Monoprice Blackbird 4K60 Pro HDBaseT Extender Kit up to 100m with PoH, RS-232, HDCP 2.2
Product # 21608
UPC # 889028049303
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Does it support HDMI CEC or ARC?
A shopper
on Apr 12, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Hi and Thanks for your question
This product supports CEC pass thru but not ARC
For ARC support please check out part number 21668.
This product supports CEC pass thru but not ARC
For ARC support please check out part number 21668.
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- Tim N Staff on Apr 19, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Hi and Thanks for your question
This product supports CEC pass thru but not ARC
For ARC support please check out part number 21668.
This product supports CEC pass thru but not ARC
For ARC support please check out part number 21668.
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- Tim N Staff on Apr 19, 2017
This supports CEC but not ARC.
For ARC support please see part number 21668
For ARC support please see part number 21668
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- Tim N Staff on Jun 27, 2017
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Are the ethernet speeds from one receiver to another 1 Gbps, or 100 Mbps connection?
A shopper
on May 20, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. HDBaseT will support 100 Mbps ethernet speeds.
Should you require additional assistance, please reach out to our technical support team with a detailed question via any of the methods available here:
Our knowledgeable Technical Support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you
Should you require additional assistance, please reach out to our technical support team with a detailed question via any of the methods available here:
Our knowledgeable Technical Support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you
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- Mark P Staff on Jun 1, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. HDBaseT will support 100 Mbps ethernet speeds.
Should you require additional assistance, please reach out to our technical support team with a detailed question via any of the methods available here:
Our knowledgeable Technical Support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you
Should you require additional assistance, please reach out to our technical support team with a detailed question via any of the methods available here:
Our knowledgeable Technical Support staff would be more than happy to assist. Thank you
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- Mark P Staff on Jun 1, 2017
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Can the PoH be used to power an external device?
New User U
on Jun 9, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. The POH feature would be used to power just the receiver. It would be unable to power an external device.
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- Mark P Staff on Jun 12, 2017
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. The POH feature would be used to power just the receiver. It would be unable to power an external device.
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- Mark P Staff on Jun 12, 2017
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Kind of confused. What would be the application of this? Like, what could I use this for?
A shopper
on Jun 23, 2017
BEST ANSWER: HDBase T is great for extending HDMI signal up to 100m over Cat5e/Cat6 cable. So great for use in a place where those networking cables already exist, or in any situation where user would want to use networking cables to extend the HDMI signal
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- Tim N Staff on Jul 5, 2017
BEST ANSWER: HDBase T is great for extending HDMI signal up to 100m over Cat5e/Cat6 cable. So great for use in a place where those networking cables already exist, or in any situation where user would want to use networking cables to extend the HDMI signal
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- Tim N Staff on Jul 5, 2017
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Can you power both the transmitter and the receiver? I can’t operate these reliability beyond 60m.
A shopper
on Jan 7, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
This would come with only one power adapter but if you were to find another power adapter with the proper size, voltage, and amperage you can have it connected directly to power on both ends.
This would come with only one power adapter but if you were to find another power adapter with the proper size, voltage, and amperage you can have it connected directly to power on both ends.
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- Tyler C Staff on Jun 27, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
This would come with only one power adapter but if you were to find another power adapter with the proper size, voltage, and amperage you can have it connected directly to power on both ends.
This would come with only one power adapter but if you were to find another power adapter with the proper size, voltage, and amperage you can have it connected directly to power on both ends.
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- Tyler C Staff on Jun 27, 2019
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Which IR transmitters and receivers are supported?
A shopper
on Aug 22, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
This item would come with the IR transmitter and receiver that would work with it.
This item would come with the IR transmitter and receiver that would work with it.
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- Tyler C Staff on Aug 2, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
This item would come with the IR transmitter and receiver that would work with it.
This item would come with the IR transmitter and receiver that would work with it.
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- Tyler C Staff on Aug 2, 2019
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Is the 4k@60 resolution 4:4:4 on this device or 4:2:0?
Scott R
on Oct 30, 2018
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
This extender would not pass 4:4:4 color.
This extender would not pass 4:4:4 color.
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- Tyler C Staff on Aug 29, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
This extender would not pass 4:4:4 color.
This extender would not pass 4:4:4 color.
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- Tyler C Staff on Aug 29, 2019
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Any way to extend the distance? I have 2 suites connected with 10GB fiber (on a flat network - no routers) and I would like to use these in both locations.
A shopper
on Mar 5, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
There would not be a way to extend this extenders range but you could use an extender like #24279 if you need the distance to go farther.
There would not be a way to extend this extenders range but you could use an extender like #24279 if you need the distance to go farther.
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- Tyler C Staff on Aug 27, 2019

Monoprice Blackbird 4K60 Video Extender with HDMI over Fiber Optic Cable up to 33,000 feet (10,000m), Supports IR and RS-232
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question.
There would not be a way to extend this extenders range but you could use an extender like #24279 if you need the distance to go farther.
There would not be a way to extend this extenders range but you could use an extender like #24279 if you need the distance to go farther.
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- Tyler C Staff on Aug 27, 2019

Monoprice Blackbird 4K60 Video Extender with HDMI over Fiber Optic Cable up to 33,000 feet (10,000m), Supports IR and RS-232
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I plan on mounting this (product 21817) behind my TV on the wall. Since the IR sensor will be blocked, what do I need to purchase in order to be able to control my STB etc which will be located in a different area behind a door? I purchased product 21609 as the transmitting hdbaset unit. It looks like there are pins on the back of the wall plate receiver, but the manual does not indicate how I would use them. Thanks!
Christopher K
on Jan 8, 2018

Monoprice Blackbird 4K60 Pro HDBaseT Extender Kit up to 100m with PoH, RS-232, HDCP 2.2

Monoprice Blackbird 4K HDBaseT Wall Plate Receiver, 2-Gang, PoC, Bidirectional IR and RS-232

Monoprice Blackbird 4K60 Pro HDBaseT Lite Video Extender Kit up to 70m with IR, PoC, RS-232, HDCP 2.2
Dear Monoprice Team or other customer, do you have / know a product like this one where I can have multiple RJ45 outputs on the transmitter unit so I can send the same image signal to two different receivers?
A shopper
on Dec 3, 2021
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