
- Jhomar R Staff on Dec 13, 2024
BEST ANSWER: Hi, thank you for your question. Are you referring to the cover plate for the conveyor belt? If so, we currently do not have the specs of it. But I can request the information for you.
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- Inaccurate
- Jhomar R Staff on Dec 13, 2024
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How do i insulate the hole while the projector is in function? we have a lot of outside noise coming into the room when we are using the projector.
New User U
on Oct 18, 2018
What is the interior width between the balance adjusting devices? I want to know if I can fit a Sony VW295ES without having to invert it.
A shopper
on Oct 31, 2018
can this projector lift be activated using dry contact closure?
on Jun 28, 2019
What is the minimum height of the enclosure while housing an 8 1/4" tall projector? - can the lift be operated by Contact closure , IR, or RS 232?
Brian K
on Nov 15, 2019
What is the RS232/485 protocol?
A shopper
on Dec 2, 2019
4.4 / 5.0
5 Reviews
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1 Star
Rated 5 out of 5
Excellent Projector Lift
I spent a considerable time looking for a reasonably priced projector lift. It seemed like this was the absolute cheapest, and most reasonable lift for the money.
However, there's very little information here about the control system for this projector and how it works. The documentation claims that the projector only supports an RF based remote. This is not true. This projector lift uses the 1GD-868MnIII RF controller, which by default only supports the RF remote. There are three buttons (up, down, stop) on the control system. The control system is wired into the motor, and consists of an in-line plastic box with the circuit board shown in the attached picture.
The GRANDVIEW control system supports RS-232, and relay switches for each control system button. Here is the link for the 1GD-868MnIII manual that outlines the control signals and circuit board layout.
I have attached a few pictures from the manual and of the control system I was sent.
However, there's very little information here about the control system for this projector and how it works. The documentation claims that the projector only supports an RF based remote. This is not true. This projector lift uses the 1GD-868MnIII RF controller, which by default only supports the RF remote. There are three buttons (up, down, stop) on the control system. The control system is wired into the motor, and consists of an in-line plastic box with the circuit board shown in the attached picture.
The GRANDVIEW control system supports RS-232, and relay switches for each control system button. Here is the link for the 1GD-868MnIII manual that outlines the control signals and circuit board layout.
I have attached a few pictures from the manual and of the control system I was sent.

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February 20, 2024
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Rated 5 out of 5
Great bit needs more support info
The lift works great! However the information for the controller is limited. For example: wall unit controller wiring details, wireless remote control details, automation options...
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Rated 3 out of 5
It Works Pretty Good, but There Were a Few Issues
We bought this for a gym installation, on the ceiling. We built a heavy duty box around it to protect the projector from stray balls. So far it has worked great, but we just installed it two weeks ago..
I gave this mount 3 stars is for two reasons:
1) If you use the tilt mount for the projector, and have to tilt the projector, there is no way to move everything forward. At the angle I had to tilt the projector to hit the screen, the lip on the decorative ceiling plate cut off part of the projection. I ended up having to cut off the lip in order to get a full screen. If I could have moved the projector forward just a little bit, it would not have been an issue.
2) This system only comes with one remote control and you cannot purchase a second one. Where ours is mounted, there is no way we can easily access the controls on the power cord (it is 25 feet up in the air). If we loose the one remote that came with the mount, we will not be able to use this every again.
I gave this mount 3 stars is for two reasons:
1) If you use the tilt mount for the projector, and have to tilt the projector, there is no way to move everything forward. At the angle I had to tilt the projector to hit the screen, the lip on the decorative ceiling plate cut off part of the projection. I ended up having to cut off the lip in order to get a full screen. If I could have moved the projector forward just a little bit, it would not have been an issue.
2) This system only comes with one remote control and you cannot purchase a second one. Where ours is mounted, there is no way we can easily access the controls on the power cord (it is 25 feet up in the air). If we loose the one remote that came with the mount, we will not be able to use this every again.
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Rated 5 out of 5
Excellent customer service.
Excellent customer service.
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Rated 4 out of 5
Excellent Value
Most Motorized mounts are well north of $1000, if not well over $2K. This mount works GREAT, and well under 1K. Monoprice does it Again!
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December 10, 2016
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